Which countries have the best land/positioning?


Banned Idiot
I read somewhere that in Mexico, law enforcement and power is personified, a leftover from spanish rule.

kind of true, but not entirely true, Mexico as New Zealand was a colony, (of course we were from Spain and you from England) where spanish immigration has being constant for 500 years but spain has another geographical context.

Mexico is fact has a lucky and unlucky geographical location we are lucky because of the trade we can have, many nations want to invest in Mexico just to get access to the US markets, but that includes organized Crime like the colombian cartels.

however flow of weapons to the cartels is by many sources see
this mexican report claims the most dangerous cartel buys a lot of weapons from the US
this report claims they buy weapons directly from US souces
[video=youtube;8pltCdsNcEc]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8pltCdsNcEc&feature=related[/video] [video=youtube;hjsqXubeCWg]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hjsqXubeCWg[/video]

this report claims the US is the main source of weapons to latin american criminals[video=youtube;IvSFK-rNgXk]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IvSFK-rNgXk[/video]

a good report by BBC[video=youtube;HLi3TsfkC-0]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HLi3TsfkC-0&feature=related[/video]
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Banned Idiot
Mexico has a very unique problem. In fact, in situations like this, democracy is less effective. Think of Red China and the USSR, neither has gang problem. But as soon as the tight rule loosened (China's reform in the 80s and collapse of USSR), the gang problem thrived. Because of this, China had an anti-gang/crime crack down in the 80s and a lot of laws were made/changed for it. Science and technology do improve a nation's strength, but they have nothing to do with solving gang problems.

All they need is a strong men with support of the people and the military.Send tanks, howitzers and Apaches into the home of cartels, I'm sure it will be solved within month, if not better, within weeks.

This is not rocket science. I'm sure every police knows most of the major cartel members in their regions. Even if they don't, they could just arrest the foot soldiers and ask them. If they don't say anything, threaten with life imprisonment or even capital punishment. Maybe worse, some sort of social record similar to those in USSR, those that could affect their family members future, in terms of rejections for jobs, education, and etc. Once those cartel heads are caught, execute them. This is the most efficient way to solve this unique problem.

I'm sure everyone loves democracy, including myself. Who doesn't want to live in freedom. But in this case, good luck trying to get things done with the system they have right now. I'm sure if nothing changes, the problem will persists for decades to come.

Not sure you guys ever seen a cheesy TV series called "Suits". I clearly remember a quote, saying "good people sometimes have to do bad things to achieve what is right". Jefferson and Washington both are seen by the British as skanks, low life and traitors, but today they are eternal heroes in the eyes of Americans. If nothing is done in a iron fist manner, we might even one day see the cartel run the country.
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Banned Idiot
Mexico has a very unique problem. In fact, in situations like this, democracy is less effective. Think of Red China and the USSR, neither has gang problem. But as soon as the tight rule loosened (China's reform in the 80s and collapse of USSR), the gang problem thrived. Because of this, China had an anti-gang/crime crack down in the 80s and a lot of laws were made/changed for it. Science and technology do improve a nation's strength, but they have nothing to do with solving gang problems.

All they need is a strong men with support of the people and the military.Send tanks, howitzers and Apaches into the home of cartels, I'm sure it will be solved within month, if not better, within weeks.

This is not rocket science. I'm sure every police knows most of the major cartel members in their regions. Even if they don't, they could just arrest the foot soldiers and ask them. If they don't say anything, threaten with life imprisonment or even capital punishment. Maybe worse, some sort of social record similar to those in USSR, those that could affect their family members future, in terms of rejections for jobs, education, and etc. Once those cartel heads are caught, execute them. This is the most efficient way to solve this unique problem.

I'm sure everyone loves democracy, including myself. Who doesn't want to live in freedom. But in this case, good luck trying to get things done with the system they have right now. I'm sure if nothing changes, the problem will persists for decades to come.

Not sure you guys ever seen a cheesy TV series called "Suits". I clearly remember a quote, saying "good people sometimes have to do bad things to achieve what is right". Jefferson and Washington both are seen by the British as skanks, low life and traitors, but today they are eternal heroes in the eyes of Americans. Eisenhower killed millions of German POWs in the concentration camps, but to the Americans he is also a hero.

