Re: PLAN submarines Thread II
A doorway to a compression/decompressiom chamber that allows divers to embark or disembark the submarine underwater?
You don't need a hyperbaric chamber unless you plan on diving at below 50 meters. There are not many situations where you need divers out at that kind of depth, certainly not often enough to justify designing a sub especially for it.
Normally subs can sent and recover divers using the torpedo tubes or airlocks when submerged, there is no need for a custom made chamber to facilitate this.
I am also not too convinced by the SLBM testbed theory. If they are doing that, why mess around with a fancy new hinged opening device when they could have just lifted a JL2 silo or two straight off of the 094 and built the sail around that?
With an opening that big, you would expect them to want to launch something pretty big underwater, or lots of little things.
I have heard that all PLAN subs can be equipped with mine belts for long-range underwater mine laying, but has never seen one (if anyone has a picture or diagram, I would be most appreciative), but I would bet such mine belts would add a lot of drag and potentially also noise if the sub was moving fast.
The PLAN takes offensive mine warfare very seriously, and I would go as far as to say that it would be one of the primary tactics the PLAN might employ using its subs at the start of a major conflict. If I were to guess, I might wonder if this might be an underwater mine laying submarine, to allow the PLAN to more reliable and quickly deploy mines offensively a long war from home without being detected.
The other guess might be that it is a large airlock, but not a hyperbaric chamber, to allow special forces to deploy from subs with mini-submersibles similar to how the US SEALS operate. But that is far less likely in my view.