Will the TF10000 be a turbofan engine with a thrust-to-weight ratio of 9?
Comparing the TF6000/10000 combo with other similar engines like the AI-222-25/AI-322F and F124/F125 we can roughly calculate how much the afterburner adds to the weight of the base engine.
The weight difference between the F124 and F125 is
140kg. The difference between the AI-222-25 and AI-322F is
120kg. Let us take the average of these two and add 130kg to the weight of the TF6000.
How much does the TF6000 weigh? The director of TEI once said that the TF6000 has the same size and weight of the engine currently used in the Kizilelma. The Kizilelma currently uses the AI-25TLT which weighs
350kg and with extension pipe
400kg. The TF6000 is closer in length to the version without extension pipe.
- If we take 350kg as the weight of the TF6000 and add the average added weight of the afterburner of the AI-322F and F125, then the TF10000 should weigh 480kg dry. This gives the TF10000 a TWR of 9.46. This is the average case scenario.
- If we take the worst case scenario of TF6000 weighing 400kg and adding 140kg of the added weight of the afterburner of the F125 engine, the TF10000 will weigh 540kg which gives it a TWR of 8.4.
- In the best case scenario, the TF10000 will weigh 350kg+120kg=470kg dry. This gives it a TWR of 9.65.
Taking the average of the average scenario(1) with the worst case scenario(2) we get a
TWR of 8.93.
Taking the average of the average(1) and best case scenario(3) we get a
TWR of 9.55.
Taking the average of the best(3) and worst case scenario(2) we get a
TWR of 9.03.
I believe the TF10000 will have a TWR closer to 9 then to 8, putting it in the similar category of the EJ200, M88 and F119 in terms of TWR. It'll be a solid 4.5th gen engine and with the ability of turning into a 5th generation engine for the Kizilelma by changing the nozzle petals and reducing it's thermal signature.
Further weight savings can be achieved by using composite materials in the engine which is currently being studied by TEI and a Turkish university.