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Singapore had already chosen to side with USA.
Its not that simple. Singapore did a few things that angered China. But Singapore had also done more than many countries in ASEAN to help China. White-worshipping is a common problem in all Asian countries. It is very difficult to avoid it when practically everyone grew up in an era dominated by Western culture. There will be a significant portion of the populace still looking down on China. But the Singapore government has a mind of its own. It is determined not to be controlled by either USA or China. Hence it does things that pleases and infuriates both.

If you want to talk about Sinophobia. I dare say that Sinophobia is even stronger in Malaysia. In Malaysia's case, it is actually getting worse. The Malaysian government is spineless, hence it may appear to be 'pro-China'. Don't be fooled, these politicians are doing it only for the money. In front of China, they smile and sign deals. But in parliament, social media, and local news media, Sinophobia is a hot topic. Sinophobia in Malaysia is not new. It cooled down for awhile in the 2000s to 2010s. But it really started to make a strong come back ever since the Pakatan Harapan government came into power in 2018. The prime minister at the time: Mahathir Mohammad is strongly anti-Chinese. His coalition of opposition parties won the 2018 general election using Sinophobia as one of their key weapons. The major opposition media also happens to be supported by the NED.

Fun-fact, I voted for these guys because I hated the extremely corrupt incumbent Barisan National even more. I expected the Sinophobia to blow over, because relations with China is a necessity, not an option. But I was so wrong. The Mahahir-led Pakatan Harapan government canceled some deals with China, and started to distance away from China. To Malaysia's detriment. The economy practically stagnated, and China is still blamed. I remembered Mahathir commenting in 2019 that "China should stop interfering with HK". Then in early 2020, the Pakatan Harapan government collapsed under its own contradictions, and surprise surprise, corruption. But the damage had been done. Sinophobia in Malaysia now has a life of its own.

Among the many Sinophobia sentiments that is being spread around Malaysia, the most trending today is:
1) China desires to take over Malaysia.
2) China created Covid-19.
3) Xinjiang 'Muslim genocide'.
4) Among some Malaysian-Chinese: "Stand with HK and Taiwan BS".

Singapore may have some level of white-worshipping version of Sinophobia. But Malaysia's Sinophobia has a cocktail of white-worshipping, Muslim Brotherhood, HK-Taiwan worshipping, and good old Yellow Peril. For me, Malaysia has bigger Sinophobia issues than Singapore. I am witnessing it all.
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China is inviting the Russian FM to China right after the talks with the US. Guaranteed to be a much more friendly and productive exchange. This is like a big diplomatic middle finger to the US. So much for improving US foreign policy under Biden.

The US under Trump is more hostile to China, than Russia. The US under Biden is more hostile to both. :rolleyes:

Trump's achievement:
1) Make the US closer to resembling a Banana Republic.
2) Making China greater than the USA.

What Biden is on course of achieving:
1) Making Russia team up ever closer with a China already made greater by Trump.
2) Continue Trump's work. Make China even greater than it is right now.

If you are on America's side, you must be wondering who is the more stupid president. But I don't care. I'm enjoying this. LOL!
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Registered Member

Just seeing this attack on the elderly makes me so damn angry. May the collapse of the USA be the most painful and brutal one ever that we be recorded in the history books as the event that will forever strip power from this Anglo Saxon monsters. In China or even in other nations, no one has done such things that the USA and other western nations have done against Asians for the crime of simply existing. Hence when the economic collapse along with all the terrible things that are going happen to the USA piles up, I will no shed a tear for these worthless cowards. The day that these people are finally given the same treatment, is the day that the world can breath a sigh of relief since at the very least that will mean no more wars or any of these shit actions from happening, at least when these scum bags can learn to practice the basic shit they should have learnt from the bible, 'thou shall not kill'


Registered Member
If he still lives in China then a simple report to the authorities will do. If not then good riddance they are out of there. Any of such people would've been labeled as traitors if he were an American talking the same about America.
He's still back in China, hence the "Please save me" comment he made and left on one of the CNN videos. He made another video literally defending American values and saying how much or how little the average Chinese know of American benevolence (he chose a different for this) and basically saying that it's the Chinese government that's distorting the views of the Chinese public which is lol...

