Some neat pictures from Liaoning testing. I love the first which is a Type 052C keeping station with the Liaoning as an escort in the South China Sea...and then the ones of the Liaoning doing live fire tests with its CIWS and ASW rockets.
These are from , that I have been putting together.
I doubt seriously, in the recent past, and particularly during the South China Sea exercises last year, whether there were any Russian advisors aboard.There were possibly Russian advisors on board the Liaoning. Same with other major PLA-N ships on exercises/training. PLA-N did not have the expertise or experience in the past. However, the Chinese are known to be fast learners.
Once again excellent post Bltizo. Excellent.
Right now they are more than likely studying the "hic-ups and goofs" made in the last couple of years and are working hard to make sure mistakes are corrected. And I'm sure they are making their own CV operation doctrine to fit the needs of the PLAN future operations.
Perhaps when the ship emerges from the shipyard in a few months will will see a quicker pace of operations.
A sequence of satellite photos shows a new addition at the catapult testing facility. The last photo is the OP's speculation that this is some kind of electric generator, which should be taken with a grain of salt.
Check it out on Google Maps:
Any thoughts on what this new addition is?
Are sailors in a modern navy trained to operate in full "manual" condition without IT system service? Is there a "ouija board" style manual backup for every system?
There were possibly Russian advisors on board the Liaoning. Same with other major PLA-N ships on exercises/training. PLA-N did not have the expertise or experience in the past. However, the Chinese are known to be fast learners.