Thanks bro, appreciate the heads up, but in my experience and perhaps australia is singularly a racist society for this, is that the attitude of white men in corporate when working with Asian men, is always one of insecurity, fear and opportunistim, hidden behind disarming false smiles. In my experience of friends and familes in engineering et al, the culture tends to be more casual and there is a sense of camaraderie that is not present in corporate finance and consulting, especially when females are in these corporate spaces along with utterly stupid nepotistic workers.While I am in engineering / tech, I have seen people I know in finance / consulting who fit the mould you described above rise to high positions (director, head of xxxx, etc).
By 'useful' I mean 'using your company clout / knowledge to grease the wheels to make things happen or so things go smoother', which builds a 'this guy makes things happen that others can't and gets people to do things I / others can't get them to do' reputation.
Do not take a 'let me take this on, and I'll fix it for you in my own time' approach, because this will build a 'here's a guy I can just exploit when I need, he won't complain and is easy to push' reputation. The first approach adds mega points to your rep, the latter will put you in the corporate version of the friendzone.
It also helps to become, at least partly, 'one of the boys' (i.e. able to joke with, speak on a cordial and equal footing when not receiving orders, and able to have a genuinely enjoyable time) with your immediate and adjacent superiors (and their superiors if appropriate) as this really builds trust and an 'I like this guy' recognition. If you view them as adversaries, then that will show through no matter how much you try to hide it.
You still can have excellent interpersonal relationships with individuals, regardless of your views on their society as a whole.
Reason for me saying all of this is that I just wanna see a brother succeed, and if it has been done before it can be done again.
One thing I need to make clear is, if in your heart of hearts you do not want to pursue the leadership route, then do not force it and pursue whatever technical or other endeavor you feel most comfortable with. At the end of the day you need to enjoy the limited time you have available, others' views are ultimately immaterial and unimportant.
One thing i will impart for anyone who needs to take the corporate route as part of their wealth strategy is to never give them ie the company, the higher ups etc an inch, never admit fault, never show weakness. As an Asian man, you'll have a lot of white karens, male and female who will want to take you down a peg over something about the work or otherwise, because due to our boomer parents generation, they think asian workers will always defer to authority figures, and they want to get that power fix and think Asians are an easy target.
Don't let them have that satisfaction, make the experience as horrible for them as possible so they leave you the F alone, cuz caving in and agreeing with them, like in some Asian companies for the sake of a team leader's ego, may work in Asia but it certainly doesnt work in the West, especially in anglo companies. You must fight for everything, never admit fault, cover your arse and take everyone down with you using all legal and corporate avenues. And in a weird psychosexual way, they will grow to respect you from the experience.
Personally, like all millenials i have no desire for the leadership route, corporate for me is but a means to an end; you look at most asians in corporate banking or finance or otherwise and see them go off and work part time whilst they start up a new business, fulfilling their own sense of purpose and i can empathise as well. Corporate for me is just a way i can tell the bank "look here, i has a stable job, now loan me money for a mortgage". Why put energy into entities controlled by insecure anglo companies and their pet indian middle managers who are constantly threatened by the mere presence of an asian man?
Bingo, anglos have a deep seated fear of asian faces given that they have lost more than a few wars and engagements against asian nations who were at that time, already on the backfoot. Australia for eg is a culture that is defined by a fear of Asia much like how Rhodesia was founded as a british colonial outpost in africa. Personally, i find the more acceptable aussies are the apolitical types but even then it's a stretch because after initial pleansantries, they will soon discover you as a competitor for jobs, positions, real estate, and even women. You haven't done anything wrong, you simply exist and much like China's existence is a direct threat to anglo american hegemony, your very existence living your life, dating, etc is a threat to an insecure anglo.This goes without saying. But it's easier said than done. Even if you try to kiss ass or whatever, of the upper guys don't feel comfortable in your presence for reasons you can't control then you get nothing.
For example if they decide they just don't like asian looking faces, it's tough to overcome such prejudice. Maybe for lower roles but once it gets to the upper parts where the pyramid gets smaller then you are out of luck. That's how TSMC started btw.
Now combine this phenomenon in an anglo society increasingly filled with school shooters and Incels:

An increasingly wealthy and powerful Asia will soon cease to become the last resort of the low status white male with no prospects of finding a mate. This is one of the few things that a lot of white men on tiktok, youtube and instagram have dreamed about, this war against China to find meaning in their otherwise empty lives.
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