Banned Idiot
Go read some history books
R&D today envolves lots and lots of data and man-hours. Scientists cant take data/documents when they leave the companies where they worked. Besides, individually they only worked a portion of the projects. No one knows everything. Only the company has all the data/knowledge.
Otherwise there would be already lots of GE´s, Siemens, Microsoft, etc.
Of course scientists always take their experience with them. But it will require a lot of effort (ex: china ) in order to replicate that R&D.
It is the USA, Europe, Japan that outsource tech, not china, índia or Rússia.
Russia is the largest producer of ICBM. To whom they will sell them? Rússia should build things that sell
in the case of jet engine design in mexico, GE is not the only company designing jet engines, ITP also design engines, in fact in Mexico, Goodrich also make engine parts and other companies do research too.
Mexico City,- The Spaniard company Industria de Turbo Propulsores (ITP) announced an investment in Mexico for US$160 million in a center devoted to design and manufacturing of low pressure turbines, to be located in Queretaro, in
Frisa Monterrey The company, which produces turbine structures, the project will provide parts for Japanese aircraft.
Monterrey won industry and, as a supplier, a Japanese aerospace ambitious project to manufacture a new aircraft model, the Mitsubishi Regional Jet, known as MRJ and will be released in 2013, said Herminio Blanco Mendoza.
This means, that in Mexico there is ample knowledge of how to make a jet engine, Frisa Aerospace a mexican company also designs parts for jet engines.
In all emerging markets there is not one but several companies doing design this means nations like China, India, Brazil or Russia will absorb enough technology to create engines or computers or what ever they want.
Thanks to internet geography does not play a big role so design now is international and B787 is an international project same the microprossesor made by Intel.
We are in an age where geography only limits the resources a country has but the technology is the way to exploit it.
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