Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) and Global South strategic cooperation


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Lol what kind of logic is this? China is engaged in a war of international defense against US encroachment, every destroyed US outpost is another position from which further attacks can be launched deeper into US occupied areas and liberate them.
no, China is not engaged in a war of international defense. It cares about itself and that's it. America overextending itself is always a good thing

According to your logic, it's bad to take territory in war. So suppose US succeed in making China retreat from x country, is that a win for China then??? What in the backwards cope logic.
no idea what you are saying. China wants America to be entangled in more places.
There's nothing wrong with Pakistan, which is why they can easily be persuaded to hold the correct position, which in this case is to fall in line with Iran.

I don't disagree in the least that Pakistan has one of the most important roles to play on the subcontinent and middle east. There's a reason why China intends to equip them with the strongest or 2nd strongest air force in the region. That doesn't mean Iran isn't also an important actor.
Pakistan has the strongest air force in the region. Iran is not close to them. Anything that Iran can do for China, Pakistan can do also during a westpac conflict. pakistan can do a whole lot more

How is Ukraine helping US security? How is HK rioter helping US aggression?

In the westpac, all China needs to do is to keep defending the 1st island chain. It's the fulda gap of this cold war, if it would get extremely hot there, nothing stops from China from bringing out the mass nuclear threat to prevent a NATO breach of the 1st island chain gap. Sure, China can invest heavily in military and then seek punching through America's iron curtain and put Japan, PH, Indonesia etc. under military control.

But another way they could do is to simply to wear out US globally and starve them from resources, which naturally force US to harvest all these client states to avoid unrest at home, making the client states weak and resentful, so China can easily pick them up after winning the cold war.
If you haven't spent enough time thinking about this issue, go read up the westpac thread. Seriously,


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China already put some efforts, what did turkey give back. Host terrorist, undermine Chinese integrity, unfair treatment of Chinese EVs. It's clear turkey hates china and will choose the west no matter how china do. China should teach them lesson like what Lithuania get.
So basically all you got is Turkey is trying to protect its domestic industries from China and China should respond by sanctioning them as if they recognized Taiwan. Great move.

Even if Turkey interest is to annex xinjiang long term as a Turkish empire?
I don't really see that even as a remote possibility given the number of countries in between. China is a great power. Turkey is not. As far as I'm concerned, Turkey hasn't caused any real problems for China other than following the West in Xinjiang genocide claims. Basically, all the Western countries are already doing that. China cannot give up relationship with a country just because it supports Xinjiang Genocide claim. But given that Turkey seems like it wants to play both sides right now, it's in China's interest to work with Turkey from an arm's length. And no, I don't care that it tries to protects its domestic industry from Chinese imports.

The US operations in Syria cost the Americans very little, but they cost the Syrians a lot. Once the Americans are removed and Syria becomes a strong country again, they can threaten the Israeli occupied Golan heights. Imagine the Gaza war with a Syria equipped with a powerful army and the Russian base. The US and EU will have to use a lot more energy to support Israel. A resurgent Syria will also benefit the whole region, Iraq, Iran and Turkey will all trade with them more, reducing their dependence on the west.
Right now, America is facing constant attack on its Syrian bases. Which will cause America to get dragged into a Middle Eastern conflict. That's in China's interest. The moment it withdraws, that means it will either not get dragged into a wider conflict or it's regrouping to attack Iran. Think about what's more preferable.

Really? What has Pakistan done for China? And hasn't China more than repaid any debts by sinking dozens of billions into doomed projects in Pakistan?
I'm going to disregard your other comments since at a minimum level, you don't even understand what Pakistan does for China

Going back multiple decades, The only country that China was able to routinely get access to Western equipment was Pakistan. The only military China can consistently train with and talk to was Pakistan. The training with PAF was very useful, since PAF trained with many NATO type of air forces, so they had access to many concept that PLAAF itself did not have access to. Training with PAF provided PLA with valuable experience that it was able to incorporate in its own training. Back a decade ago, it was routine for people involved with Chinese military to comment how aggressive PAF pilots were and that China needed to learn from that. Working with PAF definitely helped PLA modernization.

In terms of weapon systems themselves, China for example was able to access F-16s to get a sense of how they are operated, what to expect on a modern aircraft and such and how to operate them. Can you think of any other nation that could've given China access to F-16s? When it came to various export project from JF-17, FP-7G, China was able to work with PAF to understand what an air force that had access to Western 4th gen aircraft was looking for in its own aircraft. While CAC did all the development work, the interaction with PAF definitely helped CAC and PLAAF in its own development process.

This is just air force.

of course, China no longer needs PAF for this kind of help. But Pakistan was extremely useful in those year before I started following PLA in mid 2000s and all throughout my early days of following PLA.

