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This is the biggest copium I've ever seen. Also did anyone notice Indians online are getting more bellicose these days? They're acting like they are a first world country who's better than China in every metric lol. I do have to say though, India really has a good propaganda department. I mean, it's literally futile to argue with an Indian troll, they really can spin anything shitty happening in their country in their favour. Just look at the tejas crash and brazilian couple rape case
Here is a comment from a clear-eyed Indian. It's a reality-check for the ignoramus such as Noah Smith.


What kind of logic is this? The US government can hamper the operation of a Chinese business, but the Chines government can't intervene in the running of a Chinese company?

In case you still don't know why TikTok is being banned.


In case you still don't know why TikTok is being banned.
TikTok +17%, Intagram +6%, Twitter +2%, so basically no matter what social media app, you use, you're more likely to be anti-Israel than the fool who buries his head and doesn't look at anything around him. What does that mean? The more knowledge you have and the more you learn, the more anti-Israel you are.


Registered Member
Anyone see the new HBO show The Regime? It’s a satire about a fictional European dictatorship. I knew it was going to be pretentious because it’s really about how the West would wish how a dictatorship would be like if they had no say over it in the place. It’s like an article I was reading about a prediction that Trump MAGA voters are going to realize Trump is not good for America and will save the day and Biden will win. Typical American romantic bull they’re known for. MAGA are a bunch of idiots and are like a b*tch. They’re completely motivated by spite and hatred of Democrats. Romantic images aren’t going to motivate them.

So in the last episode, the leader, played by Kate Winslet decides to invade and annex neighboring territory. Someone in her cabinet talks about going to plan “C” to avoid Western sanctions. The Foreign Minister says in a dreadful tone, “Oh yes… China!”, like China is a pariah state looked down at by the world. You think a dictator that doesn’t care what the West thinks is going to have pro-West Foreign Minister…?

The West treats the world in an unrealistic manner and that’s why they fail in the global south. I saw a story on CNN where it said the US was upset that they’re being kicked out of Central Africa and being replaced by Russia. Well that’s because the US supports French colonialism and its legacy that continues to this day. That’s what Central and West Africa is revolting against. Yes the US only gives themselves a romantic reason why they’re there that’s not true. So the only people the US is sending this message to are the American people so that they're okay with US occupation in a foreign country despite how the reason is all a lie.

China provides real investment and money. The West gives fake romantic promises. The only reason why the West uses democracy as a determining factor on whether they will help you or not is because it could mean anything the West doesn’t like they’ll use as an excuse not to help. It’s like how the West expects China to conduct itself in a Western manner before it even considers giving China respect. Look at how much wiggle room the West gives itself to deny what it promises. It could mean how much China volunteers to be the West’s slave.

The only people who have not noticed that Western imperialistic impulses spread headed by neo-Liberal ideology, that ideology and its modus operandi, that is bankrupt, are the West themselves.

Just because we read about it in the newspapers, cannot hide that fact, that for the Global South, that Western neo-Liberalism is a spent force with no use for the Global South.

Look no further than how the Global South reacted to that war in Europe, and that war in West Asia.

Now, we get to the best part.

The West insists it will defend its values.

China will think that is damn brilliant.

Words are worth silver. Silence is worth gold.

China will not say anything about that, other than the usual and predictable win-win. Blah blah blah.



Senior Member
Pretty much an open secret this has happened. I don’t know why the media is so war hawkish this will escalate tensions.

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China can easily respond the provocation the u.s brings on taiwan, by increasing the pressure on another theater of conflicts elsewhere, that's why you see the houthis despite being starved and bombed to oblivion by the Saudis managed to get hypersonic missiles, ready to wreck havoc on Israeli trade and logistics


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France considering Ukraine military deployment – Odessa MP​

France is preparing to send troops to Ukraine, Aleksey Goncharenko, a senior Ukrainian MP, wrote on his Telegram channel on Wednesday. The official is currently in France for a meeting of the committee of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE).

According to Goncharenko, who represents the city of Odessa in the Ukrainian parliament, Paris is considering deploying a military force to the Ukrainian regions bordering Belarus, discussions about which “are proceeding effectively.”

“I’m in contact with my French colleagues. And I can already say that everything is serious... There is talk about a deployment of European soldiers to the border with Belarus, [a mission] that will free the Ukrainian military stationed there and allow it to move to other directions. This will help strengthen our eastern and southern fronts,”
Goncharenko wrote.

According to the MP, his sources close to President Emmanuel Macron claim the French leader is “very determined” to send troops to Ukraine, but the number of soldiers is still being discussed. Goncharenko claims that in order to form the force, France wants to create a coalition of allies, which could include Poland and the Baltic states. Germany is unlikely to join the effort, he notes, as Berlin sees boots on the ground as “an unnecessary escalation” and is “afraid of a direct confrontation with Russia.”

The MP also stated that Macron wants to create “a joint base for training [of military personnel] and the production of ammunition” in Ukraine. Two locations in the West of the country are currently being considered for the purpose.

“It looks like France is tired of Russia. Europe is preparing to show strength,” Goncharenko concluded.

Macron said in late February that he “cannot exclude” the possibility of Western soldiers being sent to aid Kiev in its fight against Moscow. His comments triggered a barrage of criticism from other NATO member states, who mostly disavowed his proposal and claimed that they had no plans to send troops to the conflict zone.

However, earlier this week, the head of Russia’s foreign intelligence service, Sergey Naryshkin, claimed that a force of up to 2,000 troops was being prepared by France for a possible deployment to Ukraine. Russian President Vladimir Putin also said this week that Western mercenaries, including French nationals, are already taking part in the conflict.

