Banned Idiot
democracy doesnt get anything done. that is proven. it only works for a country that is already developed and the people wealthy, especially educated enough to handle it. name one country that succeeded through democracy, i mean from rag to rich.
we had in the past dictators in Mexico, in fact from 1821 to 1920 we were ruled by dictators, from 1910 to 2000 we had a disfunctional democracy, were a single party ruled despite that we were a multiparty democracy, so Democracy needs to be perfected, we are learning and sooner or later we will succeed we do not need dictators we know what they really do.
We just need to exploit our geographical location to bring more wealth to our population so less people get in organized crime andthat means more science, technology, democracy and trade[video=youtube;WtiG2exArEc]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WtiG2exArEc[/video][video=youtube;VBAuZ6Maplo]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VBAuZ6Maplo&feature=related[/video]
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