Lieutenant General
To address the first paragraph I will address the second. We are not investing an infinite amount of capital. We can however, invest a finite amount of capital. Several billions of dollars, if invested properly, can turn South and Central American countries into manufacturing workhorses. More jobs means less unemployment, more stability, so two and two together.
Let us be realistic shall we instead of dreaming pie in the sky. Latin America has been independent about the same time as United states. Argentinia and Brazil were some of the richest countires before the WWII. Having the same European immigrant stock as US. Yet through poor goverment enamored by socialism they ruined the country. It take a lot more than just money to develop the country. Having an efficient goverment with clear vision and ruthlessness to carry it forward, is one of the preequisite. Enterpreuner spirit and work ethic in the larger population is another requirement. It is no wonder or coincidence that the new emerging economic power are all in Asia
And yes really. We Americans will do anything as long as it earns a buck, the only thing stopping that are Labor laws. I don't mind working at $1 and hour, or less.
I doubt that will be the case Would American slave in factory to produce shirt for $2/hour?. The manufacturing that gone overseas will never come back
.That is correct, I am arguing potentials. But as you know, a developed source is easier to access than an undeveloped source. We will most likely suck China dry of materials and then move onto other sources, with materials meaning natural or labor sources.
Again false. China and India have huge labor markets because of their obvious population advantages over other nations. Since we've invested in China for so long, they've been able to develop a competent Manufacturing center, thus making them the easiest to access for material. However, with the population of South/Central America sky rocketing, they are the logical choice to replace China as manufacturing workhorses, as I said, all that is needed is capital and wise investments
This is nothing but self delusion on the western press and population at large. China is still on the embargo list until today. They are not helping China. As I remember it after 1989 The whole western world and Japan stop investing in China as a form of protest.
Back then there is no capital or skill to developed Export Economy. Then DXP went to South East Asia to see for himself what a Chinese society can achieve given certain freedom to enrich themselves free of goverment interference. He start the reform
Until today the single largest investor in China is not Western companies but overseas Chinese a nebulous grouping coming form Hongkong Taiwan Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, Phillipine. They are together with Chineses masses are the unsung hero of Chinese reform. Their capital;enterpreuner spirit, market savy,hard work, international connection provide China the rope to learn about export economy.
Then Japan and Korea seeing their market in low end product slowly disappearing discovered that they were beaten by the overseas chinese. They have no other way but to join in and start investing in China. From then on the flood gate is op
BTW the export to US is only 15% of total export and decreasing with every year. If there is total embargo on Chinese product the cost of living in US will hit sky high . Now that China doesn't have excess dollar no need to sterilized it by buyinng Treasury note Then the cost of borrowing will hit the roof Yup bankruptcy and depression will follow The US and China are twin conjoined by the hip let face it
That is false. You do not need to know the missile's path because the IIR warhead on the SM-3 is able to maneuver itself automatically to intercept. All that's needed before hand is the general area of the missile, which is, like I said, easy because the missile will have to follow a very logical path to the target at it's endgame, after all the intermittent maneuvers has been accomplished.
IIR is again susceptible to decoy but even if it true detection doesn't mean the kill vehicle can hit the target. The rule of Thumb is for the kill vehicle to have 2 or 3 time the speed of missile. It one thing for IIR to kill plane or slower cruise missile, It is another thing to kill IRBM on the terminal phase , Even worse by having flatter trajectory they can increase the reentry speed. Better still never going into stratosphere stay in the atmosphere all the time
The SM-3 kill vehicle is designed to hit the target at a relatively low closing speed of about four to five kilometers per second and to acquire and home in on targets at ranges of less than 150 kilometers. At this range, the objects in the search volume look like points of light to the infrared sensor on the kill vehicle, so it is not possible for the kill vehicle to obtain information about the shape or size of different objects ahead of it. These substantial limits on what the SM-3 kill vehicle can see makes distinguishing the warhead from other objects a considerable challenge.
The effects of these challenges can be clearly seen in SM-3 intercept test data made public by the Defense Department.[4] In eight or nine of the 10 SM-3 intercept tests from 2002 to 2009 involving these relatively slow closing speeds, the SM-3 kill vehicle failed to hit the warhead target directly. This means that, in real combat, the warhead would have not been destroyed but would have continued toward the target and detonated in eight or nine of the 10 SM-3 experimental tests.[5] Yet, the Missile Defense Agency (MDA) has reported these 10 tests as “successful” without explaining that the test outcomes would not have resulted in true combat intercepts.[6]
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