PLA (strategic) news, pics, and videos


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EU is highly hostile against China, some EU countries have threatened to attack China, and there is suspicion that they would aid US in the event US decided to commit a full scale invasion of China. Aiding Russian revanchism in Europe is a fair counter to Europeans aiding American revanchism in Asia.
Not just the EU, but also NATO.

NATO's secretary general said days ago that China is a threat to the alliance's security. NATO clearly states that China is not an enemy, but its actions tell another story. For example, they openly talk about confiscating infrastructure assets that China financed and built in Europe:
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Strategically, China had incentives to divide European support for Ukraine, separating Europe from the US and/or dividing Europe itself, an approach it already pursued before Russia's invasion.

Still, China's political stance on the invasion, which essentially blamed NATO and the Americans for the invasion, further alienated many European states that were already reconsidering their future relations with China and highlighted the opposition that China might face in a war for Taiwan.

Beijing may hope that Europe will be less committed to joining a coalition to support Taiwan, which some recent polls support. However, the deepening of the Russia-China relationship through the "unlimited partnership" is further hardening European views on the risks of a Taiwan conflict, especially as the war drags on and if Beijing begins to supply
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to Russia.

The interesting thing about the Chinese strategy is that the States that are interested in punishing Russia represent a minority of States in the international system. Furthermore, fewer than ten states, all in Europe or North America, provided the majority of military and economic aid. The war in Ukraine has had a negative impact on many developing countries through inflation, especially with regard to food prices. Many of the most important regional powers – such as South Africa and India – abstained from voting on UN General Assembly resolutions condemning Russia's actions. India has now become the largest importer of Russian oil, overtaking China. Advanced industrialized democracies may be united around opposing and punishing Russia, but much of the world probably just wants the conflict to end, and this is particularly encouraging for China, which may see an opening to attack Taiwan while based on this thinking, many believe that China could still invade this year.
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Still, China's political stance on the invasion, which essentially blamed NATO and the Americans for the invasion, further alienated many European states that were already reconsidering their future relations with China and highlighted the opposition that China might face in a war for Taiwan.
The rift was already there before the war started. Did you forget the EU did not sign the Comprehensive Agreement on Investment?
And they started parroting the propaganda about Xinjiang as well.

Beijing may hope that Europe will be less committed to joining a coalition to support Taiwan, which some recent polls support. However, the deepening of the Russia-China relationship through the "unlimited partnership" is further hardening European views on the risks of a Taiwan conflict, especially as the war drags on and if Beijing begins to supply dual-use weaponry to Russia.
They would come up with a "coalition of the willing" or some such and do it anyway. They are like a pack of hyenas. You just need to look at what happened in Syria or Libya to get an idea. Good luck to you if you have something they want, that they don't control, and you can't defend yourself properly.

As for the claims of China exporting dual purpose items to Russia, that is a slippery slope. For example they can claim exporting food and medicine will be used to help the war effort because it will be used to feed and treat soldiers as well. They did this to North Korea and Iraq. China hasn't exported weapons to Russia, at least not directly, about as much as they can hope. By continually pushing China on this they just expect China to continue ceding this point in their favor. In fact I think that China is still taking the whole threat the US poses against them too lightly and probably should be actually helping Russia with direct military aid.
You have to remember these countries won't export weapons to China for its own self-defense, have a history of invading other countries to plunder their resources, but then they expect China not to export weapons to the only country which provided them with significant military sales in the recent past. Military sales which enabled China to now stand on its own defensively. If anything China has been way too pliable with these people.

much of the world probably just wants the conflict to end, and this is particularly encouraging for China, which may see an opening to attack Taiwan while based on this thinking, many believe that China could still invade this year.
And why exactly should China invade Taiwan at this point? The more time that passes the higher their military advantage grows. It is the US that has the interest to provoke a conflict before China's power in the region is too great for them to contain. Not that I think they can still do it though, but their leaders still seem convinced otherwise.


