I think Vlad may be right when he said a couple of days ago on this thread that the Turks appear to be going for a knock-out blow. In addition to Leopard 1s and M-60s, I've seen recent pictures of motorized and foot infantry moving, and even an M-115 8-inch towed howitzer - an Army Corps-level artillery piece - on the way to the border. With two armoured divisions in the area, the Turks appear to be assembling a force capable of overrunning much of Iraqi Kurdistan within a matter of days, if that is the Turks' plan.
I don't believe the Turkish Government actually wants to do this, but both the Army and public opinion are placing so much pressure on the Government in response to PKK attacks that it seems only a matter of weeks, even days, before someone pulls the trigger in earnest. The US 173rd Airborne Brigade based in Italy is the US Army Southern European rapid-reaction force, and recently got its order for routine rotation to Iraq to replace a Brigade there rotating out. I wonder if its warning order has been changed a little, especially since not only has it already served a few tours in Iraq already, but it was the force the US sent into northern Iraq during the 2003 invasion after Turkey refused to allow the 4th Infantry Division into Iraq through Turkey.
Not to stop the Turks of course, but perhaps to go into the PKK base areas and start rooting them out so the Turks won't come in to do it themselves? So much speculation, so many possibilities. We'll see what happens.
I don't believe the Turkish Government actually wants to do this, but both the Army and public opinion are placing so much pressure on the Government in response to PKK attacks that it seems only a matter of weeks, even days, before someone pulls the trigger in earnest. The US 173rd Airborne Brigade based in Italy is the US Army Southern European rapid-reaction force, and recently got its order for routine rotation to Iraq to replace a Brigade there rotating out. I wonder if its warning order has been changed a little, especially since not only has it already served a few tours in Iraq already, but it was the force the US sent into northern Iraq during the 2003 invasion after Turkey refused to allow the 4th Infantry Division into Iraq through Turkey.
Not to stop the Turks of course, but perhaps to go into the PKK base areas and start rooting them out so the Turks won't come in to do it themselves? So much speculation, so many possibilities. We'll see what happens.