Miscellaneous News


Registered Member
Well, both Germany and France know that Russia can't conquer and occupy Poland, much less than the rest of the Europe. And that the EU would still have a population and economy many times larger than Russia.

In comparison, the Chinese military could theoretically take and then hold Europe, if was deployed on the Russian borders.

So it doesn't make sense for the EU to push Russia too much.
That reasoning assumes that Russia will allow a foreign power to put troops in the million on Russian soil, not only just Russian land but Russia's heartland.

I don't think anybody, China, Russia and EU would actually consider this possibility.

The reason that EU not pushing Russia too much (as USA demanded) is just because EU has its own interest in Russia very different from USA wanted.


Registered Member

Wow big statement here. IMO, a bad move from China. Germany is the most Sinophile country in the EU and the Nazi history is an extremely sore spot for Germans.

I can assure you, as having met Germans personally, this is not a good move for China. Most Chinese probably dont know the extend of it, but the WW2 is such a traumatic experience for Germany that they should avoid mentioning it as Germany avoids mentioning Taiwan.
Global Times should be reigned in by the diplomatic corps for this statement.

However, on the other hand this shows a strengthened China growing increasingly assertive towards interference in its internal matters and it wont tolerate any statements toward Xinjiang from any country.
So China from all this is showing that it must now be treated as a proper Great Power. Gloves are off.

Lets see how the EU and Germany react.
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Registered Member
Zhao is killing us the english-speaking people. Come on they have so many people, cant they find 1 to give an English translation..:(

By the way, did he say anything very important or a good soundbite?
I suppose you are partially making a joke.

Seriously though, Zhao as the FM speaker is not going to speak in foreign language, nor will have any official translator to the media, that is deliberate by protocol. You won't find any FM speakers in the world making official press releases in a language other than the official working language.

Also, FM speakers' only answer to questions in Chinese. A non Chinese journalist will have to provide his/her question in Chinese on paper. The FM answers only to that paper, not the voice.

This arrangement is about diplomatic protocols and legal responsibilities.

All he said are reported already by now. So you did not miss anything.


Lieutenant General

Wow big statement here. IMO, a bad move from China. Germany is the most Sinophile country in the EU and the Nazi history is an extremely sore spot for Germans.

I can assure you, as having met Germans personally, this is not a good move for China. Most Chinese probably dont know the extend of it, but the WW2 is such a traumatic experience for Germany that they should avoid mentioning it as Germany avoids mentioning Taiwan.
Global Times should be reigned in by the diplomatic corps for this statement.

However, on the other hand this shows a strengthened China growing increasingly assertive towards interference in its internal matters and it wont tolerate any statements toward Xinjiang from any country.
So China from all this is showing that it must now be treated as a proper Great Power. Gloves are off.

Lets see how the EU and Germany react.
Well from my personal experience there is generation divide in public opinion toward China The older generation and the younger generation and the business community The younger generation are widely travel, educated and has seen the world They have more nuances opinion regarding China

But the older generation still clinging to sort of western superiority and remember the help and support that american extended during cold war. So naturally they support US thru thick and thin. So it does not hurt to remind this segment of population where their interest lay and People living in the glass house should not throw stone


Senior Member
Registered Member

Wow big statement here. IMO, a bad move from China. Germany is the most Sinophile country in the EU and the Nazi history is an extremely sore spot for Germans.

I can assure you, as having met Germans personally, this is not a good move for China. Most Chinese probably dont know the extend of it, but the WW2 is such a traumatic experience for Germany that they should avoid mentioning it as Germany avoids mentioning Taiwan.
Global Times should be reigned in by the diplomatic corps for this statement.

However, on the other hand this shows a strengthened China growing increasingly assertive towards interference in its internal matters and it wont tolerate any statements toward Xinjiang from any country.
So China from all this is showing that it must now be treated as a proper Great Power. Gloves are off.

Lets see how the EU and Germany react.

Global Times doesn’t speak for China.


Registered Member

Wow big statement here. IMO, a bad move from China. Germany is the most Sinophile country in the EU and the Nazi history is an extremely sore spot for Germans.

I can assure you, as having met Germans personally, this is not a good move for China. Most Chinese probably dont know the extend of it, but the WW2 is such a traumatic experience for Germany that they should avoid mentioning it as Germany avoids mentioning Taiwan.
Global Times should be reigned in by the diplomatic corps for this statement.

However, on the other hand this shows an strengthened China growing increasingly assertive towards its internal matters and it wont tolerate any statements toward Xinjiang from any country. So China from all this is showing that it must now be treated as a proper Great Power. Gloves are off.

Lets see how the EU and Germany react.
WW2 and the holocaust are very sensitive topics for the Germans. But have the German government ever thought about how sensitive Xinjiang is to China? Have they ever thought about Islamic terrorism, and the near-fracturing of China during its century of humiliation? Have they ever thought about the historical human cost of internal strifes in China?

Forget about Taiwan for a minute. First, Genocide is a heavy crime to accuse another country of doing. It is even more enraging when it is blatant slander. Second from that slander, the EU could impose sanctions on China. Both are potentially very damaging to China both diplomatically, and economically.

Accusing another country of genocide is practically wartime rethoric. Its a tried and true method by Western Powers for creating a Casus Belli for war. Hence, China is right to be extra sensitive to this.

If Germany proceeds to lead the EU to impose sanctions on China based on the slander of Genocide. I'm 100% behind China to hit back hard. Germany and the EU must learn their place and their history. Germany, France, Belgium, Italy, and Spain are responsible for genocides far worse in magnitude and cruelty than whatever they are accusing China of doing.

If Germany can accuse China of fake genocide. Why can't China remind Germany of its actual genocide in WW2? That is far from debatable.


Senior Member
Registered Member
WW2 and the holocaust are very sensitive topics for the Germans. But have the German government ever thought about how sensitive Xinjiang is to China? Have they ever thought about Islamic terrorism, and the near-fracturing of China during its century of humiliation? Have they ever thought about the historical human cost of internal strifes in China?

Forget about Taiwan for a minute. First, Genocide is a heavy crime to accuse another country of doing. It is even more enraging when it is blatant slander. Second from that slander, the EU could impose sanctions on China. Both are potentially very damaging to China both diplomatically, and economically.

Accusing another country of genocide is practically wartime rethoric. Its a tried and true method by Western Powers for creating a Casus Belli for war. Hence, China is right to be extra sensitive to this.

If Germany proceeds to lead the EU to impose sanctions on China based on the slander of Genocide. I'm 100% behind China to hit back hard. Germany and the EU must learn their place and their history. Germany, France, Belgium, Italy, and Spain are responsible for genocides far worse in magnitude and cruelty than whatever they are accusing China of doing.

If Germany can accuse China of fake genocide. Why can't China remind Germany of its actual genocide in WW2? That is far from debatable.
Good points, but US diplomats will be reading this with glee.