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This is an excellent response by Biden and the Democrats, telling the truth.

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Can you please tell me what has changed from this decade to now. Same issues different kind of Asians. One was a democratic Japan and now the evil See See Pee. And here I thought it was all about China being a commie when any thinking person knows it's not about that ever. It's all about ECONOMIC hegemony then and now. Only the rhetoric shifts and adopts to the changing political global landscape. America has a supremacy problem period.



Registered Member
How about this gem:

Racially tinged portrayals of Japanese appear on American television. A magazine headline talks of "Yellow Power." California businessmen prepare an anti-Japanese boycott and the governor warns of America becoming an economic colony of Japan.

Throughout the country, but particularly in economically depressed areas on the West Coast, anti-Japanese feelings have begun to come out into the open in the last few months. In the face of aggressive Japanese trade policies, the slump of the U.S. automobile industry and the Mediterranean fruit fly scare, Japanese-Americans here say they fear a revival of the racism of the World War II years.

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Registered Member
How about this Chinese American, Vincent Chin who was beaten to death because he was mistaken to be Japanese at the height of American economic war against Japan.

Vincent Chin was a Chinese American man who was severely beaten in the Detroit suburb of Highland Park, Michigan in June of 1982. The beating led to his death four days later. Japanese car imports were seen as the downfall of Detroit's auto industry and the loss of jobs. Mr. Chin was mistaken for a Japanese man. His murderers were given probation because the judge did not see his murder as brutal.

Here's the documentary about what happened and the pathetic justice he didn't get at all from the benevolence and human rights champion the U.S.



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Literally every Asian in the US (at least the ones who actually interact with US society, not the ones stuck in their churches and immigration communities) knows that Biden’s speech is just lip service. It doesn’t do anything. Racial attacks against Blacks and Asians have been going on since the first establishment of the 13 colonies for the former and since the 1800’s for the latter. Yet here we are.

Lip service is still better than Trump actively fanning the flames. Personally I’ll take what I can get.


Registered Member
Pardon for this commentary:

America is a country of users and people being used or allowing themselves to be used as pawns for the great American democracy to form a more perfect union that will never ever materialize. It's like looking for a f..ng unicorn that never existed in the first place.

That's why it sort of sad and sickens me to see so many Asians fighting amongst themselves in trying to out white the other or our Libs their western counterparts and our outwoke even the most woke Black people; out conservative/right wing the most right wing elements of American political elements.

What kind of people who would wish to become the carbon copy of the American counterparts in body and spirit discarding the very essence that make other ethnic groups unique and beautiful in it's own regard.


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Like a racist wouldn't have sex with another race? So when a racist rapes a woman of another race, it's no racism at all? Why kill if he had a sex addiction? Was it because of stereotypes of Asian women weren't fulfilled that he thought he deserved so he thought he could kill because the women of this race didn't give him what he wanted? They always say rape isn't about sex. It's about power. Racists want to express power over other races. Another belief to narrow the definition of racism for themselves. You better believe they don't want it to be about race because that makes the US look bad. Even the Secretary of State Antony Blinken while in South Korea where US soldiers rape and murder South Korean women had to address this incident when at least four of the women murdered were Korean. If there wasn't an identity of race that translates to the other side of the world, why would you have to address it?

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Guess the idiot will have a bad day when he gets fired.


Lieutenant General
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The Germans taught local managers so well that, these days, Taicang has everything German except a large number of Germans themselves. The vast majority of the customers at Mr. Gerber’s bakery are Chinese. The few expatriates tend to live in Shanghai, which has a German-language school for their children.
German companies in Taicang were usually not big enough to attract a lot of attention from the central government. Several said they did not feel pressure to share technology and trade secrets, a common complaint by larger foreign investors.

Interesting article seem like the German mess well with the Chinese. No talk about stealing technology here why the US keep badgering "Stolen technology" Remind me of my younger year living in German speaking country. And I stay in Catholic residence it was beautiful castle like building with big veranda you can see Alps glistening in the summer and backing a wood with promenade full of retire when sun come up. Anyway the residence has German nun helper for upkeep and cooking for staff But she is modern nun she does wear skirt, high heel and perfume not a frock. One day she told me you know I see all kind of people from all over the world here But for me Chinese is the closest to us German I marvel the capacity for work and tuechtigkeit (prowess)

Until today I still savor good bratwurst mit kartoffeln salad und bier. I make my own bratwurst since I can't find good quality of bratwurst here
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