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I also argue I find more pro china people among chinese Malaysians and chinese Indonesians than in Singaporean chinese. While the former two are larger in population, I find it strange cuz I don't even go to Malaysian or Indonesian forums at all. My belief is cuz the Chinese make up minority in these two countries and have been discriminated against, while the Chinese in sg, well, they are majority and govern the country largely.
As such have formed their own separate identity and culture at times hostile to China mainland and that is very much western leaning.
Perhaps the behaviour is more apparent among teenagers who aspire to be trendy and rebellious. As they grow up and awareness grow, they tend to identify more with ethnicity and understand China better. There is sense of dissonance. HK and Taiwan problem are worse due to very hostile antiChina media and politics.


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Perhaps the behaviour is more apparent among teenagers who aspire to be trendy and rebellious. As they grow up and awareness grow, they tend to identify more with ethnicity and understand China better. There is sense of dissonance. HK and Taiwan problem are worse due to very hostile antiChina media and politics.
The Malaysian Chinese always felt threatened by the Malay-first bumiputera policy hence felt the need to preserve their culture. Indonesian Chinese were always at the end of pogroms every few decades beginning with the VOC era. Plus the forced language and name changes that was only recently (and likely temporarily) relaxed. So in a way they are like the Aust or Rhodesia version of the Chinese dispora, tiny outposts in a hostile sea. While the Singapore Chinese being the majority in a real island don't feel such urgency to articulate their "chineseness". (My 2 cents/fēn/sens)


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Zhao is killing us the english-speaking people. Come on they have so many people, cant they find 1 to give an English translation..:(

By the way, did he say anything very important or a good soundbite?

That’s actually a major problem with interpreting Chinese intelligence in the US. They rely exclusively on Chinese speakers since very few of them understand Chinese well enough to be useful.

A lot of the supposed Chinese military opacity also stems from this. China releases tons of material online regarding equipment, tech, and doctrine but westerners can’t understand them.


Registered Member
Singapore fell into the same ‘divide and conquer’ colonial strategy of the west as the likes of HK and Taiwan, where they were build up in the western MSM as Chinese+ due to their kowtowing to western values and institutions and general white worship. During the Cold War, they were promoted as exemplars to inspire regime change in China, and to some extent, still are being promoted as such.

The idiocy in those societies is their embracing of those highly loaded and self serving fake western platitudes, and making that a cornerstone of their entire identity.

The were historically richer than China, which was taken as ‘proof’ of their ‘superiority’ to mainland Chinese.

As with HK, Chinese success and prosperity is now challenging that narrative, so many turn to anger and hostility rather than face up to their own internal ugliness and self hating racist core beliefs and wants to bring China down so they can continue living their fantasies of being ‘superior’ Chinese.

I have zero sympathy for such people. As far as I am concerned, they can face reality or fight against China and die. Either way the world would be a better place afterwards.
Unfortunately I agree with @plawolf's characterization. Indeed Chinese in Singapore are the honorary whites. The second fiddle.

Lee Hsien Loong talked shit about China but he seems to have backtracked and talked about how the West should accommodate China (maybe he realized his idiocy). However his great father Lee Kuan Yew said there was irony in how Singaporean Chinese looked down on mainlanders for being bumpkins. To quote LKY he said something like "we Singaporeans are descended from illiterate peasants in Guangdong and Fujian province, far away from the Chinese elite", and just after a few decades of economic growth we look down on them.

EDIT: Here's the exact quote: “You’re able to catch up with us, even better than Singapore, and there’s no problem at all,” Lee said.

“We are only the descendants of illiterate, landless farmers in Fujian, Guangdong and other places, but many of you are the descendants of officials and scholars,” Lee continued, as Deng listened quietly.

LKY said something about how China can, should, and will do a thousand times better than Singapore.

Also most of the Chinese power elite is historically in Beijing and Zhejiang with their artistic refinement. I respect people from the second region since they seem to have a lot of high art and culture.
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Wang Yi, traditionally tough and sharp tongued, was courtesy but firm; it was the mild-mannered Yang Jiechi that fired broadside...

International law-based order with the UN at the core, rather than the US rules-based order, was emphasized. US crimes against humanity, against it's own black population, also got a deserving mention.