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Next week :
  • CHINA SANCTIONS. EU foreign ministers are set to approve travel bans and asset freezes on four Chinese individuals and one entity over violations of Uyghur rights in Xinjiang and reform of the electoral system in Hong Kong. Their names will not be made public until formal approval next week.

Lets see how China will respond. I will say this though, EU economy is extremely fragile now. Lets see how they will handle the China relationship

IMO, no way EU backs down from "soft" sanctions(some officials here and there, and maybe an organisation) but it will avoid "hard" sanctions(ban exports from the region, ban companies employing Uyghurs)

IMO, the US.in the future will try to enlist EU to collectively block exports from Xinjiang. So China must skillfully maneuver to avoid this.
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Wow big statement here. IMO, a bad move from China. Germany is the most Sinophile country in the EU and the Nazi history is an extremely sore spot for Germans.

I can assure you, as having met Germans personally, this is not a good move for China. Most Chinese probably dont know the extend of it, but the WW2 is such a traumatic experience for Germany that they should avoid mentioning it as Germany avoids mentioning Taiwan.
Global Times should be reigned in by the diplomatic corps for this statement.

However, on the other hand this shows a strengthened China growing increasingly assertive towards interference in its internal matters and it wont tolerate any statements toward Xinjiang from any country.
So China from all this is showing that it must now be treated as a proper Great Power. Gloves are off.

Lets see how the EU and Germany react.

The West is a supranational bloc with its core interest in the exploitation of the developing world. China is a threat to that core interest, and therefore the West will be circling the wagons sooner or later.

It's a mistake to think Europe can be won over despite the US. The governments of those nations do not follow national interests, they follow caste interests, i.e. the capitalists.


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YouTube video from Singapore main newspaper media, The Straits Times. A more complete segment of video leading to Yang Jiechi's comment about US not having the qualification to talk from position of strength.

What is interesting to note is that the overwhelming comments from the viewers in the YouTube video are in support of China. Do many Singaporeans support China's position?



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WW2 and the holocaust are very sensitive topics for the Germans. But have the German government ever thought about how sensitive Xinjiang is to China? Have they ever thought about Islamic terrorism, and the near-fracturing of China during its century of humiliation? Have they ever thought about the historical human cost of internal strifes in China?

Forget about Taiwan for a minute. First, Genocide is a heavy crime to accuse another country of doing. It is even more enraging when it is blatant slander. Second from that slander, the EU could impose sanctions on China. Both are potentially very damaging to China both diplomatically, and economically.

Accusing another country of genocide is practically wartime rethoric. Its a tried and true method by Western Powers for creating a Casus Belli for war. Hence, China is right to be extra sensitive to this.

If Germany proceeds to lead the EU to impose sanctions on China based on the slander of Genocide. I'm 100% behind China to hit back hard. Germany and the EU must learn their place and their history. Germany, France, Belgium, Italy, and Spain are responsible for genocides far worse in magnitude and cruelty than whatever they are accusing China of doing.

If Germany can accuse China of fake genocide. Why can't China remind Germany of its actual genocide in WW2? That is far from debatable.

China can hit back and should. Germany gets to decide what it wants to do when facing up to its own history.


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Before you think about how US diplomats will be reading this with glee, think about what the Russians are now smiling at :) Looks like both China and Russia are now being driven to each other.
Yes the China-Russia axis is an extremely dangerous prospect for EU so they know not to push too far.
However, EU has brainwashed itself in believing that it is the protector of the "human rights" worldwide and thats why it keeps sanctioning without having any idea of geopolitics. (See the EU humiliation when they visited Russia to lecture them about human rights)


Let's be clear: it's the U.S. that fired the opening shot by sanctioning HK officials right before the meeting.

China's comment on U.S. hegemony:
Yang Jiechi responded for 18 minutes, criticizing US: "We don't believe in invading through use of force, topple other regimes, massacre people of other countries... Important for US to change own image... Many people in US have little confidence in US democracy...
Although it was not mentioned here, I believe Yang also pointed out U.S.' history of extrajudicial killings of blacks, hence its hypocrisy.

China's comment on cybersecurity:
Whether it's ability to launch cyber attacks, or technologies that could be deployed, the US is the champion... You can't blame this problem on somebody else.

China's comment on "universal values":
The United States itself does not represent international public opinion, and neither does the Western world.


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Ever since the CAI, the Anglos have been working hard to turn Germany against China and reverse the treaty; with Merkel leaving and her supporters flailing, there is a non zero chance of germany turning into another britain and becoming a cuck for america.

Though, i'm sure China has more than enough in its toolkit to remind the teutons where their best interests lie. The plight of Anglo Australia should be more than enough warning for any would be idiot leader wanting to indulge in pan white supremacist fantasies.


Registered Member
Ever since the CAI, the Anglos have been working hard to turn Germany against China and reverse the treaty; with Merkel leaving and her supporters flailing, there is a non zero chance of germany turning into another britain and becoming a cuck for america.

Though, i'm sure China has more than enough in its toolkit to remind the teutons where their best interests lie. The plight of Anglo Australia should be more than enough warning for any would be idiot leader wanting to indulge in pan white supremacist fantasies.
The German industrial faction is very big and strong from what I heard. I wouldn't be surprised they are giving the US some concession with sanction on China for less pressure on Nord stream 2 which is probably the number one priority for Germany. Given the tensions rising in Ukraine etc.