If nothing is done in a iron fist manner, we might even one day see the cartel run the country.

i disagree, in Mexico we need more democracy, more freedom, second culturally in Mexico we have a culture of corruption tha we need to change, we are blessed in terms of location, we recieve investment, we can commerce with the US and we are a democracy, you have freedom, the problem is we need more freedom, more democracy, less corruption, for example we recieve lots of Asian investment because they want to sell their products in the US. but Mexico needs more democracy and the culture we have is moving the country towards a desire of a more democratic country and we have the need to reduce corruption in order to be more competitivee and the need to increase investment in science and technology, but definitively democracy is better for us
and like this song says

La Policia te esta extorcionando (dinero)
pero ellos viven de lo que tu estas pagando
y si te tratan como a un delincuente (ladrón)
no es tu culpa, dale gracias al regente
que arrancara el problema da raiz
y cambiar al gobierno de nuestro pais
a la gente que esta en la burocracia
a esa gente que le gustan las migajas
yo por eso me quejo y me quejo
porque aqui es donde vivo
yo ya no soy un pendejo
que no wachas los puestos del gobierno
hay personas que se estan enriqueciendo
gente que vive en la pobreza
nadie hace nada porque a nadie le interesas
la gente de arriba te detesta, hay mas gente que quiere que caigan sus cabezas
si le das mas poder al poder mas duro te van a venir a cojer
porque fuimos potencia mundial
somos pobres nos manejan mal

dame dame dame dame todo el power
para que te demos en la madre
gimme gimme gimme gimme todo el poder
so i can come around to joder
damele damele damele damele todo el poder
damele damele damele damele todo el power

porque no nacimos donde no hay que comer
no hay porque preguntarnos ¿como le vamos a hacer?
si nos gritan como a unos güevones
si se siente el pavor mexexicano que sienta
todos juntos como hermanos porque somos mas
jalamos mas parejo porque estan siguiendo a una bola de pendejos
que los llevan por donde les conviene y es nuestro sudor lo que los mantiene
los mantiene comiendo pan caliente ese pan es el pan de nuestra gente

dame dame dame dame todo el power
para que te demos en la madre
gimme gimme gimme gimme todo el poder
so i can come around to joder
dame dame dame dame el poder
dame dame dame dame todo el power
el pueblo unido jamas sera vencido

dame dame dame dame el poder
dame dame dame dame todo el power

if the police are extorting you (money)
but they live on what you are paying
and if you are treated like a criminal (thief)
it is not your fault, give thanks to the Regent
to remove the root of the problem
and change the government of our country
that people in the bureaucracy
those people who like crumbs
That's why I complain and complain
because here is where I live
I'm not an idiot
do not you watch the government posts
there are people who are enriching;
people living in poverty
no one does anything because nobody cares
top people hate you, there are more people who want to drop their heads
if you give more power to power the harder they'll come to cheat
because we were a world power
we are poor we are mishandled

give me give me give me give me all the power
to defeat and cheat you
gimme gimme gimme gimme all the power
so i can come around to cheat you
give it give it gice it all power
give it give it give it all power

because we were not born where there is nothing to eat
there is no reason to ask how can we do?
if they portrait us as lazy, we are not
let us show the mexican power
together as brothers because we are more
we pull more even then why you are following a bunch of fools
that lead us where they want and our sweat is what keeps them
eating that bread that is the bread of our people

give me give me give me give me all the power
to cheat you
gimme gimme gimme gimme all the power
so i can come around to cheat and con you
gimme gimme gimme gimme the power
give me give me give me give me all the power
The people united will never be defeated

gimme gimme gimme gimme the power
give me give me give me give me all the power

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Banned Idiot
democracy doesnt get anything done. that is proven. it only works for a country that is already developed and the people wealthy, especially educated enough to handle it. name one country that succeeded through democracy, i mean from rag to rich.


Lieutenant General
I have to disagree. The continent of America fell well behind everywhere else for much of the history. When the Europeans came to the Americas, the native population was still pretty much in Stone Age. Much of that was because of the continent's highly isolated geographical location. IMO, communication is THE most important factor in civilization. Much of the evolution in human civilization came from communication among various populations. The isolation prevented communication and impeded growth and development and kept people living on this continent in such a primitive stage for so long. In fact, that's why the US spends so much money and energy maintaining the communication with the world. People often ask why the US has to keep so much military presence. All this comes out of necessity. Without the military presence, the US might potentially go back to isolation and stop developing.

