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He's still back in China, hence the "Please save me" comment he made and left on one of the CNN videos. He made another video literally defending American values and saying how much or how little the average Chinese know of American benevolence (he chose a different for this) and basically saying that it's the Chinese government that's distorting the views of the Chinese public which is lol...

I don't want to report the guy even though he's literally selling out to his Anglo Saxon masters. The dude is so desperate to make $$ that he's willing to shill for American interests. It is sad and pathetic.
I don't get enjoyment out of these people. They cause so much harm to the general Asian that if I could I would report him myself.


Zhao is killing us the english-speaking people. Come on they have so many people, cant they find 1 to give an English translation..:(

By the way, did he say anything very important or a good soundbite?

Just use the auto-translate function. I think the "auto-translation" is too good to be done automatically and is done by an actual person.


Registered Member
This is the same Atlantic Council that talks about position of strength, and published the Longer Telegram but its author hid under anonymity for fear of Chinese sanction.
Yep. That Longer Telegram was the biggest think-tank circlejerking I had ever seen.

Imagine if after the shambles of the pandemic handling they went straight to opening another escalating front with China. China would just increase some common item prices here and there and then wait for the US meltdown lol.

These people are totally deluded and they have not concept on how the common Americans live their normal life.


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As a Singaporean it's kinda weird seeing people opine about my country. I suppose I should say something, but I don't have time to write an essay so here's a quick rundown:
  1. We're a tiny island, we don't really matter all that much even if our politicians claim otherwise.
  2. We're not a democracy, even if its in the national pledge. In fact we're less democratic than China if you think about it.
  3. Most of us are brainwashed by our media, which is 100% controlled by the west. Pretty standard for most countries under their influence.
  4. LHL is a moron who cannot keep his opinions to himself or at very least run them by the foreign ministry first. I feel for the man being compared to his dad and all, but we must come to terms with our limitations and not pretend they don't exist.
  5. We will never openly take sides, our existence depends on it. Ignore LHL's childish outbursts and just listen to our foreign ministry. They're the ones keeping us afloat, bless their souls.
  6. Even the most western oriented elitists I've had the displeasure of knowing are acknowledging our future is eastwards. Hooray pragmatism.
  7. While the above is true for our business class, our political and professional elites are a little behind the curve and are still very happy sucking up to the West. They'll catch up soon enough.


Registered Member

Yang Jiechi schooling the American diplomats about transparency. Asking: why are they asking the reporters to leave? Asking: isn't America a democracy?

LOL! I never thought I would never see the day where a Chinese diplomat mocks American diplomats about transparency and democracy. Just how screwed up can this world get? LOL!


Registered Member

Yang Jiechi schooling the American diplomats about transparency. Asking: why are they asking the reporters to leave? Asking: isn't America a democracy?

LOL! I never thought I would never see the day where a Chinese diplomat mocks American diplomats about transparency and democracy. Just how screwed up can this world get? LOL!
He is literally schooling kindergarden kids on how they ought to behave. Embarrassing display by Blinken