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Registered Member
I'd agree, but in my experience i find that the performative actions that these insecure white people want from Asians: obsequiousness, scraping, fat, asexual, self deprecating eats into your soul and moreover why should you have to undergo with ritual? If it's something quick that'll get them off your back, sure but if it's a constant exercise where they expect you to kowtow to them day in and day out, your subconscious is going to remember and assume that you really are that obsequious, servile, slave and it will seep into your psyche and self image.
This is where I disagree - you don't need to prostrate yourself, and you don't need to 'ask permission' to win. You can get all you want by standing your ground, making sure you have a good response to all potential attacking points, and most importantly - reading the room. You don't need to be scraping, fat, asexual, and self deprecating (which the vast majority of self respecting people aren't), you can literally be the exact opposite but provided you know how to play your hand. Don't typecast yourself.

I feel you might take them and some things a bit too seriously, and maybe need to learn to play the crowd a bit more - i.e. if in an all hand meeting you get called out for some BS item, which in reality is a buck pass to avoid blame, if you can shut it down forcefully without coming across as combative or obstructive or giving in, you win some real points and get quietly tipped for future leadership roles. If you just give way and display an obsequious, scraping, fat, asexual, self deprecating attitude, you quickly lose the respect of the room, which you then need to work hard to overcome.

I feel that this kind of thinking is what shackles a lot of people to stay below a certain level, and I see this amongst many technical people of various backgrounds, and the core issue is more a matter of interpersonal awareness and political savvy. I've seen several people (various backgrounds) get themselves fired, pipped or relegated to some out of the way dead end role for saying the wrong things at the wrong times to the wrong people.

I get tech fields may be different to finance, but I don't think it's that different. Promotions, etc. are still highly political, and to move up you need a reasonably good EQ and interpersonal ability.
Just play the game better to win the prize, but don't ever bow for a treat. The real wins are taken, not asked for and given with permission.

I am saying all of this because mid to mid-high level roles are not as inaccessible as some might think, and I don't want people to typecast themselves. I get this is an online military forum where most people might not be interested in pursuing those types of roles anyway, but I need everyone to know that you can't be defeated unless you allow yourself to be mentally defeated. Stand your ground, never give up, bang some chicks and kick some ass. Corny I know, but it felt right.

Edit: also work out, play sport and get ripped, it will do wonders for confidence.
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Registered Member
Major democrat meltdowns in the comments. Grabbing some bulk popcorn from Costco for the next few months.
If there is another assassination attempt on Trump, we could see some beautiful sights popping up across the shining city. If successful, we will see beautiful sights.
I have also offloaded just about all US shares, so I don't wake up in cold sweats over this type of thing anymore. Happy days.


Registered Member
Gunther Eagleman. You can't find the name more American name than this. I bet this guy is already training so he can shot any useless politician and lead American to new era.
Dunno why but I picture a retard whenever I hear the name Gunther. Maybe something to do with the guy that comes up with the reddit fantasy maps of China and any country that rebukes Nato


Registered Member
As for genetic basis. That's a major LOL. Chinese people are inherently as capable as any other human. There shouldn't be any doubt to this unless you're programmed to think with debilitating racism. As a note, Chinese should not underestimate Indians. It's not Indian intelligence or creativity that is lacking though. India is a much poorer organised society. It is simply not running even as effectively as Western nations post 2010s. Not to mention a much more severe lacking of material wealth which promotes industry, risk taking etc.
it really depends on epigenetic factors as well and given Millenia of caste based breeding, it’s clear what characteristics and features these Indians were selected for: flattery, cowardice, scraping, vindictiveness, scamming and loquaciousness.
This is where I disagree - you don't need to prostrate yourself, and you don't need to 'ask permission' to win. You can get all you want by standing your ground, making sure you have a good response to all potential attacking points, and most importantly - reading the room. You don't need to be scraping, fat, asexual, and self deprecating (which the vast majority of self respecting people aren't), you can literally be the exact opposite but provided you know how to play your hand. Don't typecast yourself.

