Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) and Global South strategic cooperation


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When you said "I'm not sure how any of this is possible unless Iran provides joint SCO naval bases in its territory.", aren't you suggesting?
I am very much against that idea. I am saying that's what it would entail and I am against it
If a foreign base isn't an option right now, that leaves Iranian navy getting stronger (with help of course) the only option. What path to take and how isn't a meaningful question.

You seems to present a dilemma that nothing works, I was suggesting one thing that can help, although not necessarily sufficient for the moment.
There is no point presenting unrealistic options

A free trade zone like RCEP would be ideal. Connecting China with the EaEU, GCC and the remaining central and western Asian countries. It's important to not only open markets for Chinese exports but also promote regional trade and less violent relations between countries there through trade. There are currently high inefficiencies because neighbours don't trade enough with each other, keeping everyone poorer

When RCEP was signed, countries agreed to lower trade barriers to all members as the price to get access to the Chinese market. The same might work in other regions
Well they do have fta with eaeu which includes many sco countries. It's actually working out quite well as the silkroadbriefing article mentioned. I think you can get to a situation like NAFTA with enough work. Basically having some type of single market situation. It would strengthen Chinese influence over Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Armenia.


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Chinese tech/industrial companies -> soft power at work?
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Uzbekistan FM visiting Xian
First go to BYD plant there, which is opening a plant in Tashkent with UzAuto for central Asian market

Also visiting Longi plant, who have met a couple of times with Uzbek delegates already
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Looks like Uzbekistan is trying to get Longi to also built plant there

China finally has world leading companies that everyone in global south wants to attract

A while back about Chinese cars taking over Uzbekistan market
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SCO FM meeting to reinforce consensus ahead of July summit

By GT staff reporters Published: May 04, 2023 11:03 PM

A sculpture featuring the logo of the SCO is seen in Qingdao, East China's Shandong Province. Photo: VCG

A sculpture featuring the logo of the SCO. Photo: VCG

The ongoing Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) Foreign Ministers' Meeting is not only set to further enhance mutual trust and dispel concerns among member states ahead of the upcoming SCO summit in July, but also aims to highlight the organization's role in injecting stability and positive energy into the world, which is currently facing a turbulent political and economic situation.

Shortly after the SCO Foreign Ministers' Meeting, State Councilor and Foreign Minister Qin Gang is scheduled to visit Pakistan from May 5 to 6 and attend the China-Afghanistan-Pakistan Foreign Ministers' Dialogue in Pakistan, Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Mao Ning announced on Thursday.

Experts hailed China's consistent efforts in addressing the Afghan issue as a paragon of Beijing's role in playing stabilizer in the region, its good will, and also its ability in negotiating peace.

The SCO Foreign Ministers' Meeting is being held on May 4 and 5 in Panaji, the capital of Goa, India. At the meeting, Qin will exchange views with other SCO member states' foreign ministers on the international and regional situation and SCO cooperation in various fields, among other topics, to make full preparations for this year's SCO summit, the Chinese Foreign Ministry announced on Tuesday.

India's External Affairs Minister Subrahmanyam Jaishankar held a bilateral meeting with SCO Secretary General Zhang Ming in Goa and expressed appreciation for his "support for India's SCO Presidency," Indian media reported on Thursday.

"Started my meetings at SCO CFM with a productive interaction with Secretary General Zhang Ming. Appreciate his support for India's SCO Presidency. Indian presidency is driven by a commitment to SECURE SCO," Jaishankar tweeted.

Observers believe the SCO Foreign Ministers' meeting will pave the way for the SCO summit, which is scheduled to be held in New Delhi on July 3-4 this year.

The SCO Foreign Ministers' Meeting seeks to further enhance mutual trust and double down on the consensus between member states on core issues, finding a new way out for the bloc, as well as the world amid the complicated international atmosphere, Qian Feng, director of the research department at the National Strategy Institute at Tsinghua University, told the Global Times.

He said that the meeting between foreign ministers from countries such as China, Russia and India will further strengthen mutual trust, as well as dispel doubts and concerns so as to expand cooperation.

This will be Qin's second visit to India after he became foreign minister. Ahead of the Foreign Ministers' meeting, defense ministers from China and India met in New Delhi on April 27, during the SCO Defense Ministers' meeting.

When meeting with Indian Defense Minister Rajnath Singh, Chinese State Councilor and Minister of National Defense Li Shangfu said that the China-Indian border situation remains stable, and the border issue should be properly managed within bilateral ties.

