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View attachment 70063

It seems like Blinken and co were taken back from the opening speech from Chinese side, perhaps they were expecting an pliant opposition.

Also, telling the journalist to stay after the US told them to leave the room is a "do you feel in charge?" level chad move.
As I said in previous threads and posts, this is now the time for China to show its true cards which it was keeping during the whole Trump administration, withstanding trade and now tech war without seriously responding back. The US thinks that it is in position of strength (big lol here) now which couldn't be further from the truth.

The meeting has just started and this incident has already happen. Can you imagine when they finally end the meeting what will happen?

More Popcorn please!!


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It appears the US were expecting and needed China to "play its role" to save US standing in front of its allies. Too bad, China ain't playing that game no mo'.

Seems after the Trump years, China is going to make a point of demonstrating the impotence of american huffing and puffing, for eg continual punishing of australia despite anglo American whining.


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