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This is the biggest copium I've ever seen. Also did anyone notice Indians online are getting more bellicose these days? They're acting like they are a first world country who's better than China in every metric lol. I do have to say though, India really has a good propaganda department. I mean, it's literally futile to argue with an Indian troll, they really can spin anything shitty happening in their country in their favour. Just look at the tejas crash and brazilian couple rape case
That's not even copium; that's just wrong. The author never heard of China's largest poverty reduction in the world. He doesn't know it happened so he's just making incorrect statements like saying Honduras has a higher GDP than the US or Sylvester Stallone's bigger than a T-Rex.


Registered Member
This is the biggest copium I've ever seen. Also did anyone notice Indians online are getting more bellicose these days? They're acting like they are a first world country who's better than China in every metric lol. I do have to say though, India really has a good propaganda department. I mean, it's literally futile to argue with an Indian troll, they really can spin anything shitty happening in their country in their favour. Just look at the tejas crash and brazilian couple rape case
Basically Serpentza-tier copium.

Thankfully, much of the replies underneath his copium tweet are rational enough to diss his claims, if not being outright based.


This is phone call not just congratulations. there is difference when they do phone vs cable that comes from the King.
Moot point. There is nothing related to "soft power" here.
Russia cannot increase its pumping volume as it is part of OPEC+. ( there is whole lot other discussion behind it)
Legally and physically are different things. If the US couldn't pump anymore, others will pump more to make up for the need.
IF there was No American Shale than you will really feel Arabic Hard Power. now it is only Soft Power.
Nooooooo LOLOL You really don't know what hard and soft power are. Less hard power doesn't become soft power and more soft power doesn't become hard power. They're different things. I can't believe you think you have the ability to debate here...
America does not have same Soft and Hard Power as before in Mideast.
Yeah, it has way more.
lol no one respect them when when one phone call can shake countries.
Who's shaking? LOL Taking someone's money is not the same as respecting someone.
Chinese buyers are now 17% of Super Prime property sales in UAE in one of brokerage and Chinese residents are approaching 400K. this what i am saying attracted to Arabic Soft Power and trust on Arabic economic system. and its just about every one in this world. Whether Indian origin or Africans or Westerners they put there personal wealth in the most expensive properties.
Blah blah Chinese buyers, Arabic economic system, all key words for hard power. Nothing soft
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Buying things, money, etc... you just don't know what soft/hard power is, do you? You're not smart enough to learn and you're not humbe enough to shut up. It's just endless diarrhea from you.


Registered Member
This is the biggest copium I've ever seen. Also did anyone notice Indians online are getting more bellicose these days? They're acting like they are a first world country who's better than China in every metric lol. I do have to say though, India really has a good propaganda department. I mean, it's literally futile to argue with an Indian troll, they really can spin anything shitty happening in their country in their favour. Just look at the tejas crash and brazilian couple rape case
That guy is the biggest clown ever.


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This is not really new stuff but its something interesting I came across.

Based on google translate you can read its an interview with some Chinese factory manager who has done work in China, Vietnam and Mexico. Here are the key points from my view:

  • The idea that China is just outdated cheap factory that uses slave labour is really a thing of the past and will not work today. In China to remain competitive, they have implemented a lot of stuff you learn from industrial engineering in terms of managing processes efficiently, proper quality control and basically all the stuff you read on those case studies on how Japan in the 1980s had innovated its factories to have incredible processes. It is not enough that factory staff and managers just do, they must also know how to understand a problem and work to resolve it. China isn't manufacturing simple T-shirts anymore. They can be manufacturing electronics and Tesla. And when it comes to this stuff, things can very easily go wrong so you must be prepared.

  • Mexico which has been touted as an alternative to China. The staff have good attitude and effort. The problem is its not enough. There is a lack of desire to really understand the stuff at an in depth level and take on significant problem solving tasks. All those check and complicated processes you see in China mentioned above are not really there for Mexican factories. In addition there is much less stability. Like staff may choose to leave for various reasons with ones of them just not willing to tough it out and want to find a more down to earth job that doesn't cause so much stress from problem solving. Nothing wrong with wanting a more chilled life. But sadly in today's capitalistic world, we need yield, we need quality, we need it done fast.

  • Vietnam employees have poor foundations such as lack of experience or language skills. However they can be trained to be top performers. They will learn the process thoroughly and better themselves. So kinda like Chinese.

  • There was also talks of setting up a factory in India which was quickly rejected. There is talk of a large young labour pool in India so thats supposed to be an advantage. This is different from having a large competent labour pool which is the thing that actually matters. Even for just assembling phones, the process is very complicated and will require quick but also logical thinking to solve any issues. When you manufacture phones, materials aren't cheap and if the defects crosses the threshold, then they will stop the line to investigate the issue asap. At least in China and Vietnam. In India they don't have all these checks and balances which leads to all those defects on the phones like you saw in the news. If the factory doesn't pick it up, the consumers will and the losses will be adding up. Indians may think its ok to say ah that sucks so be it but China will say no, we will do everything to resolve this problem. Also the government credibility in India isn't exactly high as they can confiscate or excessively tax your profit because they feel like it. Then how will factories earn profit?

To summarize. China is the world factory isn't because its cheap. Its the world factory because it can apply all those fancy six sigma processes or whatever into a factory while charging far less than anyone else who can do the same. There are loads of countries that can do stuff for far less than China. Can you trust them to assemble very expensive microchips properly without messing up the process? Manufacturing isn't just some illiterate farmers shoving coal into an oven anymore. Those days where things were simple are far gone. These days we have components from 16 different countries going through 5 different factories as part of the process. Imagine all the logistics and factors that could cause something to go wrong. I think there is a trend of people who bash China sees things from an outdated lens from the way the world "used to be" which is why they seem to be missing a lot. Because otherwise they will have to accept that somehow some idiots from China somehow managed to figure things out just as well or even better than them. And then their unwarranted superiority complex will come crashing down.
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This is not really new stuff but its something interesting I came across.

