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Meeting finished?

Discussed bout syberspace actions from China,

I'm surprised the Chinese are keeping silent about Edward Snowden whenever China gets accused of these hacking incidents. I remember watching a BBC interview with Azerbaijan Presient Ilham Aliyev about freedom of speech and he rightfully shot back with the British detainment of Julian Assange. Russian President Putin had a classy response to US President Biden's (more like the US State Department) remarks of Putin being a killer.

I understand that the Chinese leadership don't want to give Western media the PR ammunition to be used against them and it's a fine line to walk on. It's a good start that Beijing is getting more assertive and they need to stay the course; otherwise, those parasites in DC will never understand.


I think there is more national interest in Europe than you think.

But let's say you are right.
So what are the interests of German capitalists?

German capitalism is driven by industrial companies, particularly the automobile industry.

For the year 2020, I expect China will account for more German Auto profits than the rest of the world combined.

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Look deeper.

What's the driving force behind the Xinjiang genocide narrative? It's the barrage of "free media" all regurgitating the same lies over and over.

The politicians themselves are only grandstanding patsies. They only care about their image, their next election, and their corporate handout after their terms end, in that order. When the media keeps indoctrinating the same lies, there is only one way the politicians can act.

Like I said, the West is a supranational bloc. If we were only talking about German capitalists, then yes, they'd be crazy to antagonize China.

Trouble is, the German capitalists are just small fry in a big pond. Oil interests, Wall Street financiers, the MIC, all dwarf German automobile interests by several magnitudes. The capitalist media serves those interests, and the media can control the politicians.


Registered Member
This is the same Atlantic Council that talks about position of strength, and published the Longer Telegram but its author hid under anonymity for fear of Chinese sanction.

I think it's worth delving more into the idea of the USA being in a position of strength, because the economic numbers don't back this up. These use the latest nominal GDP figures for 2020

Primary Sector (Mining, Agriculture, etc) - 6.4x larger
China: $1221 Billion (7.9% x $15.4 Trillion)
USA: $188 Billion (0.9% x $20.9 Trillion)

Secondary Sector (Manufacturing, Construction, etc) - 1.5x larger
China: $6237 Billion (40.5% x $15.4 Trillion)
USA: $3955 Billion (18.9% x $20.9 Trillion)

On the consumption side, total 2020 retail sales were - 1.2x larger
China: $6050 Billion
USA: $4300? or $4890? Billion, depending on the source

There are more metrics available, but you get the idea that the USA is smaller than China in many ways

But what I see is both China and the USA being able to impose Mutual Assured Economic Destruction.

The US controls key chokepoints in semiconductors and the financial system.
But China can develop alternatives given a few years.

At the same time, China controls the global supply chain and rare earths.
Again, alternatives could be developed but it would take a few years.


Registered Member

I think it's worth delving more into the idea of the USA being in a position of strength, because the economic numbers don't back this up. These use the latest nominal GDP figures for 2020

Primary Sector (Mining, Agriculture, etc) - 6.4x larger
China: $1221 Billion (7.9% x $15.4 Trillion)
USA: $188 Billion (0.9% x $20.9 Trillion)

Secondary Sector (Manufacturing, Construction, etc) - 1.5x larger
China: $6237 Billion (40.5% x $15.4 Trillion)
USA: $3955 Billion (18.9% x $20.9 Trillion)

On the consumption side, total 2020 retail sales were - 1.2x larger
China: $6050 Billion
USA: $4300? or $4890? Billion, depending on the source

There are more metrics available, but you get the idea that the USA is smaller than China in many ways

But what I see is both China and the USA being able to impose Mutual Assured Economic Destruction.

The US controls key chokepoints in semiconductors and the financial system.
But China can develop alternatives given a few years.

At the same time, China controls the global supply chain and rare earths.
Again, alternatives could be developed but it would take a few years.
Lol all the times I mention position of strength regarding the US, it is sarcastically.

Everyone knows that US s weak now, and thats why the US did all these high-profile meetings before and this strong rhetoric.

Did you see the chinese doing anything similar? No, because they know that the foundation of China is strong and they are now confident with the US.

The US is now deeply vulnerable due to the covid management disaster and their economy is in a very bad shape. Forget their so-called GDP growth, they already spent like 20-30% of their GDP only for covid management. They also printed trillions and trillions of monopoly money (dollars)

I bet that if China decided to press the button, the US economy would be crushed. However this is not the time as China will get hurt too, so better to wait for 5 years more to build the dual circulation strategy.

Also, as I said in other posts and threads, the US is a spent force already. They did, trade war, now tech war, and China kept marching on without significantly countering. So China after winning the covid war, it is now ready to start throwing major punches to the weak and frail US.

To sum up,
China - full deck of cards ready to throw into the game.

US - spent most of its cards, there some remaining but not enough to counter China.

So position of strength is on China not the US


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This is an excellent response by Biden and the Democrats, telling the truth.

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Come on guys, this happens after every shooting of a black person. Democrats love saying this kind of 甜言蜜语 which wins social justice points but doesn't change the 本质 or essence of the problem.

Biden is still a war criminal and a 'killer' with that Syria airstrike.

Jeez man, that was filthy. It just dawned on me Biden was projecting when he called Putin a killer. Must be that guilty conscience from the Syria airstrike he authorized.

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This is an excellent response by Biden and the Democrats, telling the truth.

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Literally every Asian in the US (at least the ones who actually interact with US society, not the ones stuck in their churches and immigration communities) knows that Biden’s speech is just lip service. It doesn’t do anything. Racial attacks against Blacks and Asians have been going on since the first establishment of the 13 colonies for the former and since the 1800’s for the latter. Yet here we are.