I feel you might take them and some things a bit too seriously, and maybe need to learn to play the crowd a bit more - i.e. if in an all hand meeting you get called out for some BS item, which in reality is a buck pass to avoid blame, if you can shut it down forcefully without coming across as combative or obstructive or giving in, you win some real points and get quietly tipped for future leadership roles. If you just give way and display an obsequious, scraping, fat, asexual, self deprecating attitude, you quickly lose the respect of the room, which you then need to work hard to overcome.
No, really; standing up for yourself is necessary but it can be draining, the constant attrition of working with a pitful of snakes. No man is an island and in order to get through internships or apprenticeships or cadetships, one must make compromises. Example, being a highly likable and charismatic individual in an anglocentric work setting can get you far...up til the point where discussions of promotions and raises are brought up, and there you'll see just how extensive the bamboo ceiling really is.

This scene from Harold & Kumar hits the nail on the head:

I'm simply being realistic; when the board members are overwhelmingly anglo and jewish and they only promote comprador indians to middle management, you're wasting your energy and bandwidth trying to get even a team leader's role for 15-20% more in your income when that time could be better spent investing into a seperate side business, or investment property that could well take off and provide you with true financial independance.

I feel that this kind of thinking is what shackles a lot of people to stay below a certain level, and I see this amongst many technical people of various backgrounds, and the core issue is more a matter of interpersonal awareness and political savvy. I've seen several people (various backgrounds) get themselves fired, pipped or relegated to some out of the way dead end role for saying the wrong things at the wrong times to the wrong people.

I get tech fields may be different to finance, but I don't think it's that different. Promotions, etc. are still highly political, and to move up you need a reasonably good EQ and interpersonal ability.
Just play the game better to win the prize, but don't ever bow for a treat. The real wins are taken, not asked for and given with permission.

I am saying all of this because mid to mid-high level roles are not as inaccessible as some might think, and I don't want people to typecast themselves. I get this is an online military forum where most people might not be interested in pursuing those types of roles anyway, but I need everyone to know that you can't be defeated unless you allow yourself to be mentally defeated. Stand your ground, never give up, bang some chicks and kick some ass. Corny I know, but it felt right.

Edit: also work out, play sport and get ripped, it will do wonders for confidence.
Depends on your definition of winning and the parameters of Victory.
For me, victory is defined as financial security and the propagation of my family name, legacy and children and the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. This necessarily means material gains must be acquired eg house, six fig job, assets and a lot of these items are zero sum against predominantly white and indian applicants. As part of their ploys for strategic advantage, white anglos will decry 'guanxi' and nepotism and virtue signal supposed objectivity, but ardently select for their own relatives and their own mates and this is done to the extreme shamelessly by indians.


Registered Member
Exactly. The truth is somewhere in between. Although I would disagree with the racists' generalisations that non-white peoples have less creativity as some absolute truth. The reality is Chinese people can and are creative under similar and different circumstances. It's just that modern China's culture and society encourages conformity. Chinese people raised and living in the West often don't experience as much social pressure to conform and are often more likely to display creativity.
Did western Chinese come up with Genshin Impact, Honkai Star Rail, Azure Lane, Three Body Problem, Wandering Earth, Ark Knights or literally any Chinese language cultural IP within the past 50 years?

No? OK, let's relax the criteria to include any language cultural IP.

No? OK, what creativity? Where are they?


Junior Member
Registered Member
Did western Chinese come up with Genshin Impact, Honkai Star Rail, Azure Lane, Three Body Problem, Wandering Earth, Ark Knights or literally any Chinese language cultural IP within the past 50 years?

No? OK, let's relax the criteria to include any language cultural IP.

No? OK, what creativity? Where are they?
Well, Panda Express is a great example of creativity XD


Registered Member
No, really; standing up for yourself is necessary but it can be draining, the constant attrition of working with a pitful of snakes. No man is an island and in order to get through internships or apprenticeships or cadetships, one must make compromises. Example, being a highly likable and charismatic individual in an anglocentric work setting can get you far...up til the point where discussions of promotions and raises are brought up, and there you'll see just how extensive the bamboo ceiling really is.

This scene from Harold & Kumar hits the nail on the head:

I'm simply being realistic; when the board members are overwhelmingly anglo and jewish and they only promote comprador indians to middle management, you're wasting your energy and bandwidth trying to get even a team leader's role for 15-20% more in your income when that time could be better spent investing into a seperate side business, or investment property that could well take off and provide you with true financial independance.

