Miscellaneous News


Registered Member
Meeting finished?

IMO, Good news. Although the US team sounds a bit shaken haha

Discussed bout syberspace actions from China,

They had good discussions on Iraq, Afghanistan, Iran, North Korea.

Usual "human rights" on HK, Xinjiang,Tibet, Taiwan

They shared their allies concerns (IMO, China probably didn't care, they just listened once and then they moved to the next topic)

And good discussion on climate change.

Must say it again, they sound and look shaken to me, I hope the Chinese didn't do anything bad to them. Hopefully their "position of strength" saved them from the bad Chinese
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Senior Member
Registered Member
Meeting finished?

IMO, Good news. Although the US team sounds a bit shaken haha

They had good discussions on Iraq, Afghanistan, Iran, North Korea

Usual "human rights" on HK, Xinjiang, Taiwan

They shared their allies concerns (IMO, China probably didn't give a shut, they just listened once and then they moved to the next topic)

And good discussion on climate change.

Must say it again, they sound and look shaken to me, I hope the Chinese didn't do anything bad to them. Hopefully their "position of strength" saved them from the bad Chinese
Apart from China’s “internal issues” Blinken only mentioned cyberspace as an area they are fundamentally opposed. I was expecting an American cyber attack against Russia soon, maybe it will be against China also.

I agee that Blinken looked and sounded shaken, maybe he heard some things that frightened him.


Registered Member
The West is a supranational bloc with its core interest in the exploitation of the developing world. China is a threat to that core interest, and therefore the West will be circling the wagons sooner or later.

It's a mistake to think Europe can be won over despite the US. The governments of those nations do not follow national interests, they follow caste interests, i.e. the capitalists.

I think there is more national interest in Europe than you think.

But let's say you are right.
So what are the interests of German capitalists?

German capitalism is driven by industrial companies, particularly the automobile industry.

In 2018, China accounted "for 42 per cent of Audi's pre-tax profits last year, and 38 per cent for Volkswagen Group, according to consultancy Evercore ISI"

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For the year 2020, I expect China will account for more German Auto profits than the rest of the world combined.

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Registered Member
WW2 and the holocaust are very sensitive topics for the Germans. But have the German government ever thought about how sensitive Xinjiang is to China? Have they ever thought about Islamic terrorism, and the near-fracturing of China during its century of humiliation? Have they ever thought about the historical human cost of internal strifes in China?

Forget about Taiwan for a minute. First, Genocide is a heavy crime to accuse another country of doing. It is even more enraging when it is blatant slander. Second from that slander, the EU could impose sanctions on China. Both are potentially very damaging to China both diplomatically, and economically.

Accusing another country of genocide is practically wartime rethoric. Its a tried and true method by Western Powers for creating a Casus Belli for war. Hence, China is right to be extra sensitive to this.

If Germany proceeds to lead the EU to impose sanctions on China based on the slander of Genocide. I'm 100% behind China to hit back hard. Germany and the EU must learn their place and their history. Germany, France, Belgium, Italy, and Spain are responsible for genocides far worse in magnitude and cruelty than whatever they are accusing China of doing.

If Germany can accuse China of fake genocide. Why can't China remind Germany of its actual genocide in WW2? That is far from debatable.

They could try something like this with sympathetic officials.

Casually mention that everyone in Xinjiang is receiving compulsory lessons in Mandarin Chinese, which will make them more employable by companies.

That is simply a statement of fact.

Then ask, is that really the same as Hitler's gas chambers?


Staff member
Super Moderator
Apart from China’s “internal issues” Blinken only mentioned cyberspace as an area they are fundamentally opposed. I was expecting an American cyber attack against Russia soon, maybe it will be against China also.

I agee that Blinken looked and sounded shaken, maybe he heard some things that frightened him.

Take this with massive mountains of salt, but one of the rumors I heard was that China proposed intercepting weapons shipments to Taiwan.


Senior Member
Registered Member
I would hope the Teutones would have more cojones than the anglo australians who function as a CIA state than an independent nation.

And Australia's eg has shown that the DC Elites expect foreign nations to ditch economic self interest in favour of the imperial core ie white anglo american interests.
And if it means Germany has to become as poor as post soviet russia, then so be it.


Registered Member
Take this with massive mountains of salt, but one of the rumors I heard was that China proposed intercepting weapons shipments to Taiwan.
I saw that too and it would be a massive escalation IMO. I mean thats would be the first baby steps for establishing a mini embargo.

Good idea though to scare Taiwan and US. Can you imagine US military hardware going to Chinese hands...


Registered Member
That reasoning assumes that Russia will allow a foreign power to put troops in the million on Russian soil, not only just Russian land but Russia's heartland.

I don't think anybody, China, Russia and EU would actually consider this possibility.

The reason that EU not pushing Russia too much (as USA demanded) is just because EU has its own interest in Russia very different from USA wanted.

But that is the logical conclusion in a worse case scenario, if China and Russia are pushed too far.

Remember any Chinese troops in European Russia would be completely reliant on a 4000km+ supply chain which depends on Russian railways.

So Russia has that peace of mind.
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Junior Member
Registered Member
Meeting finished?

IMO, Good news. Although the US team sounds a bit shaken haha

Discussed bout syberspace actions from China,

They had good discussions on Iraq, Afghanistan, Iran, North Korea.

Usual "human rights" on HK, Xinjiang,Tibet, Taiwan

They shared their allies concerns (IMO, China probably didn't care, they just listened once and then they moved to the next topic)

And good discussion on climate change.

Must say it again, they sound and look shaken to me, I hope the Chinese didn't do anything bad to them. Hopefully their "position of strength" saved them from the bad Chinese
Sounds like the American government's red lines were also discussed. Let's see if there any policies changes in the coming weeks.