I don't want to report the guy even though he's literally selling out to his Anglo Saxon masters. The dude is so desperate to make $$ that he's willing to shill for American interests. It is sad and pathetic.


Senior Member
Well to be fair there is more nuances than that one sentence judgement. To begin with during the 60's Singapore face daunting challenge, their main income is from british base since they were leaving there is no more money So how can you feed the people ? The only way is to open the country for investment since at that time Spore is very poor And who is the biggest market and investor in 60's Well it is the west, Japan and US So naturally they gravitate to the west and since English is the legacy education language they might as well use How else can you communicate with 2 other different race? to keep a country

But to say Hanjian is not fair They make putonghua as the common language and compulsory of all chinese dialect including the peranakan with intent to unite all the different dialect and facilitate relation with China in commerce and human to human relation. Beside that they also strengthening the cultural education of the Chinese Singaporean as to make them more appreciative of Chinese culture and develop self respect, eastern value.

The intention is one thing but the practice is different. being an open port it is hard to insulate the young from the bombardment of western culture specially Hollywood. So yes the young and elite tend to identify themselves with the west specially the English stream. But they also have Chinese stream school that is more oriented toward Chinese culture. And I bet the students are well verse with Chinese history, language , culture and kept them thru their life

But it also have to do with the power struggle between The communist party of Malaysia and LKY PAP in 60's The communist was strong then because they enjoy the support of Chinese intellectual specially for Nanyang Taiho the only Chinese university outside China and the bedrock of Chinese culture and civilization in SEA. LKY dismantle it on the pretext that the university graduate can't compete on job market because they only teach liberal science. But they coopt the student and graduate by accepting into civil service and government jobs
Without Chinese oriented Elite the slant toward China is weakening Now everybody is called John and James

As to security agreement they do it because they need it in 60s as Singapore face mortal danger for Konfrontasi with Indonesia that intent to eliminate Malaysia and Singapore The only power that can guarantee that is US. Actually the earlier supporter is not US but Israel and Taiwan . Later they need more sophisticated equipment to balance their deficiency in manpower And US offer most of the best weapon. Now after buying the devil pact they have to live with it

Singapore did contribute a lot in early development of capitalism in China as well supporting DXP drive for modernization and providing training , internship of 40000 Chinese official that still continue until today. setting up the SEZ legal and infrastructure that become template for China wide modernization. By using Spore model China avoid making mistake like Soviet Union and therefore contribute to the prosperity she enjoy until today. Even today Spore is the biggest investor in China and give the international community seal of approval may multi national employ Sporean as their manager in China as they bridge the 2 culture

As other said, We need to separate their govt and the people. Sg govt indeed invested a great deal in china. But we also have to note they invested alot in India too, the top country to invest in India actually. While sg govt tries to maintain balance between china and US, being a small country that is practical. Most of their actions try to remain neutral. But we also need to remember they did some actions that can be seen not as friendly to China. For example they spearheaded the push to get TPP back on table. They also said some undiplomatic stuff about China while giving a speech in Japan. So it's not all one sided pro china stuff. Having grown up there I can safely say the Chinese stream schools are a distinct minority. The majority of Singaporeans kids learn mandarin as a second language. Even so I met so many chinese Singaporean parents over the years complain about how their kids find it hard to learn Chinese and prefer to ditch the language.

Now talking about the chinese Singaporeans itself, things gets worse. They are mostly westernized and prefer to consume Hollywood and western propaganda.

Even the ones who speak chinese at home and more comfortable woth chinese culture, they mostly look down on china mainland and pro Taiwan or Hong Kong. You can even easily find many of them online calling you wumao, CCP troll, wuhan flu etc if you defend china. These people call china tiong this and tiong that in a demeaning manner. Now this is maybe exaggerated online but the current trend is definitely against china mainland. I have experienced this myself. They don't see themselve as part of a larger chinese diaspora with same culture as mainland chibese. They all maintained they have a separate identity and will be hostile to those who suggest they are part of a larger family with their "tiong" brothers.