Depends on your definition of winning and the parameters of Victory.
For me, victory is defined as financial security and the propagation of my family name, legacy and children and the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. This necessarily means material gains must be acquired eg house, six fig job, assets and a lot of these items are zero sum against predominantly white and indian applicants. As part of their ploys for strategic advantage, white anglos will decry 'guanxi' and nepotism and virtue signal supposed objectivity, but ardently select for their own relatives and their own mates and this is done to the extreme shamelessly by indians.
Again, I have to disagree. I feel you've already locked yourself into a fixed mentality which you need to get out of. And I want to say something, which is not meant as an attack or to cast shade on your character in any way - I feel you've caged yourself in a victim "i can never succeed in this environment" mentality which is going to hurt you a lot in the long run, both professionally as well as personally and interpersonally. If you've already given up you cannot win. I repeat, if you've given up already in your heart and mind you cannot ever win.

I'll tell you a personal story - many, many years ago, I recall two counts of when I said I was Australian, and the other person asked "but where are you really from". The first time I was slightly annoyed, and the second time I decided f*ck it, if you can't accept me unconditionally, I won't prescribe to your views and identity. From then on, whenever asked, I would respond that I am Chinese. They would say, but you have an aussie accent, and I would say, yeah, I'm a citizen and I've lived here for quite a while. They would then get what I saw as a slightly confused and hurt expression, as if they were internally questioning "what is it about our identity that makes him reject it?". Straight back atcha. I own my own destiny and identity, and I will make you question yours if you press me.
Because I can't stand living to someone else's expectations, if you cause inconvenience to me I am going to turn it around on you, in a socially, PC acceptable way of course, to put the onus on you as to why something is worth believing / enjoying / living. And with this attitude I've never taken sh*t from anybody, and no one seems to try to give it anymore either.
For anyone else in similar situations, I implore you to take charge of your own life and never be a victim, never assess yourself on someone else's standards, and never lock yourself into a self defeating mentality. Because it just doesn't need to be like that.


The easy response to the Harold and Kumar scene is "Sorry man, but no can do. I've filled my dance card with xyz and am doing a special assignment for XXX (your director). You can go talk to him if you want, however anything on top of the current top projects list is going to cause big time delays". Just do a reverse uno. And it's not just you, they do it to anyone they think they can get away with. You just gotta show them the hoops they need to jump through to get something out of you.

If someone doesn't respect me, then I don't respect them. If it is not an equal relationship, then I seek to find ammunition that makes it equal, or ideally, tilted in my favor. Nobody gets to walk over me. When walking over has to happen, it's either me walking over them or nothing at all.

Maybe the US is different, but in AU the work environment is reasonably easy to deal with. Note: Jai Hinds don't get far in good Au companies either as they just feel off and inevitably do something (like hire a bunch of non qualified indians) that gets them fired faster than you can say "no spice".


Addendum - I don't worry what others think. I don't give a damn about disapproving stares, if I ever get them, because I know deep down they wish they were me / in my position. I only care about the opinions of those close to me and my fellow Chinese, because they are my own people. Any outsiders that stand in my way, I will step over you while smiling, to get what is mine. Outsiders that stand in our way, well, we'll crush you in due time, and your children will be our slaves.


Edit: I've never had any issues when it comes to raises, promotions. The vast majority of my experiences have been fair, and I don't think being in the eng/tech space is the reason. I have come across workers who have had the same observations as below, but their blind spot was always around some key character traits, such as not being able to handle criticism, not having a level of mental and emotional toughness towards legitimate and fair feedback, not standing their ground in even a slightly confrontational setting, etc.

There is a bamboo ceiling, don't get me wrong, but I see that more for the very high, C-level type positions, in which various other factors (including optics) comes into play. I think a big part of the ceiling is also people thinking that they have no chance, and not even trying, which is the greatest tragedy.

I just don't want to see people fall into the same trap that many have fallen into, and develop a victim mentality. Happy to talk further if you want, feel free to DM.

Example, being a highly likable and charismatic individual in an anglocentric work setting can get you far...up til the point where discussions of promotions and raises are brought up, and there you'll see just how extensive the bamboo ceiling really is.
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Registered Member
Did western Chinese come up with Genshin Impact, Honkai Star Rail, Azure Lane, Three Body Problem, Wandering Earth, Ark Knights or literally any Chinese language cultural IP within the past 50 years?

No? OK, let's relax the criteria to include any language cultural IP.

No? OK, what creativity? Where are they?

google, microsoft, nvidia, los alamos, jet propulsion lab, amd, a great deal of the US AI industry... these entities, industries wouldn't exist in their full glory without the contribution of western/westernised Chinese.

China China should out-China mini China surely. It is doing just that but personal opinion is that Chinese culture within China is a bit too conformist.