Miscellaneous News



It appears the US were expecting and needed China to "play its role" to save US standing in front of its allies. Too bad, China ain't playing that game no mo'.

Seems after the Trump years, China is going to make a point of demonstrating the impotence of american huffing and puffing, for eg continual punishing of australia despite anglo American whining.
Yeah, this is the US trying to find a victory where they absolutely got none. If the meeting happened in China, they would have said that they made it clear that the US would not host because the meeting was for China's sake and they wanted to show them that the US is on the offense and taking it to China's home. These guys basically wanted to get some things out of the meeting to brag about how they set China straight and when that didn't happen, they just went, "They showed up! We made them travel. We win. That's the victory. No questions; I'm out!"


Junior Member
Registered Member
If anything coming out so far is true then I don't expect any agreement from this Alaska meeting. I'm expecting this summer to be rather chaotic on all fronts. There were reports of many heavy equipment being shipped to Eastern Ukraine. The Houthis having the Saudis on their heels. The Iraqis have restarted their attacks on supply convoys.


South Korea refuses to pick a side.

Smart. Remaining neutral is the safest bet for them.


Senior Member
South Korea was much more pro-American in the military dictatorship years. The last ten years they have returned to neutral, partly because China started wielding its big stick especially over THAAD. And also because of Korean Wave pride.

For what it's worth, ordinary Singaporeans are more pro-West than the elites because of cultural indoctrination. Lee Kuan Yew enjoyed sparring with Western intellectuals. Although there is a small minority of Chinese-educated Singaporeans who have always been fervently pro-China, which kind of re-proves the cultural indoctrination point.
Yes this is true. Also, Singapore is very westernised. Much more than hk I argue. Look at how anti mainland hk are. The white worship is very real in Singapore. They have benefited from US investment. English is the main language in schools and business. They also buy weapons from US and have security agreement.
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Junior Member
Registered Member
Yes this is true. Also, Singapore is very westernised. Much more than hk I argue. Look at how anti mainland hk are. The white worship is very real in Singapore.
White Worship is prevalent across Asia. Why else do European Nations (Colonisers) have high favorability in the region (even more than China).
This is why GFW needs to exist until people gain some self respect or else China will have millions of self hating people aka Gordon Chang/Melissa Chan types.


Registered Member
Yes this is true. Also, Singapore is very westernised. Much more than hk I argue. Look at how anti mainland hk are. The white worship is very real in Singapore. They have benefited from US investment. English is the main language in schools and business. They also buy weapons from US and have security agreement.
@getready the Singaporean just like HK had a superiority complex, a legacy of British rule, it permeates all its former colony.