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Registered Member
Four Chinese an Indian and a white guy who dragged the rest of the team’s scores down.

I’m more surprised by India’s 4th place, looks like they’re getting better quickly and having that huge young population does have benefits.
Indians are very competent in math. 4th place seems about right, given they lack Chinese, but is right below Chinese in math. The 3 team above are either Chinese or mostly composed of Chinese.


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For now, strategic balance makes sense. But as a small country, you eventually have to align with somebody. Not so long ago, these smaller asian countries all aligned or were vassals of China.
China went through upheaval. It's natural to lose influence in that situation. Again doesn't mean they will move close to US over time. Your logic doesn't make sense. They didn't when the balance of power was more in US favor, why would they now when China is raising again. They will maintain their strategic balance.

Brazil is aligned with US, lol. They are a major Non-Nato ally. You knew that right?
Yeah. Labels mean jack shit. Are they following US policy for Israel? Or for china? Are they trying to actively contain china? Not do business with china? Cause that's what the US wants. So if they are not following US diktat even if they are a "non NATO ally" what does that say for the label in the first place? It's doesn't mean crap.

I mean if that's your definitely of aligning with the US, that's a pretty loose definition, and really doesn't mean anything.

Turkey is part of NATO. They been gun-ho about joining the EU for decades until the US staged a coup against Erdogan.
Again, does turkey follow US influence and diktat as closely as US would like? If the US had so much control, then the coup would have succeeded. The fact that it didn't and turkey still follows a policy of self interest by your definition would mean it's a failure of the US foreign policy and influence because they are not aligning more closely with US interests.

Saudi Arabia is a US ally. Most of their weapons systems are from US, troops are trained by US. They just want Chinese investments not security umbrella. Petro - Dollar since the 1970s - so they been a vassal for half century. Despite the talk of the end of Pedro-Dollar, they still sell vast majority of the oil in.....Dollars (as long as US is still willing to provide security guarantees).
Again Do they follow US policy completely? What happened to that large agreement of recognizing Israel in exchange for US security guarantees, shouldn't it have been signed a while ago? Why don't they agree to it already and align fully with US interests?

The US wants nothing more than for SA to reject Chinese investment and economic cooperation, but that hasn't happened.

Aren't they supposed to align with the US? Is your definition of aligning with the US so loose that any label, irregardless of policy, will count?


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They have repeated that they rather be independent, hence they play both sides. They get Chinese factories in Vietnam producing products to be sold to the US. A big win for them. American nationalist thinks vietnam will help the us attack China from the south in a armed reunification scenerio, while Vietnam gets us semiconductor plants and sits it out.

Those plans for US semiconductor plants are being cancelled, by the way.

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Junior Member
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God DAMN, I had to idea Canada was this morbid! America paints them as mild and vanilla. Reading the title, I didn't know what MAID was. I thought it was some program to maybe send a lady to do some housework while chatting up these guys to cheer them up and lift them out from slob conditions. I had no idea that it stood for "medical assistance in dying!!" This says that "top" Canadian psychiatrists recommend helping angry young men kill themselves!! WTF!
Tell me about it :)
You should look at where all the banderites and actual German nazis ran to after WW2.


Registered Member
Vietnam will slowly transition towards the United States.
Part of Vietnam (the south) made a bet on US already, see what happened to it? Then unified Vietnam (north) tried USSR, see what happened. You think keep repeating the failed attempts will make a difference this time? Good luck with that. I don't know how you got the "good" idea for Vietnam, but I think Vietnamese leadership learnt their lessons and is learning from Ukraine right now.