PLA (strategic) news, pics, and videos


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Imo Chinese interaction with Belarus should be purely economical, it is already competing with Russia influence in central Asia, there is no need to further test this relationship by also running security exercises with Belarus. At the moment European attitude towards China is weary but not hostile, why give them ammunition to change that?
Firstly, Russia most likely approves of this Chinese conduct given it can keep NATO at bay near Russia's doorstep. Russia-Chinese coordination on strategic and military matters have advanced significantly, so this is a safe bet. Secondly, European nations have already been clearly communicating via NATO that they intend to move their military and political jurisdiction to East Asia, explicitly to contain China. NATO + Japan + South Korea + Australia is the 21st century version of the "Eight-Nation Alliance", if you understand the political and historical context of that reference. Given all that context, choosing not to respond in kind would signal "weakness of resolve" to those European countries. The key opinion leaders or decision makers of white-ruled and vassalized countries do not respect those who respect them. They only respect overwhelming power and the resolve to use it.
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Junior Member
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Imo Chinese interaction with Belarus should be purely economical, it is already competing with Russia influence in central Asia, there is no need to further test this relationship by also running security exercises with Belarus. At the moment European attitude towards China is weary but not hostile, why give them ammunition to change that?
Russia already gave in fully to China when they purged oligarch faction and accepted a proxy war against China's enemies. Putin didn't have to sing a song for Xi on live TV, but he might as well have.

Belarus is willfully making itself an extension of Russia, and since China maintains activity in Russia, it also becomes natural to have a presence in Belarus.

EU is highly hostile against China, some EU countries have threatened to attack China, and there is suspicion that they would aid US in the event US decided to commit a full scale invasion of China. Aiding Russian revanchism in Europe is a fair counter to Europeans aiding American revanchism in Asia.


Registered Member
Imo Chinese interaction with Belarus should be purely economical, it is already competing with Russia influence in central Asia, there is no need to further test this relationship by also running security exercises with Belarus. At the moment European attitude towards China is weary but not hostile, why give them ammunition to change that?
You call the French and German warships sailing in SCS and drilling with Japan not hostile? Europe sanctioned China for Xinjiang, then dropped the Investment agreement (FTA prelude) many years ago, now escalates to trade war and military provocation in China's backyard. Who changed attitude? Why is it always China's fault?
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2024 Belarusian parade.
The narrator mentioned a Chinese when presenting PLA color guard. 唐铎 who participated
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as deputy regiment commander (Lieutenant Colonel) of Soviet airforce. He was trained as pilot and engineer in USSR and served in red army for 15 years before joining the battle against Germany. He returned to China in 1953 with his Soviet (Ukrainian) wife and two sons. He became head of the department of airforce of 哈军工 (one of eight most prestigious military schools). He was awarded airforce lieutenant general in 1955.

It is interesting to mention that one of his backseat gunner were killed, 3 severely wonded and one lightly wonded, but he wasn't scrathed during all his battles.

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Senior Member
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You call the French and German warships sailing in SCS and drilling with Japan not hostile? Europe sanctioned China for Xinjiang, then dropped the Investment agreement (FTA prelude) many years ago, now escalates to trade war and military provocation in China's backyard. Who changed attitude? Why is it always China's fault?
There's a difference between posturing and hostile action. I would still consider whatever Europe was doing posturing rather than a genuine attempt to bring down China. Those sanctions are symbolic rather than targetted towards key industry like the American trade war or extreme tariffs on Chinese good.

Currently China is immensely benefiting from the trade surplus it has with Europe, at the moment where Ukraine is a pain point how does it benefit China to harden European resolve? Whatever security gains and economic gains they get from a Belarus alliance pales in comparison to the consequences off a pissed off Europe.


Registered Member
There's a difference between posturing and hostile action. I would still consider whatever Europe was doing posturing rather than a genuine attempt to bring down China. Those sanctions are symbolic rather than targetted towards key industry like the American trade war or extreme tariffs on Chinese good.
Let me see if I understand you right. European warships drilling with Japan and US in east asia is merely a posturing act, while a very small PLA contigent (a company or smaller) is excessive and damaging a "good" relationship?

I tell you what is really excessive and damaging for China to do IMO, providing weapons (missiles, radar, AWAC, fighters, tanks etc.) to Russia excatly like NATO did in Ukraine. What China does now is just a veiled message.

Currently China is immensely benefiting from the trade surplus it has with Europe, at the moment where Ukraine is a pain point how does it benefit China to harden European resolve? Whatever security gains and economic gains they get from a Belarus alliance pales in comparison to the consequences off a pissed off Europe.
One can say the same thing about Europeans. Whatever security and economic gains Europe get from "East Asia NATO" pales in comparison to the consequences of pissing off China. The US-aliance in east asia is a headache of China just like Ukraine to Europe, you should see how China feels about Europe.

You still hold the idea of "Everybody can annoy, poke and kick China whiel China should stay still". While I don't advocate throwing the first punch, but I do advocate returning a kick as Chairman Mao said "人不犯我我不犯人,人若犯我我必犯人". Aggressive people only understand the language of force.

In essense you reminded me of a Danish diplomat who I had an argument in 2014 about Ukraine. He argued that China's doing nothing about Ukraine will piss off Europe and threatened China for consequences. I can't believe after 10 years there are still people toing the same line.
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There's a difference between posturing and hostile action. I would still consider whatever Europe was doing posturing rather than a genuine attempt to bring down China. Those sanctions are symbolic rather than targetted towards key industry like the American trade war or extreme tariffs on Chinese good.

Currently China is immensely benefiting from the trade surplus it has with Europe, at the moment where Ukraine is a pain point how does it benefit China to harden European resolve? Whatever security gains and economic gains they get from a Belarus alliance pales in comparison to the consequences off a pissed off Europe.
Europeans are American pawns; they are antagonists to China for sure. Europe's hostile actions towards China are not limited by their ill will but by their fear of the repercussions, weighed against their fear of the repercussions of angering the US. China benefits artficial money from its trade with Europe while Europe needs the material goods it gets from China to sustain their everyday functions; let them harden their resolve against us and see what they do to themselves.

Never step on your allies to please your adversaries or you are not worthy of alliance. Always do the opposite.


Junior Member
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There's a difference between posturing and hostile action. I would still consider whatever Europe was doing posturing rather than a genuine attempt to bring down China. Those sanctions are symbolic rather than targetted towards key industry like the American trade war or extreme tariffs on Chinese good.

Currently China is immensely benefiting from the trade surplus it has with Europe, at the moment where Ukraine is a pain point how does it benefit China to harden European resolve? Whatever security gains and economic gains they get from a Belarus alliance pales in comparison to the consequences off a pissed off Europe.
European resolve is already as hardened as can be given their material means.