SCO is an important and mature platform for China to handle diplomacy with its neighbors, and China is dexterous in handling relations between member states, said Li Yongquan, director of the Eurasian Social Development Research at the Development Research Center of the State Council, referring to the intricate relationship between SCO members, such as India and Pakistan, and Central Asian countries and Russia.

"Successful handling and inclusion of those countries embodies China's diplomatic policies which are of mutual benefit and win-win cooperation; respect each other's sovereignty and do not seek a sphere of influence," said Li, hailing the SCO's development in the past two decades amid a complicated international atmosphere as a "miracle."

Shri Dammu Ravi, Secretary (Economic Relations), Ministry of External Affairs said on Thursday that the key focus of foreign ministers includes the status of the decision that will be approved in the summit in July, the state of multilateral cooperation, and progress in admitting Iran and Belarus as full members of the grouping.

The spirit of SCO includes mutual trust, mutual benefit, respect and inclusiveness, which stands in sharp contrast to the US-led small cliques that divide countries based on ideology and focus on confrontation, said Qian.

"This is why the SCO can keep developing and draw in new members… the organization is set to inject much-needed stability and positive energy into the world, which is engulfed in uncertainty and turmoil," Qian noted.

Paragon of neighborly help

On Thursday, a spokesperson from the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced that Qin will visit Pakistan from May 5 to 6, where he will also attend the China-Afghanistan-Pakistan Foreign Ministers' Dialogue.

The spokesperson said this will be Qin's first visit to Pakistan and an important part of the recent close and frequent interactions between the two countries. During the visit, Qin will meet with the leader of Pakistan and co-chair the fourth round of the China-Pakistan Foreign Ministers' Strategic Dialogue with Pakistani Foreign Minister Bilawal Bhutto Zardari. The two sides will have in-person and in-depth communication on bilateral relations and the international and regional situation.

The Foreign Ministers' Meeting among the Neighboring Countries of Afghanistan and the China-Afghanistan-Pakistan Foreign Ministers' Dialogue are both important platforms for exchanges and cooperation on issues related to Afghanistan and will help bring about more consensuses among regional countries on the Afghan issue. China hopes to exchange views with Afghanistan and Pakistan on the situation in Afghanistan and tri-party cooperation at the Dialogue, so as to build up consensus, consolidate mutual trust, and jointly contribute to peace, stability, development and prosperity in the region, said the spokesperson.

The international community needs to step up contact and dialogue with the Afghan interim government, support its efforts for reconstruction and development, and encourage it to build an inclusive government, exercise moderate governance, develop friendly relations with its neighbors and firmly fight terrorism, said the spokesperson.

Foreign ministers' meetings between China, Afghanistan and Pakistan have been constructive in pushing the Afghan issue onto the right path for years. During the process, China and Pakistan, Afghanistan's two neighbors, have made special efforts in preventing instability in Afghanistan from spilling over to other countries and helping rebuild the country, said experts.

China has been playing a bigger role in the reconstruction of Afghanistan in recent years, and will continue pushing for institutionalized efforts in solving this issue, said Qian. He said that by institutionalizing efforts to help reconstruct Afghanistan, China hopes to see an independent, prosperous Afghanistan better fulfill its international commitments, said Qian.

He also noted that the three countries' foreign ministers' meeting can serve as an effective platform for eradicating terrorism, as well as maintaining peace in the region.

Recently, Qin attended the fourth Foreign Ministers' Meeting among the Neighboring Countries of Afghanistan in Samarkand and the "Neighboring Countries of Afghanistan Plus Afghanistan" Foreign Ministers' Dialogue, and chaired the second Informal Meeting on Afghanistan Between Foreign Ministers of China, Russia, Pakistan and Iran.