It's really disappointing to watch people like yourself who came later and just have no concept of how much security help Pakistan has provided to China. There is a reason Pakistan basically only buys Chinese hardware now. The two military establishment are extremely tight. There has never been a major issue between the two countries. And China knows Pakistan will not stab its back.

Now when it comes to westpac conflict. The presence of Pakistan only pretty much assures that India will stay out of the conflict, because PAF is a better trained and equipped air force than IAF.

Not only that, China can be guaranteed overflight right over Pakistan territory which it can use to refuel for missions and then attack any hostile forces in Indian Ocean including Diego Garcia. And I'd be shocked if Pakistan does not allow China to station its fleet there in the event of a conflict. Which means, you can continue to have iron/copper shipments arrive at Karachi or Gwadar and then driven to China through karakoram highway. In the even that's not possible, Pakistan itself offers another railway freighting transit option into Western China.

You speak like an American

When China talks about win win cooperation, it's not just words. It's what makes China better than America. Rather than bringing death and
destruction and hegemony, China offers peace and prosperity. China's principles are mutual respect, peaceful coexistence and win win cooperation. Xi has actually been to Tehran in 2016
China is a super power and should be treated as such.

Why don't you take a look at the past year. How many foreign leaders have visited Beijing to pay tribute to Xi. Aside from major multi-nation conferences, has Xi gone anywhere? He went to Russia, that's it. Gavin Newsome cleaned up SF just in time for Xi's visit. If China gets invited anytime, he just sends Wang Yi or Li Qiang. He doesn't go himself.

Iran needs to know that if it wants to be in China's orbit, it needs to respect China's interest.


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no, China is not engaged in a war of international defense. It cares about itself and that's it. America overextending itself is always a good thing
And taking the middle east is only a springboard for China to push into somewhere else and pressure them even more.

Do I really need to spell out for you the advantages of taking the enemy's territory during a war?
Pakistan has the strongest air force in the region. Iran is not close to them. Anything that Iran can do for China, Pakistan can do also during a westpac conflict. pakistan can do a whole lot more
Currently, Israel has 5th gens, so I would argue they have a stronger air force than Pakistan. With J-31 acquisition, depending on how many, that may change.
If you haven't spent enough time thinking about this issue, go read up the westpac thread. Seriously,
I'm all for China spending more on military with the goal of reasserting armed hegemony over the whole pacific, unfortunately, Beijing itself doesn't do this type of thing or at least doesn't focus on it so much, they rather prefer to grind down US forces with proxy wars. I'm not answering from the perspective of what I'd prefer China to do, but from the perspective of what they actually do.


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why don't you outline how they are actually protecting China's security? lol. this is very vague. How is it helping China in the far and away #1 conflict that China needs to care about, which is in westpac.
Do you even know about how fragile central Asia countries are when it comes to security?
It's Chinese backyard that if something like ISIS happened it will go to Xinjiang.
You should at least see the map and terrain that central Asia is a huge flat land next to xinjiang. Something that block US from doing that is Iran. There's historical example in the past when tang decline right after fall of Sassanid.

So basically all you got is Turkey is trying to protect its domestic industries from China and China should respond by sanctioning them as if they recognized Taiwan. Great move.

I don't really see that even as a remote possibility given the number of countries in between. China is a great power. Turkey is not. As far as I'm concerned, Turkey hasn't caused any real problems for China other than following the West in Xinjiang genocide claims. Basically, all the Western countries are already doing that. China cannot give up relationship with a country just because it supports Xinjiang Genocide claim. But given that Turkey seems like it wants to play both sides right now, it's in China's interest to work with Turkey from an arm's length. And no, I don't care that it tries to protects its domestic industry from Chinese imports.

Iran needs to know that if it wants to be in China's orbit, it needs to respect China's interest.
Turkey cause real problems, You can see many Chinese warrants criminals live in turkey. Have they got extradited yet?

There are few country like Russia and iran if you count central Asia as Chinese backyards. What turkey can do with US assistant is like creating terrorist group there. You see how huge problem isis cause.

Also if Lithuania is not a good example of punishment for supporting separatist then take Australia during Morrison as example.

China need to get Iran know its place like how china treat north Korea. These priority should be the same.


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Going back multiple decades, The only country that China was able to routinely get access to Western equipment was Pakistan. The only military China can consistently train with and talk to was Pakistan. The training with PAF was very useful, since PAF trained with many NATO type of air forces, so they had access to many concept that PLAAF itself did not have access to. Training with PAF provided PLA with valuable experience that it was able to incorporate in its own training. Back a decade ago, it was routine for people involved with Chinese military to comment how aggressive PAF pilots were and that China needed to learn from that. Working with PAF definitely helped PLA modernization.