Based on google translate you can read its an interview with some Chinese factory manager who has done work in China, Vietnam and Mexico. Here are the key points from my view:

  • The idea that China is just outdated cheap factory that uses slave labour is really a thing of the past and will not work today. In China to remain competitive, they have implemented a lot of stuff you learn from industrial engineering in terms of managing processes efficiently, proper quality control and basically all the stuff you read on those case studies on how Japan in the 1980s had innovated its factories to have incredible processes. It is not enough that factory staff and managers just do, they must also know how to understand a problem and work to resolve it. China isn't manufacturing simple T-shirts anymore. They can be manufacturing electronics and Tesla. And when it comes to this stuff, things can very easily go wrong so you must be prepared.

  • Mexico which has been touted as an alternative to China. The staff have good attitude and effort. The problem is its not enough. There is a lack of desire to really understand the stuff at an in depth level and take on significant problem solving tasks. All those check and complicated processes you see in China mentioned above are not really there for Mexican factories. In addition there is much less stability. Like staff may choose to leave for various reasons with ones of them just not willing to tough it out and want to find a more down to earth job that doesn't cause so much stress from problem solving.

  • Vietnam employees have poor foundations such as lack of experience or language skills. However they can be trained to be top performers. They will learn the process thoroughly and better themselves. So kinda like Chinese.

  • There was also talks of setting up a factory in India which was quickly rejected. There is talk of a large young labour pool in India so thats supposed to be an advantage. This is different from having a large competent labour pool which is the thing that actually matters. Even for just assembling phones, the process is very complicated and will require quick but also logical thinking to solve any issues. When you manufacture phones, materials aren't cheap and if the defects crosses the threshold, then they will stop the line to investigate the issue asap. At least in China and Vietnam. In India they don't have all these checks and balances which leads to all those defects on the phones like you saw in the news. If the factory doesn't pick it up, the consumers will and the losses will be adding up. Indians may think its ok to say ah that sucks so be it but China will say no, we will do everything to resolve this problem. Also the government credibility in India isn't exactly high as they can confiscate or excessively tax your profit because they feel like it. Then how will factories earn profit?

To summarize. China is the world factory isn't because its cheap. Its the world factory because it can apply all those fancy six sigma processes or whatever into a factory while charging far less than anyone else who can do the same. There are loads of countries that can do stuff for far less than China. Can you trust them to assemble very expensive microchips properly without messing up the process?
I said it before in 2014, the only country that could really compete with China in manufacturing is Vietnam because they are structurally similar to China and their government is willing to the investment, the only problem is that Vietnam is too small to replace China, any rush to Vietnam will increase prices faster than Vietnam can adapt.
Also Chinese factories are automating faster than any country in the world, introducing not only arm robots but custom made autonomous machinery and AI in their fabrication process and because these custom made "robots" can be keep as a trade secret it could give a manufacturing company an edge over others manufacturing companies.


Registered Member
Moot point. There is nothing related to "soft power" here.
It is big signaling. Ukraine war is first demonstration of Arabic Soft Power converted into Hard Power. it include everything. Even Zelenski and Macron can be considered Actors.

Legally and physically are different things. If the US couldn't pump anymore, others will pump more to make up for the need.
They are not going to pump more outside that OPEC+ system. This force US to overinvest in Oil/Gas and you can even say lost leadership in Batteries. Everything has opportunity cost. Always thank Arabs for what they have done Post 1991 to engage US in Mideast.
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Nooooooo LOLOL You really don't know what hard and soft power are. Less hard power doesn't become soft power and more soft power doesn't become hard power. They're different things. I can't believe you think you have the ability to debate here...

Yeah, it has way more.

Who's shaking? LOL Taking someone's money is not the same as respecting someone.
Buying real estate is that extra step to appreciate the Soft Power. it is not renting a place or buying virtual stocks.
Blah blah Chinese buyers, Arabic economic system, all key words for hard power. Nothing soft
so show me where has that growth happened post Covid on this scale?.


It is big signaling. Ukraine war is first demonstration of Arabic Soft Power converted into Hard Power.
Just saying it doesn't mean anything; you've never shown anything to connect in a coherent way.
it include everything. Even Zelenski and Macron can be considered Actors.
Like I said, incoherent random statements. "It's everything! George Bush, Tony Blaire, Saddam Hussein! All people everywhere! Look at the world. Green blue orange red black! That's why it's Arab soft power!" This is what your garbage sounds like.
They are not going to pump more outside that OPEC+ system.
And the US isn't going to stop pumping either so they don't have reason to. Moot point by you again.
This force US to overinvest in Oil/Gas and you can even say lost leadership in Batteries
The fact that the US is a major power and thus must have its own ability to produce power forces it to invest. Batteries are next generation technology; Tesla is American but they simply cannot keep up with China. It's Chinese technological hard power.
. Everything has opportunity cost.
If speaking nonsense had opportunity cost, you'd stop but apparently it doesn't.
Always thank Arabs for what they have done Post 1991 to engage US in Mideast.
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Don't care, no thanks, irrelvent to anything any "soft power" argument.
Buying real estate is that extra step to appreciate the Soft Power. it is not renting a place or buying virtual stocks.
No, buying real estate is an appreciation of the hard power of the economics of the place you're buying in.
so show me where has that growth happened post Covid on this scale?.
Ummm, everywhere. China invests in itself much more than it invests in the middle east. Also, I didn't say anything about growth or COVID. I said investments are made for returns, which is hard power. Your question is stupid and irrelevent.
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