Olympics 2024 - discussion thread

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So remember that 50 kg women's wrestling where the top seed was knocked out early. It was by this Indian and she made it to the finals. So India gets gold?

WRONG. Somehow she missed weight and got DQ'd. Only in India ffs. Now USA gets gold by default.
I'm pretty sure she cheated. Wrestlers are weighed the morning of their competition. Vinesh bulked up after her morning weigh-in, which gave her an advantage during her competition. Unfortunately for her, she gained too much weight and couldn't lose it before her next weigh-in. I feel bad for Yui Susaki...she lost to a cheater.

No, there's nothing to suggest any cheating here.

My understanding is that in weight-classed combat sports, everyone struggles to "make weight" before the match -- through dehydration, caloric restriction, aerobic activity, etc. After you make weight, you're completely free to hydrate, eat, etc. before the match itself. And everyone does, because why would you want to compete while you're dehydrated and under-energized?

But if you then have another match very soon after the first one, and there's another weigh-in for the second match, you now have to make weight again -- through dehydration, caloric restriction, aerobic activity, etc.. And here, the Indian wrestler made weight on the morning of the first day and won three matches later that day. She then had to make weight again the very next day, and scrambled to do so. But she ultimately came up short, missing by 100 grams. To reiterate, there's nothing to suggest any cheating here, just a failed attempt to make weight.


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Lol China men sport teams only do well in sport that their women teams also tend to dominate like badminton, table tennis, diving, artistic gymanstic which requires more techniques than pure strength. In terms of athleticism, Chinese men is far below a lot of nations.


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its a fact..

Chinese women performing far better than the Men's team or even individual. from Volleyball to Basketball , Hockey and football too.
I think its because of patriarchy that women's team sports are not popular in other countries. So, they don't get the boost from huge popularity and general population actively playing that sport. Women sports are a niche in pretty much every country. So, this levels the playing fields for China to perform better in women's team sports. In men sports, because of huge supply of talent in other countries and also established pipeline of coaches, clubs, schools, the quality of players is extremely high. Chinese are in general less interested in sports, they are more focused on studies and career and thus do less well in men team sports.


I wanna talk more about Taekwondo. We have 4 more chances but I'm pessimistic on all of them because if they didn't change their doctrine to attack, then they can never win.

I have a strong personal relationship with Taekwondo because it is the first martial art I did; it built my foundation and changed me from a skinny nerd into a mental bully. I say mental because I've never acted and actually bullied someone but when I'm in a conflict, my mentality is that of a bully. Leave them no dignity, no mercy, no reconciliation at the end. Make this their life regret. Once again, that's my mentality mid-conflict. I do not do anything terrible to people afterwards; I turned it off and shake hands and smile like everyone else when done. I'm not a real bully.

When I did Taekwondo, I never jumped and pranced around. I stood firm, and pressed forward like boxing or Muay Thai footwork. But I fought within Taekwondo rules. I didn't respect the sport. I didn't learn the forms. My college instructor said I need them to progress in belt color. I said forms are useless for fighting and I didn't want any belt; I don't even want a uniform. I'll fight in a t-shirt and shorts and I'll beat all the black belts here. He didn't like me very much.

I trained in Houston for a bit at a gym that once hosted the Lopez family, a Mexican family that won the US many gold medals. The instructor saw how I fought and gave me a double belt promotion, no test, no fees, no nothing. But when tried to train me, I didn't agree with him. He said I was too much like a bull moving forward, that I needed to be lighter and faster. I said, "But I'm winning." Indeed, I was. I was pushing his golden boy around the gym even more than the Thai pushed our Chinese girl today. To their credit, they did have a guy who was like 250 pounds who I couldn't beat.

Last place I trained in Taekwondo was at a local gym when I was in grad school. The instructor there was a former Olympian on the US team. I think he said he got a bronze but I'm not sure. He was a smaller person than me, not shorter, but definitely lighter by at least 10kg, probably more like 15. He didn't fight any of his students but he offered to spar me. I kicked him in the head and 20 seconds later he sprained his knee trying to kick me. He offered me to attend the gym for free but I left because if I beat him, what else is there to do in that gym? I moved on to Muay Thai and never did Taekwondo again.

I remembered once, an instructor asked the class, "Why do we do Taekwondo? What is it for?" People answered, "For discipline. For exercise. For self-defense. For community and tradition." I answered, "To hurt people." I was joking and people laughed but I was so very correct. Team China needs to learn that lesson. My secret to fighting well is to get angry; I look at the guy and pretend to myself that the person standing in front of me is purposefully responsible for every bad thing that ever happened to me in my life. Once you have that mentality, you don't back up and you don't dodge or block; you just attack, and you don't hit like you're there to score points. You do have to be good at convincing yourself though, or it won't work but for me, I've gotten to the point where I almost had tears of rage in my eyes entering a match on a completely mundane lazy sunny afternoon. If I was Team China's head coach, I would tell them that our new motto is, "I'm not here for no medal; I'm here for your ass." Then we'll get the medals too.
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Lol China men sport teams only do well in sport that their women teams also tend to dominate like badminton, table tennis, diving, artistic gymanstic which requires more techniques than pure strength. In terms of athleticism, Chinese men is far below a lot of nations.
In artistic gymnastics, the Chinese men have been top three for a long time, and are competitive in the all-around individual as well as multiple apparatus. The women have won just one gold (at Beijing) and one bronze at the team event, failing to medal in last 3 Olympics, have never really been competitive at the individual all-round, and the only apparatus they are generally a medal contender for is the balance beam.

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Lol China men sport teams only do well in sport that their women teams also tend to dominate like badminton, table tennis, diving, artistic gymanstic which requires more techniques than pure strength. In terms of athleticism, Chinese men is far below a lot of nations.

What ignoring the Chinese men's swimming golds in 100m freestyle and 4x100m medley does to a MFer.