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When whites accuse Asians of being more racist than they are, they can never point out a specific example. It's a generalization. You can point out endless specific examples of whites being racist but they'll claim that's an act of an individual and wrong and may even accuse you of being racist because you're generalizing.
When whites accuse Asians of being racist, it's an admission of their own guilt. Why do you think white people in the anglosphere get so triggered when asians speak in their own language? Because that white person believes they're talking shit about him/her and why would they think that? Because amongst their own co-ethnics, they love to bitch and moan and laugh at racist jokes about others. Every single thing the USG has accused China of doing, it has done itself from PRISM, cyber hacking, blackmailing, kidnapping, torture, murder, etc

Again, I have to disagree. I feel you've already locked yourself into a fixed mentality which you need to get out of. And I want to say something, which is not meant as an attack or to cast shade on your character in any way - I feel you've caged yourself in a victim "i can never succeed in this environment" mentality which is going to hurt you a lot in the long run, both professionally as well as personally and interpersonally. If you've already given up you cannot win. I repeat, if you've given up already in your heart and mind you cannot ever win.

I'll tell you a personal story - many, many years ago, I recall two counts of when I said I was Australian, and the other person asked "but where are you really from". The first time I was slightly annoyed, and the second time I decided f*ck it, if you can't accept me unconditionally, I won't prescribe to your views and identity. From then on, whenever asked, I would respond that I am Chinese. They would say, but you have an aussie accent, and I would say, yeah, I'm a citizen and I've lived here for quite a while. They would then get what I saw as a slightly confused and hurt expression, as if they were internally questioning "what is it about our identity that makes him reject it?". Straight back atcha. I own my own destiny and identity, and I will make you question yours if you press me.
Because I can't stand living to someone else's expectations, if you cause inconvenience to me I am going to turn it around on you, in a socially, PC acceptable way of course, to put the onus on you as to why something is worth believing / enjoying / living. And with this attitude I've never taken sh*t from anybody, and no one seems to try to give it anymore either.
For anyone else in similar situations, I implore you to take charge of your own life and never be a victim, never assess yourself on someone else's standards, and never lock yourself into a self defeating mentality. Because it just doesn't need to be like that.


The easy response to the Harold and Kumar scene is "Sorry man, but no can do. I've filled my dance card with xyz and am doing a special assignment for XXX (your director). You can go talk to him if you want, however anything on top of the current top projects list is going to cause big time delays". Just do a reverse uno. And it's not just you, they do it to anyone they think they can get away with. You just gotta show them the hoops they need to jump through to get something out of you.

If someone doesn't respect me, then I don't respect them. If it is not an equal relationship, then I seek to find ammunition that makes it equal, or ideally, tilted in my favor. Nobody gets to walk over me. When walking over has to happen, it's either me walking over them or nothing at all.

Maybe the US is different, but in AU the work environment is reasonably easy to deal with. Note: Jai Hinds don't get far in good Au companies either as they just feel off and inevitably do something (like hire a bunch of non qualified indians) that gets them fired faster than you can say "no spice".


Addendum - I don't worry what others think. I don't give a damn about disapproving stares, if I ever get them, because I know deep down they wish they were me / in my position. I only care about the opinions of those close to me and my fellow Chinese, because they are my own people. Any outsiders that stand in my way, I will step over you while smiling, to get what is mine. Outsiders that stand in our way, well, we'll crush you in due time, and your children will be our slaves.
and that's ok, your experience are just as valid as my experiences. We agree on many things but the only salient difference is that i have written off the entire anglo state social/corporate entity whereas you appear to still view it as a viable path forward and indeed, engineering and tech is certainly viable as meritocracies simply because you can't indian your way up the engineering hierarchy.

There are certain battles that one - and China as a polity - can choose not to fight because it would play to anglo strengths, and playing the corporate game with its neverending bamboo ceilings and goalpost moving is one such game i would recommend avoiding, epsecially when you can simply create an alternate game that sucks money, wealth, clients and power away from the anglos.

