Turkey Military News, Reports, Data, etc.


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That's some insanely fast pace. Can't wait to see Turkey begin delivering these to the airforce. Would be a nice big middle finger to the US and those teasing about F-35.
It was initially meant to be an air supremacy fighter next to the deep striker F-35s, however when the US kicked us out of the platform the design was changed according to the new requirements and it evolved more into what I describe as an F-35 with inherent air-supeority characteristics. When you look at the design it is evident that the airframe got a bit thicker and wider in order to house weapon bays that are able to accomodate larger missiles such as SOM/SOM-J, Çakır cruise missile, national guidance kits, etc. .


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-TAI team has started the engines of the MMU/TF-X. The ceremony date is to be decided by the presidency.
-A lighter, more agile Hürkuş, the so called Hürkuş-II, is on its way.
-The static Hürjet is currently undergoing tests, whereas the flying prototype is currently on her landing gears.
-ATAK-2 attack heli will be on her landing gears very soon.
-ANKA-3 will appear in the coming months.



Registered Member
Nice PS how the MMU will look like when painted:


Thanks to @Halloq


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Quantum-related defense industry projects of Turkey. There isn't much substance yet but starting to research these stuff is important as they will become quite important in the future.

Cold Atom gyro and accelerometer. R&D start year 2023
Atomic spin gyro: No scheduled start date
Quantum cryptology: No scheduled start date
Quantum computer: R&D will start after the required human resources are found
Quantum underwater communications using quantum entanglement: R&D start year 2024
Quantum magnetic anomaly detector using SQUID: R&D start year 2024
Quantum LIDAR: R&D ongoing
Quantum radar: R&D ongoing
Quantum communications: R&D ongoing

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Turkey seems to want to become an independent power and shake off US/western influence but I don't think they'll be successful. They just don't have sufficient knowledge/industrial base to produce the engines themselves. France and China (+maybe Russia) are the only ones that can sell key technology to Turkey and yet they're continually pissing all of them off.

It would be stupid if they spent all of this money building up their defence industry and end up still being completely vulnerable to US sanctions.
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