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Registered Member
Unless the Chinese leadership are retards, they probably have a contingency plan against India. India wants to carve up China? See if your country is any position to after all the nukes land.
Sorry bro you paint a bleak picture, for the Chinese with a chauvinistic mindset, India is irrelevant, the noises , the grandstanding the ,chest thumping and Peacock attitude is seeking attention NOT from the Collective West BUT from China, they want to be treated equal with the Chinese BUT don't want to work hard for it and also if They want to balkanized China, as every Chinese I'm included would not let it happen, as our aspiration is her rejuvenation and its rightful place in the world.
India feels like a big guy coz it's a big fish in a small pond. All their neighbours except China are much smaller and way weaker than them. So when China reminds them that their fantasies only work on the south Asia contininent, they seethe like hell. China has Russia, Korea and Japan as neighbors minimum. All can punch very hard. Even an underdeveloped country like Vietnam can put up a fight India wishes it could do. India doesn't know what real adversity looks like and one day it will find out the hard way.
You're so correct bro, their 56 inch chest is so hollow that it can't take a one inch punch from Xi who only have a 54 inch chest. ;)


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Ah yes, Xi The MatchMaker.

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"The SeeSeePee is forcing the Chinese people to marry each other and make babies for future Chyna-led world domination!!!"

r/incel be like “Xi does that? I want to be a Wumao too now. Please send J-20 stealth multi role fighter so I can get some vegana”.


Junior Member
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India's economy numbers don't add up, according to a former Chief Economic Advisor.
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He is right. Even to us foreigners, India's economic numbers are mystifying.

Its worse than I have suspected. FDI in India had collapsed compared to its 2016 numbers. So it's not Covid nor China to blame, but Modi's leadership.

I think there will come a time where India's ranking among the world economies needs to be reviewed. India's economy is definitely overrated. How overrated, is anyone's guess.
I have noted before that India's reported figures have all shown a extreme break from trend since Modi's entry to office in 2014. At the same time figure counting measures like the census have been continually postponed with one excuse or another.


Registered Member
I have noted before that India's reported figures have all shown a extreme break from trend since Modi's entry to office in 2014. At the same time figure counting measures like the census have been continually postponed with one excuse or another.
Because there is a huge flaw on the way the Vedic numeral system works, its all addition and multiplication and you can't find subtraction and division within that system. ;)


Lieutenant General
Seems like a big nothingburger imo. If WWIII might really break out, I'm sure the three superpowers won't be so calm. France probably already privately communicated to Russia where their troops are going. This seems like the last bluff before peace negotiations.

I’m sure Russia and China are discussing this development at length, but what is the point in talking to Biden? He would have forgotten what was said and agreed even before his aids hung up the phone for him.

While I think WWIII is still an extremely unlikely outcome, it is still nevertheless too real of a possibility for my liking here. But on balance, this looks to be more of a last ditch desperate hail merry from France, which actually makes the risk of escalation higher, but the odds of it leading to WWIII lower.

The key determining factor on whether this becomes WWIII is American direct involvement.

To be frank, if America wanted to manufacture a pretext to get directly involved, it could do it literally any time it wants. It’s quite clear from both words and action that America has zero interest in getting deeper entangled in Ukraine. Indeed, all of America’s words and actions leads to the opposite conclusion, that they are seeking to reduce their involvement in Ukraine and would extract themselves entirely if they could. Hence France’s alarm and desperation to pull America back in.

The French have not yet been thoroughly castrated by the Americans like the British and Japanese, and with Germany having been harvested to obscurity by America, France now sees itself as the king of Europe and hence the pressure to step up in Ukraine. This is why the odds of escalation is higher. Little Napoleon wannabe Macron might overreach and miscalculate trying to prove himself.

In a sense, I actually see a lot of parallels between this entirely unnecessary potential crisis that France is manufacturing for itself, and the Suez Crisis that saw the British get their balls snipped.

If France goes in to Ukraine unilaterally hoping to force America to come and bail them out, there is every chance America will pull the: ‘fuck you’ card and lawyer themselves out of it by declaring Article 5 does not apply since French troops are in Ukraine by choice and fighting the Russians there by choice. After the Russians have beat them up sufficiently, America might then step in to stop it and formally establish itself as France’s new daddy.


