PLAN Aircraft Carrier programme...(Closed)

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bd popeye

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Can anyone translate ???? :confused: Please !!! :eek:


  • Liaoning + text + 2x J-15.jpg
    Liaoning + text + 2x J-15.jpg
    149.9 KB · Views: 70


Junior Member
Can anyone translate ???? :confused: Please !!! :eek:

Well it means " A Dream of China, a Dream of Strong Military".

It roughly translates into this. The first two texts 中国 means "China", third one 梦 means "Dream", fourth one 强 means "strong" or "to strengthen", 军 means "military" or "army" and the last one 梦, the same as the third, means "Dream".


Junior Member
The 2 J-15 at stern are painted in operational grey color.

It appears yellow to my eye.

No I'm not colourblind.

This image seems to be artificially sharpened and the reflection makes it really hard to see accurately the colour.


Banned Idiot
Correction. Any country that does not ask "how high" when the US says "jump" is considered a threat to America.

Well, no. France and Germany, to say nothing of Turkey, said no way when the US said Jump back in 2002.

This time over Syria even Britain, with whom we are separated by a common lanuguage, said in effect no way.

It's all a matter of leverage, and American leverage has distinctly decreased everywhere in the world since late 1990s.
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Jeff Head

Registered Member
Chuck, you need to cut the "F-bombs," the forum rules are very specific about that.

In addition, this is one of the premier threads on SD, and has been for years.

We don't need to get into heated, emotional, nationalistic discussions that are based on purely subjective opinions about how bad/corrupt/"imperalistic"/dominating/etc. America is, or any other nation for that matter. Those discussions should be ignored and/or reported because they too, are specifically addressed in the fourm rules.

It's how we keep this place as professional and as good a source as it has been over they years without descending into nationalistic, heated arguements that destroy our professionalism and credibility.

Anyhow, that would be my advise...otherwise you can bet Popyeye, Tphuang, TUP, or any other moderator will come along and make what should be a voluntary policing according to the rules of our dialog, somewhat more compelling.

The thread is about the PLAN Carrier program.


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I'd prefer if PLAN used the time to organize those fancy words to instead do more testing, but a dedicated photo op after this long is nothing to be ashamed of.

Air Force Brat

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I'd prefer if PLAN used the time to organize those fancy words to instead do more testing, but a dedicated photo op after this long is nothing to be ashamed of.

So you guys are calling this an aerial photo with a little artistic license??
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