Banned Idiot
Would you guys change your views, given the recent developments of the Trans-Pacific Strategic Economic Partnership (TTP Agreement). This is basically a multilateral free trade agreement, which started out very small, with only Brunei, Chile, New Zealand and Singapore in 2005. But by 2011, it has turned or being turned into a major free trade agreement, with the US, Japan, Australia, Malaysia, Vietnam all having expressed a wish to join and are now negotiating, and the US have requested Korea to join the TPP as well.
Many analysts are commenting that the US is actually using this piece of agreement as a way to "come back to Asia" and to a certain extent, provide a way to contain China economically. If this agreement does happen, together with the renewed military alliance between the US and Australia, it does seem to put China in a dire position.
[Moderators, if you think post to be too political, please delete/change as appropriate]
If we consider the geographical facto one of the reason why UNASUR is being created is to protect the South American resources from none South American power.
If you can understand the videos, they say South America is rich in resources, the first video talks about the need to create a common currency and passport for all south americans.
Free trade agreements do not necesarilly lead to economic integration, for that to happen you need a customs Union, a common currency and later political union.
South America in fact is currently surveying US forces in the continent not any more as individual nations but as UNASUR.
NAFTA is a little bit different, the US and Canada do not desire a merge with Mexico, the main reason is Economic, but cultural factors also play a role.
Central America also is working on a model of integration
The main obstacle for the integration, for the Angloamerican nations is the economic differences between them and Mexico and central America.
The NAFTA model of integration is at this moment purely economic, the free movement of goods is very limited, in fact this Octuber the first Mexican trucks were allowed to transport goods into the US directly from Mexico.
But free movement of people still is not possible, due to cultural differences between these former colonies of England and Spain have.
Will the free movement of goods happen? well already started by allowing Mexican trucks transporting goods into the US but how far this will go, only time will tell.
Why the US desires a union with Canada? basicly resources, by having a more federal organization American interest in Canada will be protected.
However the US desires free trade with Mexico as long as its economic interests allow it to sell its goods and manufacture at cheaper prices.
Will Mexico accept this also time will tell but already Mexico has won a battle by having its trucks into the US.
Geography is a struggle for resources, and NAFTA was created to ensure the US with canadian resources and markets, and Mexican cheap labour and Markets.
However not everything is one sided, Mexican companies are starting to make inroads into the US, and the economic and cultural integration sooner or later will happen but this will be highly dependant on Mexico and central america raising the living standards and gaining access to the US markets.
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