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Unless the Chinese leadership are retards, they probably have a contingency plan against India. India wants to carve up China? See if your country is any position to after all the nukes land.

India feels like a big guy coz it's a big fish in a small pond. All their neighbours except China are much smaller and way weaker than them. So when China reminds them that their fantasies only work on the south Asia contininent, they seethe like hell. China has Russia, Korea and Japan as neighbors minimum. All can punch very hard. Even an underdeveloped country like Vietnam can put up a fight India wishes it could do. India doesn't know what real adversity looks like and one day it will find out the hard way.
India will probably never pose a direct threat to China, as long as China is unified. This is because of two reasons: 1) the border between India and China is the Himalayan mountains, which prevents large population / army movements and 2) both countries have nukes, but China has the high ground advantage, which gives it better options for ballistic escalation.

That said, India is not to be underestimated, because it does have a major advantage over China - demographics. While it is not likely that Indian demographics will translate to much of a productivity advantage, it *is* rather helpful in increasing India's global power, since India is great at exporting its population and gaining influence via its diaspora. Just think about all the Indian CEOs, politicians, etc. in the West. No, they're never going to "take over" Western society; but they could become a significant lobbying group, which could become a serious diplomatic problem for China.

But the long-term worry is not Indian influence in the West; it's actually Indian influence in regions like Southeast Asia, that presently China takes for granted as its back yard. India's features as a country makes it far better at gaining control over smaller, weaker countries. That said, due to modern India's Hindu nationalism, there is effectively a Muslim Wall that prevents it from going past Malaysia / Indonesia. A similar story exists if China ever becomes divided, since again, India would find it much easier to manipulate a bunch of smaller countries.
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Senior Member
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India will probably never pose a direct threat to China, as long as China is unified. This is because of two reasons: 1) the border between India and China is the Himalayan mountains, which prevents large population / army movements and 2) both countries have nukes, but China has the high ground advantage, which gives it better options for ballistic escalation.

That said, India is not to be underestimated, because it does have a major advantage over China - demographics. While it is not likely that Indian demographics will translate to much of a productivity advantage, it *is* rather helpful in increasing India's global power, since India is great at exporting its population and gaining influence via its diaspora. Just think about all the Indian CEOs, politicians, etc. in the West. No, they're never going to "take over" Western society; but they could become a significant lobbying group, which could become a serious diplomatic problem for China.

But the long-term worry is not Indian influence in the West; it's actually Indian influence in regions like Southeast Asia, that presently China takes for granted as its back yard. India's features as a country makes it far better at gaining control over smaller, weaker countries. That said, due to modern India's Hindu nationalism, there is effectively a Muslim Wall that prevents it from going past Malaysia / Indonesia. A similar story exists if China ever becomes divided, since again, India would find it much easier to manipulate a bunch of smaller countries.

That is why China needs to grow its population, so as to stand up to millions of Indian invaders roaming from across the border.


Registered Member
He's full of shit, as always. He cites Piketty, but this is what Piketty wrote on Indian vs Chinese inequality.

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What do we expect FROM AN AMERICAN PROPAGANDIST? Of course he's going to prod and quasi praise the Indians since some INDIANS are prone to and are easily flattered. It's nothing more than to sow and create further discord/enmity between the two countries vying for development.


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Reminder that this is the future the white anglo west wants for China: white men and women giving orders to Chinese youths to risk their lives to uphold white supremacy. And white anglos aren't historically known to lead from the front, they tend to be cowards, hiding in shadows like warcraft Dreadlords.

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I'll say it again: Anglo Delenda Est.

Break the back of Anglo hegemony and power and that removes 60% of those attempting to throttle Chinese power.
What's the legal and actual basis of India's claim to Arunachal Pradesh? What's China's claim to this land? And why is the U.S. began to assert itself on A DISPUTED TERRITORY by making statements that would once again EMBOLDEN THE INDIANS and may take action that WILL SURELY BRING CATASTROPHE in the region?

Yet, some of us still firmly and quixotically believe that China can rise without WAR? this is a fool's hope and cowardly at that. The so-called rules based order can't be changed with trade and economic investments when the people you trade with easily jumps ship the moment the man with the big gun says JUMP.


Registered Member
That is why China needs to grow its population, so as to stand up to millions of Indian invaders roaming from across the border.
Meh...Indians can't even properly feed, clothe, educate, and provide JOBS TO MILLIONS of its people what good is having that many people when most of them are just going to be cannon fodders, worse dead weight to their country?

Larger doesn't always mean better.


Registered Member
That is why China needs to grow its population, so as to stand up to millions of Indian invaders roaming from across the border.
You go and grow your population.
I go and click the spam button on mass production of ai-enabled drones to autonomously target and eliminate them

While on your way, also pick up a sword and a shield. Medieval tactics require medieval equipment after all


Lieutenant General
View attachment 126907

Well for example Li Hui and Zhang Ming just met Lavrov recently. If France really sends 2000 French troops to the front lines, Biden may not panick, but Sullivan definitely will. If Sullivan doesn't call up Wang Yi, then this whole rumor is just a bluff to get the Russians to the negotiation table.

The Russians wouldn’t care all that much if the French secretly sent 2k more cannon fodder for them to chew through. They almost certainly eliminated more than that number of Polish and Romanians ‘volunteers’ in Ukraine already.

What France is trying to do here is to have its cake and eat it too. Where they want to go in officially to score PR points and cow the Russians into not attacking whole swaths of Ukraine due to the presence of French troops somewhere in the region, but also keep the exact location of its troops in Ukraine a secret to avoid the Russians purposefully targeting them and slaughtering them wholesale.

I think none of the top powers would actually care enough to get overly concerned if that was the case. As such a stupid arrangement would give both the Russians and the Americans more than enough plausible deniability. The Russians can kill them all and shrug when the French complain saying they thought they were hitting the AFU. And the Americans can easily weasel out of Article 5 without looking like they are weaselling out.

What will get the big boys talking is if the French grows a pair and officially announce that they are going into Ukraine and specifically pinpoint where they will be going. As that would strip away the plausible deniability and make any attack on the French troops an undeniably deliberate act by the Russians. The Americans would still be able to weasel out of Article 5, but the optics of them doing so will be far worse.

But in terms of diplomatic movements, I would expect China and Russia to be talking and meeting and the French and Americans to do the same. I am not sure just how much value either camp sees in meeting each other.

The French going in is actually secondary to how they go in and how that is communicated. Until there is more clarity on that, I don’t expect much major moves from any of the other major powers.


Junior Member
Registered Member
You go and grow your population.
I go and click the spam button on mass production of ai-enabled drones to autonomously target and eliminate them

While on your way, also pick up a sword and a shield. Medieval tactics require medieval equipment after all
It take 18 years to breed, raise and train an adult soldier.

It takes 18 hours to manufacture a weapon during wartime to end his life just like that. A well placed drone can probably end 20 in just one go. And they won't even realize they are dead.

Thats how advanced and scary war has become. A human life can be so easily ended just like that.