Are there any alternative names for Kandil? I can't find it on Google Earth. However I did find a base with quite a few helicopters in Sirinak. Obviously these pictures are not real-time but they have the capability to be quite air-mobile out of Sirinak. I also took a look at the routes out of the mountains and the general terrain. If the Turkish General Staff really wanted to drive all the way to Kirkuk, they would probably attack through the town of Zakho, through farmland, bypassing the mountains of Dahuk Province and giving them a staight shot at Irbil and from there Kirkuk. They would have to cross a river (the name of which I cannot find). That route would not get at the PKK bases but the Turks have enough troops to eliminate them in a seperate operation.
Well Finn, I think your strategic sense serves you well.
Here's an article (originally sourced to Debka) from a week ago today that describes the Turkish disposition for battle (scroll down towards the bottom of the page):
It seems that until the events of the last few days, US diplomacy was achieving quite some success. The Turks had two entire armoured divisions in their forming-up positions at the Iraqi border, one division across the border from the Iraqi town of Zakho, and the other division across from Dahuk. Under pressure from the US, the Turks had withdrawn both divisions by last Sunday to bases in Hakkri and Siranak Provinces (not far away). Obviously, until the US got a hold of them, the Turks were ready for something very big (the entire US Army only has 2 armored divisions itself).
There are at least 75 helicopters deployed in the area, reported to be used for commando operations against the PKK in the Matin and Kandil (Qandil) Mountain Ranges - good eyes, Finn. Especially after the events of the last 5 days, that clearly remains a military possibility.
Now, as to whether the events of the last few days may or have caused the Turks to revert to their original plans, whatever those were, there are reports coming out of south-east Turkey of more troops moving to the border (the 2 Armoured Divisions returning to their forming-up positions?). And behind those 2 armd divs, are at least 3 Army Corps, probably more - the permanent resident 7th Corps (HQ normally at Diyarbakir), as well as the 2nd and 3rd Corps - both from western Turkey (HQ normally at Gelibolu and Istanbul, respectively). Both of the latter Corps were moved to the south-east starting late last year.
There are a variety of sources stating figures like 60,000 Turkish troops invading, possibly going all the way to Kirkuk, and others saying that about the same number will be used in an incursion, and then leaving 15,000 troops (a division) permanently garrisoned in northern Iraq. Lots of speculation, lots of "reports". The Iraqis themselves were claiming that 140,000 of the 260,000Turkish troops in the south-east of Turkey were on the Iraq border back in the summer.
But 2 Armoured Divisions is pretty unambiguous, unless you're just trying to send an unambiguous message to someone.
Just to complicate matters, the IRGC which has had troops on the Iran-Iraq border in the Kurdish areas, is also active again, apparently.
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