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Shifting winds to Middle East
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I don't have the access for more than this

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and of course, now US is sending Sullivan and Blinken over. Note how they always send people connected to security to these regions. Now that peace is blossoming everywhere in the Arab world, Biden people are not happy

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Another interesting item is China releasing a report on deep state activity. It's about time they do this. Pretty much unprecedented for China to be doing this. Also, they have waited a long time to do this

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also interesting piece here about insurance for Russian oil
The vessels have also faded into the shadows. As recently as late March, at least 35 of Gatik’s ships held western insurance — a condition of which is adherence to the G7 price cap on Russian oil sales imposed from last December.
By early April, however, none of Gatik’s ships held insurance from any of the recognised large mutual providers.
The ageing vessels in Gatik’s growing fleet had previously transported crude oil all over the world, shipping records show. Once acquired by the Indian group, they started to focus heavily on the Russia-India run.
speculations is that these ships are using Shanghai insurance, Another big change/move if that's the case

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The "Rules based order' cheering on Erdogan's demise, so I pretty much have to go in the opposite direction


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As I always said, Erdogan win or not isn't gonna change anything for china.
It seems that it is a common phenomenon in "democracy" that every side of the spectrum tries to create a foreign "enemy" to attract votes. The Turkish political factions look extremely absurd. While it is easy to understand why US politicians use China as the "enemy", what is the point for the Turks? What did China do to Turkey? What would Turkey gain by doing this? Turkey is far smaller and weaker than US, nor is Turkey in some sort of dominant position in its neighbourhood. Making an extra "enemy" some thousands kilometers away is beyond stupidity.

Turkey is playing the American book, "bargaining by blackmailing". However, China stopped accommodating the US game some years ago since Trump's time, Turkish politicians seem not realizing the change. They should learn from Saudi Arabia and Iran, speak nice and polite, then get what one want.
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As I always said, Erdogan win or not isn't gonna change anything for china.
It will change things because the opposition is unlikely to be as antagonistic toward NATO as Erdogan. Erdogan is a pretty unusual and hard headed character
hmm, I cannot believe you are so eager to counter Turkey that you forgot that the party really hurt here is America. When did China's main adversary become Turkey instead of anglo-saxon hegemony? We should now spend rest of our time here focusing on countering Turkey rather than America.

If you need to understand what's going on
First, there was this article in the morning, no doubt released from the deep state. Wtf is I2U2? How do they think they can build high speed train in the middle east when we don't have that here in America or India?
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Indian diplomat MK Bhadrakumar wrote this
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yeah, America looking for junior partners to help them counter China in the middle east. A proposal that India didn't even care about in 2020. And now with India openly discussing its relationship with Iran, it's going to join an initiative to be a junior partner to America and Israel in the region?
Meanwhile, Sullivan revealed that also going to Saudi Arabia will be representatives from India and the United Arab Emirates to discuss “new areas of cooperation between New Delhi and the Gulf as well as the United States and the rest of the region.” In essence, he claimed he is spearheading a White House initiative to reset Washington’s Gulf strategy.

Sullivan has a way of creating misconceptions, and there are no signs that New Delhi is even aware of this White House initiative to integrate India into the Biden Administration’s Gulf strategy.

The timing of Sullivan’s disclosure is interesting; it came soon after the India-Iran consultations in Tehran and on the eve of the foreign minister-level meeting Shanghai Cooperation Organisation in New Delhi on May 3-4.

Against the backdrop of Iran’s formal accession as a member of the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) at the summit meeting in India on July 3-4, there is renewed interest in New Delhi to re-energise India-Iran economic cooperation.
See the duplicity that Biden's security team is playing?
Unsurprisingly, Washington feels uneasy that India is strengthening its ties with Iran at a time when the Saudi-Iran detente has boosted Tehran’s regional standing and the regional security in the Gulf region is phenomenally transforming.
you bet this is the case
Again, the foreign ministers of Syria, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Egypt, and Iraq said in a
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on Monday after a meeting in Amman that ties with Damascus will be established at the military and security level to “address security challenges.” The statement called for an end to “foreign interference in Syrian domestic affairs” and pledged to “support Syria and its institutions to establish control over all its territory and impose the rule of law” — de facto seeking the vacation of US occupation of one-third of Syrian territory!

Earlier, in a bilateral Saudi-Syrian statement at foreign minister-level, Riyadh agreed on the need to “support the institutions of the Syrian state to extend its control over its territories to end the presence of armed militias and external interference in the Syrian internal affairs.”

Quite obviously, the Biden Administration is in panic.
Yes Biden people are in Panic that the entire Arab world is telling them to leave Syria.

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one can draw out of the SCO ministerial is that the India-China relationship is set to acquire predictability and stability in a conceivable future and a resumption of bilateral cooperation may become possible.
btw, this is a good thing.

And then Arab league smacked them with this Syria news before Jake Sullivan arrived. See MK Bhadrakumar's commentary

So yes, two day is a good day for multi-polar world. Let's think about things from that perspective.