Take the Taiwan issue, the americans were planning on initiating a conflict with China in 2021 with that Pelosi trip and had setup the board in their advantage. China simply chose not to take the bait and spent the next year and a bit assiduously preparing themselves for war. The effects are concrete: american retreat from the first island chain, the filipinos approaching China cap in hand, the loss of american prestige, the current stagflation in the US due to chinese dumping US debt. Similarly, when i recommend asian workers of anglo corporate structures, to simply treat their careers in such structures as a stepping stone and adopt the anglo culture of 'nothing personal, jack, it's just business', i'm encouraging them to look out for their own best interests and not to invest too much of their own blood sweat and tears into an entity which views you more as a competitor on a deep freudian level, than as an ally.

I'll tell you a personal story - many, many years ago, I recall two counts of when I said I was Australian, and the other person asked "but where are you really from". The first time I was slightly annoyed, and the second time I decided f*ck it, if you can't accept me unconditionally, I won't prescribe to your views and identity. From then on, whenever asked, I would respond that I am Chinese. They would say, but you have an aussie accent, and I would say, yeah, I'm a citizen and I've lived here for quite a while. They would then get what I saw as a slightly confused and hurt expression, as if they were internally questioning "what is it about our identity that makes him reject it?". Straight back atcha. I own my own destiny and identity, and I will make you question yours if you press me
Yes, same; when pressed on "where are you really from", i immediately say China, and when they ask which province, i say Taiwan and when they say 'but you're taiwanese then, not chinese', i immediately correct them. The whitesplaining is out of this world. All in all, anglo australians see themselves as american or british or a member of the Five Eyes, anglo empire before they conceviably view themselves as Australian as a nation state per se.


Registered Member
When whites accuse Asians of being racist, it's an admission of their own guilt. Why do you think white people in the anglosphere get so triggered when asians speak in their own language? Because that white person believes they're talking shit about him/her and why would they think that? Because amongst their own co-ethnics, they love to bitch and moan and laugh at racist jokes about others. Every single thing the USG has accused China of doing, it has done itself from PRISM, cyber hacking, blackmailing, kidnapping, torture, murder, etc

and that's ok, your experience are just as valid as my experiences. We agree on many things but the only salient difference is that i have written off the entire anglo state social/corporate entity whereas you appear to still view it as a viable path forward and indeed, engineering and tech is certainly viable as meritocracies simply because you can't indian your way up the engineering hierarchy.

There are certain battles that one - and China as a polity - can choose not to fight because it would play to anglo strengths, and playing the corporate game with its neverending bamboo ceilings and goalpost moving is one such game i would recommend avoiding, epsecially when you can simply create an alternate game that sucks money, wealth, clients and power away from the anglos.

Take the Taiwan issue, the americans were planning on initiating a conflict with China in 2021 with that Pelosi trip and had setup the board in their advantage. China simply chose not to take the bait and spent the next year and a bit assiduously preparing themselves for war. The effects are concrete: american retreat from the first island chain, the filipinos approaching China cap in hand, the loss of american prestige, the current stagflation in the US due to chinese dumping US debt. Similarly, when i recommend asian workers of anglo corporate structures, to simply treat their careers in such structures as a stepping stone and adopt the anglo culture of 'nothing personal, jack, it's just business', i'm encouraging them to look out for their own best interests and not to invest too much of their own blood sweat and tears into an entity which views you more as a competitor on a deep freudian level, than as an ally.

Yes, same; when pressed on "where are you really from", i immediately say China, and when they ask which province, i say Taiwan and when they say 'but you're taiwanese then, not chinese', i immediately correct them. The whitesplaining is out of this world. All in all, anglo australians see themselves as american or british or a member of the Five Eyes, anglo empire before they conceviably view themselves as Australian as a nation state per se.
I respect your POV, and agree with your views on picking your fights.

