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man for a country who always boasted samurai spirit, honor and all that mumbo jumbo, japan truly are an embarassment
How could they live with that
Forever bowing to the white man
Like the Indians, the Japanese now aspire to be "honorary huwhites" and in return for their fealty, white hollywood filmmakers will maybe include a japanese or indian side member of the Avengers.

On a more positive note though, there appears to be genuine desire by the anglos of america for a reset.
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At the two-day dialogue in the Alaskan city of Anchorage, which ended Friday, the United States has reiterated its adherence to the one-China policy on the Taiwan question, according to the delegation.
Words are wind though, so we'll see if the perfidious anglos are true to their word. I might be more inclined to believe, once Meng is released.


Registered Member
Like the Indians, the Japanese now aspire to be "honorary huwhites" and in return for their fealty, white hollywood filmmakers will maybe include a japanese or indian side member of the Avengers.

On a more positive note though, there appears to be genuine desire by the anglos of america for a reset.
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Words are wind though, so we'll see if the perfidious anglos are true to their word. I might be more inclined to believe, once Meng is released.
@hashtagpls ,There is bro but need to blow off some steam, The Chinese deviated from the usual plot, that really surprises the Americans ;) . In the past the Chinese will take the jab and stay quiet, focusing on the real issues rather than the theatrics. I think 4 years of Trump insane accusation had finally sap the Chinese resolve...LOL


Lieutenant General
I saw that too and it would be a massive escalation IMO. I mean thats would be the first baby steps for establishing a mini embargo.

Good idea though to scare Taiwan and US. Can you imagine US military hardware going to Chinese hands...
US military hardware will not fall into Chinese hands because if China is threatening to intercept shipments, the USN will send warships to escort them. It will be a new Cuban missile crisis.


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So is this a correct interpretation of the word or is FOX news trying spin what they believe as something that translates with other countries as if it were universal therefore they're right?
That was hilarious!

Of course, being Faux News, a lot of distortion and propaganda at the beginning, but a lot of the other stuff, that was exact IMHO, haha!

White Left, that was just a White Liberal, such as Justin Trudeau of Canada. And he is exactly like that.

At just before the 8 minute mark, when he starts describing White Left,

"advocate inclusiveness and anti-discrimination but cannot tolerate different opinions"

I could not stop laughing from that point onward. The Chinese, communist in China, or Chinese here in North America, see the White Liberal in the exact same way! The rest of the video was bang on!

My observation of the White Liberal is that they do not believe in anything. All they want to do is score cheap political points so that they can hold onto power when election time comes. Otherwise the Liberals in Canada do not give a crap about anything other than their own grandiosity.

The problem for Canada, is that the conservatives could be worst.



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One can see parallels with the USG accusing Huawei of spying; sure, Musk can insist that they'd be shut down if they were spying much as Ren Zhengfei can express his admiration for Steve Jobs and pay homage to american innovation, but if the white anglos want to play this game, they should expect China and other allied nations to start crushing the aspirations of anglo America tech companies.


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Meng Wanzhou being arrested, then out on bail for 2½ years, house arrest, and two Canadians locked up in a Chinese prison, only the White Left can do something like this, and justify it all the way, and sell that they are being moral and principled at the same time, when they were just being a crap head all along.

Then the Chinese make it easier for the White Left, and offers a 2 for 1 deal in the prisoner exchange. But that was not good enough for White Liberal, because ... just because!

Canada paid in blood, with the war in Afghanistan. After that war, they passed on the next war for Saddam's WMD. Fast forward to today, when the United States are negotiating with the Taliban to leave, the same Taliban that killed Canadian soldiers, the Liberal government under Trudeau, will stand behind the Americans over Meng Wanzhou! Even when the war against Huawei by the US government is a flop with hardly anyone banning Huawei.

If someone owes someone a favour over blood, well Uncle Sam, here is Canada, and for sure something could be worked out.

But no. The White Liberal must make sure that this court case extradition hearing must go on, because the voters in the polls want it that way, and those two Canadians locked up in a Chinese jail, no one says much of anything about that. They are taking one for the team.

Imagine that! That is a White Liberals. In Canada, most people are White Liberal ideology followers. They would have two Canadians sit in a Chinese jail, to show up the CCP, because that makes the White Left feel better about themselves.

Does not matter how long a Chinese is in this country - you will never understand something like this!

Here is a prisoner exchange a 2 for 1 deal and the White Liberal does not take it, because then they won't feel good about themselves, as white supremacy values were not upheld.

(Then when you realize the White Left will ignore their same arguments about upholding the law and supporting the Canadian courts, such as when aboriginal protest break the law over a pipeline when there is a court injunction that prohibited such protests. White Liberal just pick choose whatever suit at the time, whatever the pollsters say.)

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