PLAN Aircraft Carrier programme...(Closed)

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Junior Member
It'd be better if Liaoning make a stopover at HK during whatever part of its transit, since its about the same length, alas a bit wider, than that of the Wasp-class LHD, the cruise ship terminal at Harbour City is the best place to flaunt Liaoning...

But that's wishful thinking really.

if they are going to stop in hong kong they might as well wait until they have a full deck of J-15 it looks way better for PR purposes. right now they have like 3 or 4 planes onboard.

asif iqbal

Lieutenant General
Yeah I also doubt there's a significant number of planes on this training exercise too.

Although, the captain of the liaoning did say that they've supposedly trained with 36 aircraft onboard... But I find that rather hard to believe at this stage. Who knows, maybe we'll be surprised once we get photos.

Thing is this, I think the leadership has been really clever in revealing only what they want us to see, there more than what meets the eye and PLAN watchers know this

If China has sent out a CVBG there’s no way they could do that without serious formation training, you can’t put a carrier strike group together over night that’s not how it works

DDG and FFG sail in formation, different scenarios different threats different locations and changing environments all the vessels in the task force move with respect to one another, add in a SSN and it gets even more complicated and further more when you add in a replenishment tanker, then you have replenishment of a aircraft carrier which is a art in itself, vertical replenishment and side by side replenishment there’s so much to learn

On these Liaoning deployments we have been tracking they must have practised formation sailing we just didn’t know, now question is how many J15 have they operated from the Liaoning, well we have seen 3 thus far but sometimes tells me it could me more, after all they have done weapons training and low visibility training so we might not be seeing the whole picture here, that just adds to the excitement

But yes realistically I doubt they would have a full air wing trained at this point


Pencil Pusher
VIP Professional
From the video... I think the captain was comparing US carriers with Chinese carrier and not that they have already had 36 aircraft on the carrier. The captain first sentence was that the size is not as large as the US one. Then he went on to say that "we have around 36 airplane operations". Nothing did he mentioned that Liaoning had 36 fighters on board already. It is merely a statement and frankly I think it was to tell the US counterpart that Liaoning would have 36 aircraft in operation under full complement.


Junior Member
Interesting PLAN went with two 051C long-range air defense DDGs instead of two 052Cs or even one of each.

Remember PLAN is still testing the CV-16 so this combination of 051Cs are like an experimental grp.

CV-16 itself is equipped with the type of phase array radar as seen on the Type 052Cs. CV-16 could be doing experiments on in the times lack of Type 052Cs and 052Ds, it's phase array radars could make up for 051Cs and 054As lack of phase array radar. In this scenario, CV-16 is 'acting' as a flagship directing the area air defenses for 054As and 051Cs to fire their SAMs at 'likely' arial threats.

All this comes with experiments to test out which combination is essential and in the case of lack of necessary assets, how capable the CV would be.

Patience my brothers for we would see CV-16 with her potential esorts in the likes of 052Cs and Ds in the future. This recent activity is just a prelude to the future!

Good night.

Jeff Head

Registered Member
In any case, it won't be long before Tokyo or Pentagon flaunting aerial photos of the Liaoning battlegroup at news conference.
Hehehe...MwRYum, that's probably true.

So now we hope that the PLAN sends her out more and more often, with more and more aircraft and escorts, so that the US will use those great satellites and recon aircraft (like a Global Hawk) and get us some really nice High Res pictures!



New Member
Even if CV-16 had a full compliment of J-15's... I find it hard to believe the PLAN leadership would send her on this deployment during this crisis. She is not ready. Nor are her escorts. This has all the hallmarks of the "fog of war". The word didn't get through the chain of command about the coming ADIZ declaration.

I have long thought there is a gap between how fast the PLAN can build and train CVBG's and needs and desires of policy makers in Beijing to deploy them in support if Chinese national security priorities. This may be the first obvious manifestation of this gap.

There have been some very thought through comments here about the PLAN taking time to build a base of knowledge before ramping up the pace of training. However, in my opinion, these events show the pressure from Beijing to move the process along faster... possibly much faster.
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Senior Member
Even if CV-16 had a full compliment of J-15's... I find it hard to believe the PLAN leadership would send her on this deployment during this crisis. She is not ready. Nor are her escorts. This has all the hallmarks of the "fog of war". The word didn't get through the chain of command about the coming ADIZ declaration.

I have long thought there is a gap between how fast the PLAN can build and train CVBG's and needs and desires of policy makers in Beijing to deploy them is support if Chinese national security priorities. This may be the first obvious manifestation of this gap.

There have been some very thought through comments here about the PLAN taking time to build a base of knowledge before ramping up the pace of training. However, in my opinion, these events show the pressure from Beijing to move the process along faster... possibly much faster.

I don't believe PLAN will delay any of their carrier project for sake of some outside influence. But I believe PLAN actual target carrier fleet exercise area is Western pacific but they show restraint by going South China Sea for training up their long range deployment.


Junior Member
I don't believe PLAN will delay any of their carrier project for sake of some outside influence. But I believe PLAN actual target carrier fleet exercise area is Western pacific but they show restraint by going South China Sea for training up their long range deployment.

I believe the opposite, due too much interference from Japan & US navy in monitoring and potential "disturbing" on PLA Navy training therefore the choice on SCS. It's no ready, mature and have the necessary preparation yet to go western pacific. It's a prudent choice. This is just a training, you should train away from the limelight and prying eyes like the recent cases of Japan disrupting the PLA navy exercise, what better choice in their own home playground sea where they have much better control and monitoring of sea above and below ground. Once their carrier need to train with a larger battle group escort and further type of scenarios engagement will they then be more comfortable to choose to go to the pacific.

bd popeye

The Last Jedi
VIP Professional
Here's a PLAN fan CG image I found on sina of what the CV-16 strike group may look like. In my experience ships would not steam that close together. They would be this close for a photo op.

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