I'd like to clarify that I share the below view, however a guy still needs to eat, so why not command more resource for oneself?
i have written off the entire anglo state social/corporate entity

I'd also like to note that you are not without the ability to influence outcomes, wherever you are, and that on a personal level, 'winning' will provide a big boost to quality of life. I feel good when people listen to me or defer to me, especially when its locals.

I just can't stand to see people being bullied.
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I don't understand the mentality of diaspora Chinese liberals.

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I still remember right after the recent Trump-Biden debate where a certain hanjian with a scantily-clad lady profile picture on Twitter who proudly claimed that she will still vote for Biden even if Biden is paralyzed.

Hope she's enjoying her meltdown.
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google, microsoft, nvidia, los alamos, jet propulsion lab, amd, a great deal of the US AI industry... these entities, industries wouldn't exist in their full glory without the contribution of western/westernised Chinese.

China China should out-China mini China surely. It is doing just that but personal opinion is that Chinese culture within China is a bit too conformist.
Google - not a cultural product, founded by white guys. What Chinese creative product?

Microsoft - not a cultural product, founded by white guy. What Chinese creative product?

NVIDIA - not a cultural product.

JPL - not a cultural product, founded by a white guy. What Chinese creative product?

AMD - not a cultural product, founded by a white guy. What Chinese creative product?

AI industry - first AI accelerator chip was the Diannao series invented at Tsinghua. China Chinese, not western Chinese, understand that.

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By 1988, Wei Zhang et al. had discussed fast optical implementations of convolutional neural networks for alphabet recognition.
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In 2014, Chen et al. proposed DianNao (Chinese for "electric brain"),
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to accelerate deep neural networks especially. DianNao provides the 452 Gop/s peak performance (of key operations in deep neural networks) only in a small footprint of 3.02 mm2 and 485 mW. Later, the successors (DaDianNao,
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) are proposed by the same group, forming the DianNao Family
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Of these only NVIDIA is arguably true. And it's still not a creative product.

If you count technology as a 'creative product' then I have more bad news for you.
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Lieutenant General
In fairness, the argument on creativity is not entirely without merit. If I recall my history correctly, Confucius or a notable of the 儒家 authored a change in the expression of music in China, I believe by restricting musical expression to a set ritualistic form.
Of course, when we see the works of 李白 or 杜甫, we see that this "China has no creativity because of authoritarianist culture of respect for order" is complete bull.
Personally however, I will say that labelling CCP as 后清 is not entirely without merit, and there is a degree of surpression of creative expression in China at the moment. There has been improvement in recent years.
It’s a sign of how brainwash people have become that they accept without question or critical assessment the proven false western group think that creativity is the end all and be all of advancement.

As with all things in life, there needs to be balance. Too much creativity can be just as damaging as too little.

Anyone can daydream, but you need wisdom to find the true gems in the rough ideas and determination and focus to turn a dream into reality.

There is wisdom in the saying you should send a lazy man to do a new task so he can find the way to do it with the least effort. But that is also only half the picture, because you also need someone disciplined and strict to do the quality control or you end up with garbage quality work.

The west is failing because their leaders are packed with people who are only obsessed with finding get-rich-quick schemes and don’t want to do the hard work.

China is succeeding because it’s leaders and culture promotes disciple and determination to do the hard graft to get shit done.

Can China do better? Well of course, no society or people are perfect so there is always room for improvement. But it is an odd argument indeed to ditch your own highly successful winning formula to copy your opponent’s loosing strategy instead. Especially since your opponent is now trying to copy you.


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unless Ukraine is fulfilling their end of the bargain and providing schematics and IP for motor Sich, y know the company that. China bought and paid for, ukraine shouldn’t even make any sort of demands of China. Blackrock and western firms should not get a piece of any part of Ukraine until Chinese companies are first made whole with interest.