Registered Member
I’m sure Russia and China are discussing this development at length, but what is the point in talking to Biden? He would have forgotten what was said and agreed even before his aids hung up the phone for him.

While I think WWIII is still an extremely unlikely outcome, it is still nevertheless too real of a possibility for my liking here. But on balance, this looks to be more of a last ditch desperate hail merry from France, which actually makes the risk of escalation higher, but the odds of it leading to WWIII lower.

The key determining factor on whether this becomes WWIII is American direct involvement.

To be frank, if America wanted to manufacture a pretext to get directly involved, it could do it literally any time it wants. It’s quite clear from both words and action that America has zero interest in getting deeper entangled in Ukraine. Indeed, all of America’s words and actions leads to the opposite conclusion, that they are seeking to reduce their involvement in Ukraine and would extract themselves entirely if they could. Hence France’s alarm and desperation to pull America back in.

The French have not yet been thoroughly castrated by the Americans like the British and Japanese, and with Germany having been harvested to obscurity by America, France now sees itself as the king of Europe and hence the pressure to step up in Ukraine. This is why the odds of escalation is higher. Little Napoleon wannabe Macron might overreach and miscalculate trying to prove himself.

In a sense, I actually see a lot of parallels between this entirely unnecessary potential crisis that France is manufacturing for itself, and the Suez Crisis that saw the British get their balls snipped.

If France goes in to Ukraine unilaterally hoping to force America to come and bail them out, there is every chance America will pull the: ‘fuck you’ card and lawyer themselves out of it by declaring Article 5 does not apply since French troops are in Ukraine by choice and fighting the Russians there by choice. After the Russians have beat them up sufficiently, America might then step in to stop it and formally establish itself as France’s new daddy.

Well for example Li Hui and Zhang Ming just met Lavrov recently. If France really sends 2000 French troops to the front lines, Biden may not panick, but Sullivan definitely will. If Sullivan doesn't call up Wang Yi, then this whole rumor is just a bluff to get the Russians to the negotiation table.


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Lieutenant General
Anyone see the new HBO show The Regime? It’s a satire about a fictional European dictatorship. I knew it was going to be pretentious because it’s really about how the West would wish how a dictatorship would be like if they had no say over it in the place. It’s like an article I was reading about a prediction that Trump MAGA voters are going to realize Trump is not good for America and will save the day and Biden will win. Typical American romantic bull they’re known for. MAGA are a bunch of idiots and are like a b*tch. They’re completely motivated by spite and hatred of Democrats. Romantic images aren’t going to motivate them.

So in the last episode, the leader, played by Kate Winslet decides to invade and annex neighboring territory. Someone in her cabinet talks about going to plan “C” to avoid Western sanctions. The Foreign Minister says in a dreadful tone, “Oh yes… China!”, like China is a pariah state looked down at by the world. You think a dictator that doesn’t care what the West thinks is going to have pro-West Foreign Minister…?

The West treats the world in an unrealistic manner and that’s why they fail in the global south. I saw a story on CNN where it said the US was upset that they’re being kicked out of Central Africa and being replaced by Russia. Well that’s because the US supports French colonialism and its legacy that continues to this day. That’s what Central and West Africa is revolting against. Yes the US only gives themselves a romantic reason why they’re there that’s not true. So the only people the US is sending this message to are the American people so that they're okay with US occupation in a foreign country despite how the reason is all a lie.

China provides real investment and money. The West gives fake romantic promises. The only reason why the West uses democracy as a determining factor on whether they will help you or not is because it could mean anything the West doesn’t like they’ll use as an excuse not to help. It’s like how the West expects China to conduct itself in a Western manner before it even considers giving China respect. Look at how much wiggle room the West gives itself to deny what it promises. It could mean how much China volunteers to be the West’s slave.


Junior Member
Registered Member
This is the biggest copium I've ever seen. Also did anyone notice Indians online are getting more bellicose these days? They're acting like they are a first world country who's better than China in every metric lol. I do have to say though, India really has a good propaganda department. I mean, it's literally futile to argue with an Indian troll, they really can spin anything shitty happening in their country in their favour. Just look at the tejas crash and brazilian couple rape case