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I think it's worth delving more into the idea of the USA being in a position of strength, because the economic numbers don't back this up. These use the latest nominal GDP figures for 2020

Primary Sector (Mining, Agriculture, etc) - 6.4x larger
China: $1221 Billion (7.9% x $15.4 Trillion)
USA: $188 Billion (0.9% x $20.9 Trillion)

Secondary Sector (Manufacturing, Construction, etc) - 1.5x larger
China: $6237 Billion (40.5% x $15.4 Trillion)
USA: $3955 Billion (18.9% x $20.9 Trillion)

On the consumption side, total 2020 retail sales were - 1.2x larger
China: $6050 Billion
USA: $4300? or $4890? Billion, depending on the source

There are more metrics available, but you get the idea that the USA is smaller than China in many ways

But what I see is both China and the USA being able to impose Mutual Assured Economic Destruction.

The US controls key chokepoints in semiconductors and the financial system.
But China can develop alternatives given a few years.

At the same time, China controls the global supply chain and rare earths.
Again, alternatives could be developed but it would take a few years.
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Old data here which probably gone further in the direction of China.


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The US controls key chokepoints in semiconductors and the financial system.
But China can develop alternatives given a few years.

If you're talking about SWIFT, China already developed their own alternative, CIPS, years ago. Now, there is talk of their Digital Yuan being used internationally. I'm not familiar with cryptocurrency but this is suppose to be big news. As for semiconductors, AMSL have ignored US pressure for sanctions and will continue to sell their equipment until the end of this year.


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How about this Chinese American, Vincent Chin who was beaten to death because he was mistaken to be Japanese at the height of American economic war against Japan.

Vincent Chin was a Chinese American man who was severely beaten in the Detroit suburb of Highland Park, Michigan in June of 1982. The beating led to his death four days later. Japanese car imports were seen as the downfall of Detroit's auto industry and the loss of jobs. Mr. Chin was mistaken for a Japanese man. His murderers were given probation because the judge did not see his murder as brutal.

Here's the documentary about what happened and the pathetic justice he didn't get at all from the benevolence and human rights champion the U.S.

At the height of US - Japan trade war, people were smashing Japanese cars and boycotting Japanese goods. There was wide-spread racism towards Japanese people.

At one point, Japanese economy reached 65% of US economy, and the US freaked. It imposed 100% tariff on Japanese exports. And sanctioned Japanese companies like Toshiba. All this sound familiar?
This is an excellent response by Biden and the Democrats, telling the truth.

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No. it is not excellent. Hardly even bare minimum.

There was no condemnation of an actual irrefutable KILLER, a term which he is known to liberally use including on Vladimir Putin.
The KILLER was NOT labelled a RACIST or TERRORIST.
The KILLER was NOT even mentioned and supposed to be avoided and forgotten.
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Senior Member
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At the height of US - Japan trade war, people were smashing Japanese cars and boycotting Japanese goods. There was wide-spread racism towards Japanese people.

At one point, Japanese economy reached 65% of US economy, and the US freaked. It imposed 100% tariff on Japanese exports. And sanctioned Japanese companies like Toshiba. All this sound familiar?
China acts as nemesis against the white anglo and their sins against asians.


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If we were to adopt the autism of anglo mouthpieces, we would say that Biden collapsing is a sign of God's disfavour, as per the Divine Right Of Kings, as the previous leper king of covid Trump was an indicator of God's Anger, since The Land And The King Are One as The western legend of the Fisher King attests.

Behold, the decline of the anglos from the moral rot of pizza gate orgies is revealed as biden collapses under the weight of the collective anglo sins against nature and against God.