In terms of weapon systems themselves, China for example was able to access F-16s to get a sense of how they are operated, what to expect on a modern aircraft and such and how to operate them. Can you think of any other nation that could've given China access to F-16s? When it came to various export project from JF-17, FP-7G, China was able to work with PAF to understand what an air force that had access to Western 4th gen aircraft was looking for in its own aircraft. While CAC did all the development work, the interaction with PAF definitely helped CAC and PLAAF in its own development process.

This is just air force.

of course, China no longer needs PAF for this kind of help. But Pakistan was extremely useful in those year before I started following PLA in mid 2000s and all throughout my early days of following PLA.

It's really disappointing to watch people like yourself who came later and just have no concept of how much security help Pakistan has provided to China. There is a reason Pakistan basically only buys Chinese hardware now. The two military establishment are extremely tight. There has never been a major issue between the two countries. And China knows Pakistan will not stab its back.

Now when it comes to westpac conflict. The presence of Pakistan only pretty much assures that India will stay out of the conflict, because PAF is a better trained and equipped air force than IAF.

Not only that, China can be guaranteed overflight right over Pakistan territory which it can use to refuel for missions and then attack any hostile forces in Indian Ocean including Diego Garcia. And I'd be shocked if Pakistan does not allow China to station its fleet there in the event of a conflict. Which means, you can continue to have iron/copper shipments arrive at Karachi or Gwadar and then driven to China through karakoram highway. In the even that's not possible, Pakistan itself offers another railway freighting transit option into Western China.
Cooperation with Pakistan in the past is nice, but China has invested more than 60 billion dollars in CPEC with little to show for.

The ports at Karachi and gwadar have high capacity, but the highway into China doesn't. So this won't help much at all.

Pakistan is definitely useful for keeping India in check. But that doesn't justify being offended at any even minor criticism of the Pakistani government.

Pakistan is a slightly more important country to China than Iran simply because Pakistan is a neighbour and Iran is far away. Iran however has a very competent government while Pakistan keeps failing, economically and otherwise. So Pakistan has the potential to be useful economically while Iran is helping to combat western domination of the global order. The relationships are very different but both are important partners. And neither country will treat China as its hegemon and celestial empire. We might see China return to such a position in 50-100 years, but today all the middle and regional powers outside Europe are very confident.


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Pakistan's military establishment will always in the bottom line defer to China, even if they allow US on a skin deep to partake in their corruption. Hence, it was deemed safe to share deep military secrets with Pakistan.

They can be trusted in loyalty, just not in efficiency. And that is really a shame how awful their civilian government is.
China need to get Iran know its place like how china treat north Korea. These priority should be the same.
North Korea is an example of hugely wasted opportunity. China was interested in reapproaching with EU and also believed that Russia would require more wooing to truly be secure, in exchange, they sacrificed NK into becoming little more than a conscript depot. That was in hindsight not needed.

NK should have become a model colony of the Chinese system, agreeing to let UN sanction them and pulling back relations to let them develop by themselves was a huge mistake. In the end, China still have to help them, only now they're much worse off.

With the right amount of control, NK could have become the next Guangdong, Israel proved that you can have wmds independently and not get sanctioned, all China needed to do was to veto at the UN.


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Pakistan's military establishment will always in the bottom line defer to China, even if they allow US on a skin deep to partake in their corruption. Hence, it was deemed safe to share deep military secrets with Pakistan.

They can be trusted in loyalty, just not in efficiency. And that is really a shame how awful their civilian government is.

North Korea is an example of hugely wasted opportunity. China was interested in reapproaching with EU and also believed that Russia would require more wooing to truly be secure, in exchange, they sacrificed NK into becoming little more than a conscript depot. That was in hindsight not needed.

NK should have become a model colony of the Chinese system, agreeing to let UN sanction them and pulling back relations to let them develop by themselves was a huge mistake. In the end, China still have to help them, only now they're much worse off.

With the right amount of control, NK could have become the next Guangdong, Israel proved that you can have wmds independently and not get sanctioned, all China needed to do was to veto at the UN.
China made the mistake of believing the American logic that you can use threats and economic force to make a country that feels unsafe stop developing the means to defend itself. When obviously the only way for such a country to feel safe is to give it security guarantees, like the Americans do with Europe, Japan and South Korea. Anytime North Korea was getting closer to developing a nuclear weapon, China should have emphasized that it will protect North Korea against any foreign attacks instead of threatening them with getting cut off from imports, which only encourages them to build nukes even more. It's exactly the same dynamic with Iran. Now, one is a nuclear power and the other is a threshold nuclear power.

The lesson is to never do as the Americans say, do as they do. At least when it comes to how to engage with allies


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And taking the middle east is only a springboard for China to push into somewhere else and pressure them even more.

Do I really need to spell out for you the advantages of taking the enemy's territory during a war?