The best land location, IMO, is still the Euro-Asian continent.

IMO Australia is the best location, because you are near to all the major Asian economic trades, plus being a large continent island by itself has certain advantages as mention before.


Lieutenant General
I see a lot ifs, ands, and buts. The fact is the US is on top of that list hands down. All the others mentioned are dependent on the US to keep them comfortable in this world. The US is forunate because it hasn't had to deal with troubles in other countries nearby. That could change. My mother has lived in the same house for over 40 years in a working-class city. Prostitutes walk her residential street now and they use people's yards as bathrooms and garden hoses to wash-off. Never was like this before and I could only attribute it to the influx of big Mexican gangs. As the drugs wars in Mexico worsens, it can can only get worse for the US. If you want to take a look at Mexico, they should be at the upper ranks of countries. Their average income beats the vast majority of the world. But their government is corrupt and beyond the resorts designed for Westerners, they're like any violent Third World nation portrayed in the media. My mother lives across the street from an elementary school. One time a parent dropped her child off from a big SUV at the school but before she left, she threw all the trash that built up her car from like eating fast food onto the street. So she leaves and you see other parents gathering around it and picking through it like when you see seagulls at the dump swarm when a garbage truck comes and dumps its load. I don't see the light at the end of the tunnel.

I can sympathize with what you're saying, but there are corrupt government officials in ALL countries, democratic or communist. It's still up to the majority and the will of the people to steer the government to serve the public domain better, and if they don't, then an uprising likely will occur has history has shown time and time again. Gangs don't have power unless they have guns to enforce their agenda through violence. Now, whoever provided these gangs with guns in the first place can be attributed to government personal, and should be hold accountable. An example would be to look at those thugs did in Rwanda in Africa just about a decade ago.


New Member
IMO Australia is the best location, because you are near to all the major Asian economic trades, plus being a large continent island by itself has certain advantages as mention before.

One of the bests, being on the Southern Hemisphere should help a lot. But since it is an island, it is vulnerable to encirclement and isolation. Its geographic location also results in desertification of most land mass. Great to be a small and rich country.
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Lieutenant General
I can sympathize with what you're saying, but there are corrupt government officials in ALL countries, democratic or communist. It's still up to the majority and the will of the people to steer the government to serve the public domain better, and if they don't, then an uprising likely will occur has history has shown time and time again. Gangs don't have power unless they have guns to enforce their agenda through violence. Now, whoever provided these gangs with guns in the first place can be attributed to government personal, and should be hold accountable. An example would be to look at those thugs did in Rwanda in Africa just about a decade ago.

Not saying Mexico is the most or only corrupt country. Pointing out the average income beats the vast majority of nations outside the developed world. Most countries would envy having that average income yet no one has ever envoked Mexico as being a model for other countries to follow. Why? Because that says the country is and has been highly corrupt for a long time. The drug wars in Mexico have made it worse thus since the trade is linked to the US, that could for the first in a long time challenge US stability at home.
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Lieutenant General
One of the bests, being on the Southern Hemisphere should help a lot. But since it is an island, it is vulnerable to encirclement and isolation. Its geographic location also results in desertification of most land mass. Great to be a small and rich country.

I agreed, but the size of Australia is towards its advantage, it would take an enemy naval armada lots of fuel and good communication to coordinate and concentrate its forces on finding and engaging the "Australian Forces". In the mean time it's trying to encircle the continental island it will be doused with incoming missiles and fighter jets to deplete it's forces further.


Banned Idiot
Not saying Mexico is the most or only corrupt country. Pointing out the average income beats the vast majority of nations outside the developed world. Most countries would envy having that average income yet no one has ever envoked Mexico as being a model for other countries to follow. Why? Because that says the country is and has been highly corrupt for a long time. The drug wars in Mexico have made it worse thus since the trade is linked to the US, that could for the first in a long time challenge US stability at home.

watch these american and Mexican reports

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i would say it is the opposite, the US is affecting Mexico more than Mexico the US

what the US needs is enforce strict gun control

yeah Sometimes geography also brings more troubles than benefits
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