Registered Member
As other said, We need to separate their govt and the people. Sg govt indeed invested a great deal in china. But we also have to note they invested alot in India too, the top country to invest in India actually. While sg govt tries to maintain balance between china and US, being a small country that is practical. Most of their actions try to remain neutral. But we also need to remember they did some actions that can be seen not as friendly to China. For example they spearheaded the push to get TPP back on table. They also said some undiplomatic stuff about China while giving a speech in Japan. So it's not all one sided pro china stuff. Having grown up there I can safely say the Chinese stream schools are a distinct minority. The majority of Singaporeans kids learn mandarin as a second language. Even so I met so many chinese Singaporean parents over the years complain about how their kids find it hard to learn Chinese and prefer to ditch the language.

Now talking about the chinese Singaporeans itself, things gets worse. They are mostly westernized and prefer to consume Hollywood and western propaganda.

Even the ones who speak chinese at home and more comfortable woth chinese culture, they mostly look down on china mainland and pro Taiwan or Hong Kong. You can even easily find many of them online calling you wumao, CCP troll, wuhan flu etc if you defend china. These people call china tiong this and tiong that in a demeaning manner. Now this is maybe exaggerated online but the current trend is definitely against china mainland. I have experienced this myself. They don't see themselve as part of a larger chinese diaspora with same culture as mainland chibese. They all maintained they have a separate identity and will be hostile to those who suggest they are part of a larger family with their "tiong" brothers.
Guys as I said you need to stop worrying too much for other people opinions. Now the media is western controlled so China doesn't stand a chance to improve its image.

China should just keep growing economically and naturally the people's opinion will change.

Always remember, soft power comes after hard power.


Senior Member
I also argue I find more pro china people among chinese Malaysians and chinese Indonesians than in Singaporean chinese. While the former two are larger in population, I find it strange cuz I don't even go to Malaysian or Indonesian forums at all. My belief is cuz the Chinese make up minority in these two countries and have been discriminated against, while the Chinese in sg, well, they are majority and govern the country largely.
As such have formed their own separate identity and culture at times hostile to China mainland and that is very much western leaning.


Senior Member
Guys as I said you need to stop worrying too much for other people opinions. Now the media is western controlled so China doesn't stand a chance improve its opinion.

China should just keep growing economically and naturally the people's opinion will change.

Always remember, soft power comes after hard power.
Oh yes I do agree woth this. I'm not frustrated as such but since the topic is being discussed I was giving my two cents as I have personal experience living and growing up in singapore before. I am very much of the opinion china has to concentrate on growth and development in all areas, other things will fall into place with the right conditions.


Lieutenant General
I also argue I find more pro china people among chinese Malaysians and chinese Indonesians than in Singaporean chinese. While the former two are larger in population, I find it strange cuz I don't even go to Malaysian or Indonesian forums at all. My belief is cuz the Chinese make up minority in these two countries and have been discriminated against, while the Chinese in sg, well, they are majority and govern the country largely.
As such have formed their own separate identity and culture at times hostile to China mainland and that is very much western leaning.

Singapore fell into the same ‘divide and conquer’ colonial strategy of the west as the likes of HK and Taiwan, where they were build up in the western MSM as Chinese+ due to their kowtowing to western values and institutions and general white worship. During the Cold War, they were promoted as exemplars to inspire regime change in China, and to some extent, still are being promoted as such.

The idiocy in those societies is their embracing of those highly loaded and self serving fake western platitudes, and making that a cornerstone of their entire identity.

The were historically richer than China, which was taken as ‘proof’ of their ‘superiority’ to mainland Chinese.

As with HK, Chinese success and prosperity is now challenging that narrative, so many turn to anger and hostility rather than face up to their own internal ugliness and self hating racist core beliefs and wants to bring China down so they can continue living their fantasies of being ‘superior’ Chinese.

I have zero sympathy for such people. As far as I am concerned, they can face reality or fight against China and die. Either way the world would be a better place afterwards.