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Lieutenant General
Yes this is true. Also, Singapore is very westernised. Much more than hk I argue. Look at how anti mainland hk are. The white worship is very real in Singapore. They have benefited from US investment. English is the main language in schools and business. They also buy weapons from US and have security agreement.

Well to be fair there is more nuances than that one sentence judgement. To begin with during the 60's Singapore face daunting challenge, their main income is from british base since they were leaving there is no more money So how can you feed the people ? The only way is to open the country for investment since at that time Spore is very poor And who is the biggest market and investor in 60's Well it is the west, Japan and US So naturally they gravitate to the west and since English is the legacy education language they might as well use How else can you communicate with 2 other different race? to keep a country

But to say Hanjian is not fair They make putonghua as the common language and compulsory of all chinese dialect including the peranakan with intent to unite all the different dialect and facilitate relation with China in commerce and human to human relation. Beside that they also strengthening the cultural education of the Chinese Singaporean as to make them more appreciative of Chinese culture and develop self respect, eastern value.

The intention is one thing but the practice is different. being an open port it is hard to insulate the young from the bombardment of western culture specially Hollywood. So yes the young and elite tend to identify themselves with the west specially the English stream. But they also have Chinese stream school that is more oriented toward Chinese culture. And I bet the students are well verse with Chinese history, language , culture and kept them thru their life

But it also have to do with the power struggle between The communist party of Malaysia and LKY PAP in 60's The communist was strong then because they enjoy the support of Chinese intellectual specially for Nanyang Taiho the only Chinese university outside China and the bedrock of Chinese culture and civilization in SEA. LKY dismantle it on the pretext that the university graduate can't compete on job market because they only teach liberal science. But they coopt the student and graduate by accepting into civil service and government jobs
Without Chinese oriented Elite the slant toward China is weakening Now everybody is called John and James

As to security agreement they do it because they need it in 60s as Singapore face mortal danger for Konfrontasi with Indonesia that intent to eliminate Malaysia and Singapore The only power that can guarantee that is US. Actually the earlier supporter is not US but Israel and Taiwan . Later they need more sophisticated equipment to balance their deficiency in manpower And US offer most of the best weapon. Now after buying the devil pact they have to live with it

Singapore did contribute a lot in early development of capitalism in China as well supporting DXP drive for modernization and providing training , internship of 40000 Chinese official that still continue until today. setting up the SEZ legal and infrastructure that become template for China wide modernization. By using Spore model China avoid making mistake like Soviet Union and therefore contribute to the prosperity she enjoy until today. Even today Spore is the biggest investor in China and give the international community seal of approval may multi national employ Sporean as their manager in China as they bridge the 2 culture
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Junior Member
Registered Member
Well to be fair there is more nuances than that one sentence judgement. To begin with during the 60's Singapore face daunting challenge, their main income is from british base since they were leaving there is no more money So how can you feed the people ? The only way is to open the country for investment since at that time Spore is very poor And who is the biggest market and investor in 60's Well it is the west, Japan and US So naturally they gravitate to the west and since English is the legacy education language they might as well use How else can you communicate with 2 other different race? to keep a country

But to say Hanjian is not fair They make putonghua as the common language and compulsory of all chinese dialect including the peranakan with intent to unite all the different dialect and facilitate relation with China in commerce and human to human relation. Beside that they also strengthening the cultural education of the Chinese Singaporean as to make them more appreciative of Chinese culture and develop self respect, eastern value.

The intention is one thing but the practice is different. being an open port it is hard to insulate the young from the bombardment of western culture specially Hollywood. So yes the young and elite tend to identify themselves with the west specially the English stream. But they also have Chinese stream school that is more oriented toward Chinese culture. And I bet the students are well verse with Chinese history, language , culture and kept them thru their life

But it also have to do with the power struggle between The communist party of Malaysia and LKY PAP in 60's The communist was strong then because they enjoy the support of Chinese intellectual specially for Nanyang Taiho the only Chinese university outside China and the bedrock of Chinese culture and civilization in SEA. LKY dismantle it on the pretext that the university graduate can't compete on job market because they only teach liberal science. But they coopt the student and graduate by accepting into civil service and government jobs
Without Chinese oriented Elite the slant toward China is weakening Now everybody is called John and James

As to security agreement they do it because they need it in 60s as Singapore face mortal danger for Konfrontasi with Indonesia that intent to eliminate Malaysia and Singapore The only power that can guarantee that is US. Actually the earlier supporter is not US but Israel and Taiwan . Later they need more sophisticated equipment to balance their deficiency in manpower And US offer most of the best weapon. Now after buying the devil pact they have to live with it

Singapore did contribute a lot in early development of capitalism in China as well supporting DXP drive for modernization and providing training , internship of 40000 Chinese official that still continue until today. setting up the SEZ legal and infrastructure that become template for China wide modernization. By using Spore model China avoid making mistake like Soviet Union and therefore contribute to the prosperity she enjoy until today. Even today Spore is the biggest investor in China and give the international community seal of approval may multi national employ Sporean as their manager in China as they bridge the 2 culture
Singapore had already chosen to side with USA.


Senior Member
Registered Member

What do you make of this chap then? I saw his comment on YouTube literally said and I quote: "Please save me" on one of the CNN videos where this guy has peppered his anti China shtick.
If he still lives in China then a simple report to the authorities will do. If not then good riddance they are out of there. Any of such people would've been labeled as traitors if he were an American talking the same about America.