Commenting on an outright NATO deployment to the front lines, the president warned that Moscow would consider it the start of a direct confrontation, which would be “one step shy of a full-scale World War III.”
“I’m in contact with my French colleagues. And I can already say that everything is serious... There is talk about a deployment of European soldiers to the border with Belarus, [a mission] that will free the Ukrainian military stationed there and allow it to move to other directions. This will help strengthen our eastern and southern fronts,” Goncharenko wrote.
The MP also stated that Macron wants to create “a joint base for training [of military personnel] and the production of ammunition” in Ukraine
“It looks like France is tired of Russia. Europe is preparing to show strength,” Goncharenko concluded.
Goncharenko claims that in order to form the force, France wants to create a coalition of allies, which could include Poland and the Baltic states.


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This is not really new stuff but its something interesting I came across.

Based on google translate you can read its an interview with some Chinese factory manager who has done work in China, Vietnam and Mexico. Here are the key points from my view:

  • The idea that China is just outdated cheap factory that uses slave labour is really a thing of the past and will not work today. In China to remain competitive, they have implemented a lot of stuff you learn from industrial engineering in terms of managing processes efficiently, proper quality control and basically all the stuff you read on those case studies on how Japan in the 1980s had innovated its factories to have incredible processes. It is not enough that factory staff and managers just do, they must also know how to understand a problem and work to resolve it. China isn't manufacturing simple T-shirts anymore. They can be manufacturing electronics and Tesla. And when it comes to this stuff, things can very easily go wrong so you must be prepared.

  • Mexico which has been touted as an alternative to China. The staff have good attitude and effort. The problem is its not enough. There is a lack of desire to really understand the stuff at an in depth level and take on significant problem solving tasks. All those check and complicated processes you see in China mentioned above are not really there for Mexican factories. In addition there is much less stability. Like staff may choose to leave for various reasons with ones of them just not willing to tough it out and want to find a more down to earth job that doesn't cause so much stress from problem solving. Nothing wrong with wanting a more chilled life. But sadly in today's capitalistic world, we need yield, we need quality, we need it done fast.

  • Vietnam employees have poor foundations such as lack of experience or language skills. However they can be trained to be top performers. They will learn the process thoroughly and better themselves. So kinda like Chinese.

  • There was also talks of setting up a factory in India which was quickly rejected. There is talk of a large young labour pool in India so thats supposed to be an advantage. This is different from having a large competent labour pool which is the thing that actually matters. Even for just assembling phones, the process is very complicated and will require quick but also logical thinking to solve any issues. When you manufacture phones, materials aren't cheap and if the defects crosses the threshold, then they will stop the line to investigate the issue asap. At least in China and Vietnam. In India they don't have all these checks and balances which leads to all those defects on the phones like you saw in the news. If the factory doesn't pick it up, the consumers will and the losses will be adding up. Indians may think its ok to say ah that sucks so be it but China will say no, we will do everything to resolve this problem. Also the government credibility in India isn't exactly high as they can confiscate or excessively tax your profit because they feel like it. Then how will factories earn profit?

To summarize. China is the world factory isn't because its cheap. Its the world factory because it can apply all those fancy six sigma processes or whatever into a factory while charging far less than anyone else who can do the same. There are loads of countries that can do stuff for far less than China. Can you trust them to assemble very expensive microchips properly without messing up the process? Manufacturing isn't just some illiterate farmers shoving coal into an oven anymore. Those days where things were simple are far gone. These days we have components from 16 different countries going through 5 different factories as part of the process. Imagine all the logistics and factors that could cause something to go wrong. I think there is a trend of people who bash China sees things from an outdated lens from the way the world "used to be" which is why they seem to be missing a lot. Because otherwise they will have to accept that somehow some idiots from China somehow managed to figure things out just as well or even better than them. And then their unwarranted superiority complex will come crashing down.
There was a recent Global town hall for a very prominent American company. What of the discussion delved into that companies visit to Asian countries like Singapore and China. Singapore was praised for quality of its facility and workforce. Then the top leaders went on to talk about their visit to Shanghai where one of their Major facilities are based. The leaders could not hide their enthusiasm and impressed by the morale, technical competency, work ethic, motivation of their Chinese employees. The leaders even posed the people in the audience to guess whats the lead time for their Shanghai factory: the answer was 41 days. Then the leaders asked if they could care to guess whats the lead time in the Americas: 365 days or more.

What's interesting was that during their presentation, that American company used the words "ASIA-PACIFIC" territory and not this b.s. Indo-Pacific that we see on western propaganda they call news all the time. There's many more facts and figures that make China's market look really really attractive and strong for many companies which is why that American corporation has no interest in kowtowing from the demands of its political leaders, not to mention how ANEMIC INDIAN market and potential currently in terms of BRINGING ACTIAL $$$ BACK INTO ANY WESTERN COMPANIES, LET ALONE AMERICAN.


Registered Member
This is the biggest copium I've ever seen. Also did anyone notice Indians online are getting more bellicose these days? They're acting like they are a first world country who's better than China in every metric lol. I do have to say though, India really has a good propaganda department. I mean, it's literally futile to argue with an Indian troll, they really can spin anything shitty happening in their country in their favour. Just look at the tejas crash and brazilian couple rape case
For propaganda to take root, it needs stupid fertile soil to nourish it and the Indian Jai Hind demographic is all too willing to provide that and turds to fertilise it.

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