I have my suspicions what this actually means
Did enough EU states actually confirm to voting against the tariffs? Or is there some mechanism where the EU commission can unilaterally withdraw the tariffs?
agree. this solves a lot of issues Europeans had with Chinese EVs, but also (permanently?) solves the Chinese issue of having guaranteed access to the European market. Ok maybe they won't capture the entire market but that was never in the cards just for political reasonsI got a total different view on this. Since this is a posting forum, it is bullshit time!
The EU was in between a rock and a hard place.
Start a tariff war with the EV tariffs where the Chinese will hit your farmers.
Get eaten alive when allowing full access to Chinese EVs to the European market.
With this agreement, ONE, the EU keeps its farmers happy allowing those spineless politicians to be re-elected, and TWO, they made the best move out of a bad situation.
As for China, they full are aware of how integrated the EVs are with European auto companies and Chinese car companies.
This agreement will allow the EV industry in Europe to try and find its footing in the coming years, and avoid a tariff war with China. That is a win for the Europeans.
This, also however is a massive loss on the geopolitical plane for the Americans.
When European companies like Stellantis are selling Chinese EVs under some licensing agreement, and Germany auto tied at the hip to Chinese auto, well then, where does this leave the Americans in their pursuit of roping in allies to confront China?
Notice the Americans were not a part of these negotiations.
I would like to say an obscenity, you know what I mean, directed at those people, but I do not want to get banned. If you feel me, as the African-American like sayin'.
The lying American media deserves this, extra spicy too.
Wonder how they gonna spin it.
I don't know if Xia is a good idea. Denza's brand is not selling well, and this model Xia looks very similar to D9, but the price is just a little lower. D9 is just a bit more luxurious. Xia probably will take away a lot of sales from D9. They should made this model look more different from D9.Sales and ASP of "luxury brand" models that are selling for under 300k RMB
you can see how un-luxurious Audi has become
China's top Heavy duty truck makers. About 29% of sales are CNG and NEVs
BYD has started taking orders for Xia
Its not about price, its about value, Chinese EVs are already selling at 2x to 3x markup in Europe, they arent taking over with lower prices, they're taking overby having better car at that price.agree. this solves a lot of issues Europeans had with Chinese EVs, but also (permanently?) solves the Chinese issue of having guaranteed access to the European market. Ok maybe they won't capture the entire market but that was never in the cards just for political reasons
Biggest loser is the Americans and European consumers lol
in any way, I consider this a win-win agreement tbh