PLAN Aircraft Carrier programme...(Closed)

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Junior Member
Congrats Jeff.

As to the Indian vs PLAN I have only one thing to add. Everything else aside the biggest difference IMHO is that generally speaking PLAN emulates USN right down to the colored vest!! while the Indian Navy follows the Russian Navy. Since USN is THE Gold standard in carrier operation and naval aviation in general I give advantage to the PLAN.

The ONLY reason PLAN even acquired the Kievs and the Kutnetsov is because USN carriers are NOT for sale except to literally a couple of countries. If they had been for sale you can bet we'll be discussing the refurbishment of the former USS America, Forrestal or Midway etc instead of the former Varyag.

I can say without a doubt that when PLAN commissions their first CATOBAR any USN sailor who has served aboard any US CV or CVN will find himself in very familiar surroundings if you dropped him on board the Chinese carrier and he or she can probably hit the ground running.

I would think they studied everything they can about the Russian carriers and operations because the Liaoning was a Russian carrier and she still has a sister ship up north. but when it comes to developing their own system they must have adopted all the USN practices, probabley even down to the smallest details. because if you're going to learn you have to learn from the best, it don't make sense to learn from the 2nd best. perhaps it wont be surprising that after 15 years china will have the 2nd best navy in the world in terms of capability. and they will be like a miniature version of the USN.


In any case, it won't be long before Tokyo or Pentagon flaunting aerial photos of the Liaoning battlegroup at news conference.


Lieutenant General
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There were claims J-15s were in mass production, and if that's so, where are they? What engines are they using?

Al-31s for first batch.

The one's in production are probably being either test flown or flown at the land based carrier training bases.

Or maybe the PLAN will surprise us and reveal they've been flying a full squadron for the last few months and only hadn't given us pictures. lol.

I suppose we'll get confirmation or denial either way once we get pictures of the Liaoning's deck on this little training expedition.


Al-31s for first batch.

The one's in production are probably being either test flown or flown at the land based carrier training bases.

Or maybe the PLAN will surprise us and reveal they've been flying a full squadron for the last few months and only hadn't given us pictures. lol.

I suppose we'll get confirmation or denial either way once we get pictures of the Liaoning's deck on this little training expedition.

It'd be better if Liaoning make a stopover at HK during whatever part of its transit, since its about the same length, alas a bit wider, than that of the Wasp-class LHD, the cruise ship terminal at Harbour City is the best place to flaunt Liaoning...

But that's wishful thinking really.


Al-31s for first batch.

The one's in production are probably being either test flown or flown at the land based carrier training bases.

Or maybe the PLAN will surprise us and reveal they've been flying a full squadron for the last few months and only hadn't given us pictures. lol.

I suppose we'll get confirmation or denial either way once we get pictures of the Liaoning's deck on this little training expedition.

Do you have a source for the AL-31 ? Because those AL-31's China got won't last very long on the open ocean as they are not specially adapted for naval ops. Unless they pulled apart the AL-31's and spray them with a special layer to protect them from the salty sea air.


VIP Professional
that video clip where captain mentions 36 planes dates from september. it may be from that visit to US that he made, where also he mentioned 36 planes. i think its possible he just meant 36 is the planned number of aircraft carrier will operate once its ready. obviously rignt now its not operating as many.


Would that 36 number include helicopters ? I can't see the Liaoning 36 Flankers, the Russians only got 14 on board their carrier.


New Member
Well, the 36 aircraft eventually could be something like this:

24 J-15
3 J-15 EW two-seaters
3 SAR helicopters
3 AEW Helicopters
3 ASW helicopters

Total 36.


I doubt the Liaoning can carry 27 Flankers. China operates a carrier with one of the smallest hangar decks in the World even smaller then the one on the 42000 ton Charles De Gaulle. And at the same time China operates the world's biggest deck based fighter the J-15 a Flanker. The Russian Kuznetsov has 14 SU-33's and 4 SU-25's and another 17 helicopters. China maybe able to fit 20 to 24 J-15's and another 12 to 16 helicopters on board.
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asif iqbal

Lieutenant General
well theres 24 shelters on land so it means 24 x J15

and counting the parking spots on the deck and the area of the hanger 24 is actaully a conservative number and easily do-able

total of 36 means all aircraft including helos
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