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Not just the EU, but also NATO.

NATO's secretary general said days ago that China is a threat to the alliance's security. NATO clearly states that China is not an enemy, but its actions tell another story. For example, they openly talk about confiscating infrastructure assets that China financed and built in Europe:
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Strategically, China had incentives to divide European support for Ukraine, separating Europe from the US and/or dividing Europe itself, an approach it already pursued before Russia's invasion.

Still, China's political stance on the invasion, which essentially blamed NATO and the Americans for the invasion, further alienated many European states that were already reconsidering their future relations with China and highlighted the opposition that China might face in a war for Taiwan.

Beijing may hope that Europe will be less committed to joining a coalition to support Taiwan, which some recent polls support. However, the deepening of the Russia-China relationship through the "unlimited partnership" is further hardening European views on the risks of a Taiwan conflict, especially as the war drags on and if Beijing begins to supply
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to Russia.

The interesting thing about the Chinese strategy is that the States that are interested in punishing Russia represent a minority of States in the international system. Furthermore, fewer than ten states, all in Europe or North America, provided the majority of military and economic aid. The war in Ukraine has had a negative impact on many developing countries through inflation, especially with regard to food prices. Many of the most important regional powers – such as South Africa and India – abstained from voting on UN General Assembly resolutions condemning Russia's actions. India has now become the largest importer of Russian oil, overtaking China. Advanced industrialized democracies may be united around opposing and punishing Russia, but much of the world probably just wants the conflict to end, and this is particularly encouraging for China, which may see an opening to attack Taiwan while based on this thinking, many believe that China could still invade this year.
There is no doubt that US and therefore NATO is looking to turn American encroachment in China's east into a full scale invasion of China. In that case, EU would also be guilty if they support America's war of aggression.

In fact I would credit the massive distraction through Ukraine with putting far behind schedule an American invasion of Taiwan.

Having a rearmed Russia is ultimately helping China to an extreme degree, not just because of Russia itself but also because China needs a base to counterstrike NATO homelands in the event US actually kicks off a full scale invasion. Chinese bombers flying from Xinjiang over Russia can fire on key infrastructure in eastern Europe, not even counting the possibility to launch close through Russian territory.


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There is no doubt that US and therefore NATO is looking to turn American encroachment in China's east into a full scale invasion of China. In that case, EU would also be guilty if they support America's war of aggression.

In fact I would credit the massive distraction through Ukraine with putting far behind schedule an American invasion of Taiwan.

Having a rearmed Russia is ultimately helping China to an extreme degree, not just because of Russia itself but also because China needs a base to counterstrike NATO homelands in the event US actually kicks off a full scale invasion. Chinese bombers flying from Xinjiang over Russia can fire on key infrastructure in eastern Europe, not even counting the possibility to launch close through Russian territory.
Yes but it's not nearly enough deterrence until China is able to completely saturate all of Western Europe (including UK and UK-occupied Ireland) with conventional bombs. There cannot be a single building above 2 stories left standing.


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Not a good look, professionally speaking, when you're talking about an institution which was dissolved three months ago in the present tense.

The Strategic Support Force (SSF) is the lead organization for warfighting in the Information Domain, which the PLA conceives of as a domain in and of itself, equal to Air, Land, Sea, and Space. The SSF’s remit includes both space and cyber, because the PLA sees those as two sides of the same coin, particularly when viewed through the lens of countering intervention by the U.S. and allies and partners in a Taiwan or regional contingency.


Registered Member
Not a good look, professionally speaking, when you're talking about an institution which was dissolved three months ago in the present tense.
What do you mean by "not a good look" comment? is that against the PLA or the American military think tank?


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What do you mean by "not a good look" comment? is that against the PLA or the American military think tank?

Not a good look for the writers/CASI, who made it sound like the SSF still exists in the form that it did. Chances are this writeup was made quite some time ago and when it's been published they didn't amend it.