There has to be the equivalent of that Lenin quote about buying their own nooses, but for Global Northerners and immigration
Thats assuming they have money to buy nooses.
There has to be the equivalent of that Lenin quote about buying their own nooses, but for Global Northerners and immigration
Filmed in China.Thats assuming they have money to buy nooses.
Colonialists states will import foriegners used to overthrow themselves.There has to be the equivalent of that Lenin quote about buying their own nooses, but for Global Northerners and immigration
This American championship is probably an aberration. China won the previous 5 in a row, and China probably will win the next 5 in a row.
Meanwhile, Kamala Harris being like:Biden stepped down.
If I remember correctly it was Gollum that succeeded in destroying the One Ring, so credit where credit is dueHas India played the perfect game of destabilizing the hegemons first rishi sunak in the UK and now a potential win for kamala in the US. Is this what modi meant with leader of the global South?
In fairness, the argument on creativity is not entirely without merit. If I recall my history correctly, Confucius or a notable of the 儒家 authored a change in the expression of music in China, I believe by restricting musical expression to a set ritualistic form.Most Westerners are brainwashed sheeple - they just don't know better. BTW, China has a 5,000-year civilization.
it’s definitely inherent in Anglo culture to perceive friends and even family members are tools to be used, such that they kick their own children out of home at age 18, that Wang Huning pointed out in “America Against America”, was set to be the fractious seed of American civil discontent. You see it even now where boomer parents are reverse mortgaging their homes and leaving their kids with nothing, and then complain when their kids no longer speak to them.You might be more 'Chinese' than I am, and for that I am slightly jealous. You must have excellent Chinese reading / writing skills.
This may sound harsh but I see white friends as second tier friends due to being mutually less dependable and relatable, and I never talk about anything politics related.
I'd agree, but in my experience i find that the performative actions that these insecure white people want from Asians: obsequiousness, scraping, fat, asexual, self deprecating eats into your soul and moreover why should you have to undergo with ritual? If it's something quick that'll get them off your back, sure but if it's a constant exercise where they expect you to kowtow to them day in and day out, your subconscious is going to remember and assume that you really are that obsequious, servile, slave and it will seep into your psyche and self image.It's ok to adopt practices and behaviors that just work for a given scenario - remember that at end of the day what you receive for it is for your own benefit. It doesn't matter if the cat is black or white, as long as it catches mice. Even if that cat makes you feel slightly <insert adjective>, just think - would you rather the benefit goes to yourself or to someone that is actually disgusting?
India has had good demographics for how many decades now? Is their strong performance a sign of the strengthening of the country? Or is it just some contest that doesn’t really mean much? China has been dominating the IMO since they started competing in the 80s. Was China already a superpower by then?Four Chinese an Indian and a white guy who dragged the rest of the team’s scores down.
I’m more surprised by India’s 4th place, looks like they’re getting better quickly and having that huge young population does have benefits.
In fairness, the argument on creativity is not entirely without merit. If I recall my history correctly, Confucius or a notable of the 儒家 authored a change in the expression of music in China, I believe by restricting musical expression to a set ritualistic form.
Of course, when we see the works of 李白 or 杜甫, we see that this "China has no creativity because of authoritarianist culture of respect for order" is complete bull.
Personally however, I will say that labelling CCP as 后清 is not entirely without merit, and there is a degree of surpression of creative expression in China at the moment. There has been improvement in recent years.