Sure. And then portugal was conquered by spain in 1580, and in 1585 spain got defeated by england. Spain´s army couldnt invade england because england was an island. America´s colonization by england started a few years later (early 1600´s). England focused on its navy, unlike spain which had to develop a large army to fight in europe. Thats why England´s navy was technologically superior to spain despite numbers. Superior tech isnt born out of thin air. There is a reason for it.
Since when was Russia a scientifical power? USSR was always about developing a large heavy low tech industry. Much of its civilian tech was stolen from the west, or even didnt exist. Only in military they were advanced, and thats because ¾ of their scientists worked on that field, and soviet scientists couldnt leave the country.
The USA is the major exception to this rule, because it was founded by an island nation (england). The US inherited from england its economical and technological aspects, and to a certain extent its political and cultural aspects. The US was always a democracy. If it had been colonized by germany or russia, do you think that the result would had been the same?
The USA could be considered an “island” nation from the early XX century. It just didnt had/have continental threats anymore. The USA beated japan because they had superior tech (due in large part to the fact that it had industrialized much sooner. Heck, it was the US who forced japan to open up in 1859) they had much superior industry and resources, both mineral and human.
But earlier, japan beated china, imperial Rússia and korea, the first two much larger than japan in size.
Its not. When china runs out of cheap labour and other nations force it to abandon its mercantilist policies, the comunist regime will sucumb due to its ineficiency, corruption and lack of democratic legitimacy (born out of the excessive interference of the state in the economy. China´s capitalism is a form of state capitalism). What will china be post-comunism? No one knows.
No, it wont, the US will continue to dominate.
Spain was defeated because they lacked strategy and will, but most important Spain never accepted the renasaince and scientific revolution like England.
However Spain discovered America and discovered the way to go via America to Asia.
The portuguese the way to Asia via Africa where was England there?
in 1066, the Vikings discovered America and defeated England.
Where was England when Da vinci made its paintings or discoveries?
In fact Spain did all what it did because the Arab, Indian and greek science was rediscovered in al Andalus.
However England took that science and developed further.
However by 1941, England was at the Mercy of Germany, if Germany would had not attacked the Soviet Union and declared war to the US, by a combine effort of Submarines and air force Germany would had conquered England.
Germany was defeated by Russia, and lesser extend the US, while Japan was defeated by a continental power.
Both island nations lost their empires to Continental power, the USSR had all the technologies the US had, in fact the USSR had computers, aircraft, cars however the Soviet Union broke up, with this got bankrupt so most of its technologies were to the drain, and today western propaganda claims the Soviet Union was technologically backward, the Soviet Union had the technology, but they were not exploiting it properly.
Today England is no more a manufacturing power, Germany is the real ruler of Europe, in that geography has nothing to do, its commerce and science.
Today commerce is lead by China (continental power) Germany (continental power) and USA another continental power.
In weapons is the same, largest nuclear forces belong to Russia and USA both continental powers.
Same largest economies.
But the reason is technology, science, and communications.
Geography played a very important role in the beginings of civilization, but now not anymore, in our days you have technology that is the product of many nations.
To put you an example, B787 has pieces from many countries, it is not anymore an american product, it has engines developed by US, mexicans and who knows who else, parts made in China and Japan and others from Europe.
Technology is globalazing it self and with this a multipolar world is emerging.