Currently, Israel has 5th gens, so I would argue they have a stronger air force than Pakistan. With J-31 acquisition, depending on how many, that may change.
Pakistan neighborhood is South Asia and Iran. I don't consider it an arab country
I'm all for China spending more on military with the goal of reasserting armed hegemony over the whole pacific, unfortunately, Beijing itself doesn't do this type of thing or at least doesn't focus on it so much, they rather prefer to grind down US forces with proxy wars. I'm not answering from the perspective of what I'd prefer China to do, but from the perspective of what they actually do.
Go read up on westpac conflict. Seriously think about where it is important for China to have military presence and where to not have it. China wants America to be busy and distracted all across the world.

Do you even know about how fragile central Asia countries are when it comes to security?
It's Chinese backyard that if something like ISIS happened it will go to Xinjiang.
You should at least see the map and terrain that central Asia is a huge flat land next to xinjiang. Something that block US from doing that is Iran. There's historical example in the past when tang decline right after fall of Sassanid.
It's almost like the Central Asian republicans exist or that China is not working with them.

China's far and away #1 priority is westpac. keep that in mind.

Turkey cause real problems, You can see many Chinese warrants criminals live in turkey. Have they got extradited yet?
Does China have an extradite treaty with Turkey? If it does, go try to get those criminals extradited. Don't complain to me if Chinese govt doesn't have it set up

There are few country like Russia and iran if you count central Asia as Chinese backyards. What turkey can do with US assistant is like creating terrorist group there. You see how huge problem isis cause.

Also if Lithuania is not a good example of punishment for supporting separatist then take Australia during Morrison as example.

China need to get Iran know its place like how china treat north Korea. These priority should be the same.
China does not need another rebellious little brother like North Korea. Iran also has greater view of itself than Koreans. China needs to put Iran in its place. Iran cannot be in China's favor if it goes around launching missiles into Pakistan. That is inexcusable.

Again, China is a superpower. Iran is not. Iran doesn't have many friends. It better work a little harder at keeping the ones it has.

Cooperation with Pakistan in the past is nice, but China has invested more than 60 billion dollars in CPEC with little to show for.

The ports at Karachi and gwadar have high capacity, but the highway into China doesn't. So this won't help much at all.

Pakistan is definitely useful for keeping India in check. But that doesn't justify being offended at any even minor criticism of the Pakistani government.

Pakistan is a slightly more important country to China than Iran simply because Pakistan is a neighbour and Iran is far away. Iran however has a very competent government while Pakistan keeps failing, economically and otherwise. So Pakistan has the potential to be useful economically while Iran is helping to combat western domination of the global order. The relationships are very different but both are important partners. And neither country will treat China as its hegemon and celestial empire. We might see China return to such a position in 50-100 years, but today all the middle and regional powers outside Europe are very confident.
so your problem is that China has invested money into CPEC? You know why China invests money into CPEC?

It's for its own interest. It's in China's interest that Pakistan becomes a strong country. China's investment into CPEC is for its own security as well as Pakistan. It's to have a path of import in the event it gets into a westpac conflict. It's so that China can freely attack enemy assets in Indian Ocean and MIddle East in the event of a westpac conflict.

China will keep investing money into CPEC for those railway and road. Because long term, it's in China's national security interest.

the most you can say about Pakistan is that they have incompetent gov't. But in terms of the people and military they have, they are 100% of China's side. You really cannot say this about many countries acorss the world.


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I will address one other thing since Pakistan got compared to Cambodia earlier as an attempt to lower the importance of Pakistan.

Let me just that in terms of a westpac conflict, Cambodia is very important. Those ports they are building in Cambodia will be very important, because the local gov't and military are on China's side. Take a look at the map. Having a port that you can operate from in a westpac conflict significantly increases your ability to attack bases around Australia, cross over to Andamans and maintain control of southern part of SCS.

Myanmar is also important for that purpose, but the local govt is not trustworthy.

So in terms of China's security situation right now, the most important and good friends are:




If they can ever have a more cooperative and competent govt that's not skeptical of China, then Myanmar could move above Cambodia. And then maybe Central Asian countries after that

But in terms of security importance, these are more important than Iran or anyone else around the world. First and foremost, security has to come first when it comes to friendships. Cambodia is very important to China.


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Pakistan has proven to be a steadfast ally for almost 5 decades now.General sentiment among the Pakistani population is significantly in favor of China. A word of caution: the views shared on defencepk should be approached with skepticism, as they predominantly come from Pakistanis residing in the US or Europe, which may lead to a bias towards Western viewpoints. Also, that forum is a cesspool of Indian trolls. Iranians cannot be long term reliable ally for China. They might cooperate with China for the short term but in the end they only care about their own interests which is why they barely have any friends. Pakistan is far more important for China. People are delusional if they think Pakistan will allow a third tier power like Iran to strike it's territory. Pakistan has enough options to put Iran back in its place.