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During the interview, the Ukrainian official angrily declared that it is up to his nation to decide its fate, and not “some Hui, or whatever his name is.”One of the co-hosts smirked and covered her mouth with her hand, reacting to the play on words.
In Ukrainian and Russian, the name resembles a swear word for male genitalia.
This incidence perfectly illustrates the difference between the Western world and China.

Here we have a Ukraine that is on total war against a superior enemy. And instead of courting other countries to either join their side or remain neutral, they instead swear and insult their diplomatic envoys. With their country in ruins they for sure got plenty of time to act like teenagers

In any case, it's not "Hui's" country that is getting bombed daily while it's population is decimated thus eliminating any hopes for the future.

The Arabs (hopefully I won't draw that fanboy's attention) have a saying that captures this incident really well:
"The dogs bark, but the caravan goes on"


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Kinda stupid if he expects to get away with it without consequences, especially if China is potentially the only one that can save his worthless life. Russia has no incentive in keeping him or the rest of his cabinet alive when the time comes and the USA is well known to cut and run like cowards when the going gets tough, what makes this fool think he has any value when Ukraine finally collapses given that well, Ukraine is getting its ass bombed to hell and back right now while the funds and weapons are either in very long transit or simply not coming


Junior Member
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You go and grow your population.
I go and click the spam button on mass production of ai-enabled drones to autonomously target and eliminate them

While on your way, also pick up a sword and a shield. Medieval tactics require medieval equipment after all
Considering how the current StarCraft champion is a Chinese Terran player, I would like to see something akin to the Widow Mine being deployed IRL.


Kinda stupid if he expects to get away with it without consequences, especially if China is potentially the only one that can save his worthless life. Russia has no incentive in keeping him or the rest of his cabinet alive when the time comes and the USA is well known to cut and run like cowards when the going gets tough, what makes this fool think he has any value when Ukraine finally collapses given that well, Ukraine is getting its ass bombed to hell and back right now while the funds and weapons are either in very long transit or simply not coming
Eh, he can insult away. It's not like Ukraine can send a bunch of losers to come here cry, crawl on the floor, and beg and China would be swayed to support Ukraine over Russia. China's not stupid; we know who are friends and foes are. He can come kiss ass all day and we're still not giving him shit and we're still gonna be helping Russia, no more and no less than if he didn't exist.


Lieutenant General
I think the French Army will go to the Ukraine's Belarus borders so that the Ukrainian Army stationed there can be freed up to be deployed towards the Russian front.

In such case, there should be minimal to zero contact between Russian and French forces

Wasn't the rumors that the French Army will go to Odessa? I think the Russians want to capture Odessa before agreeing to a ceasefire.

It doesn’t really matter where the French troops go, what matters is how they go there.

If the French sneak in, the Russians will probably not make a huge deal of it and just bomb them extra hard.

If the French go in officially and declare exactly where they are going, then it’s game on. The Russians would be forced to either call Macron’s bluff and bomb the French openly and knowingly and risk triggering Article 5, or not bomb them and allow the French to set an unacceptable precedent where NATO troops can go into Ukraine and create safe zones where the Russians fear to bomb, never mind tread.

I think this latter is a red line for Russia, because as soon as that happens, NATO troops will pop up all over Ukraine and basically freeze the conflict and set the new boarders. Just as it looks like Ukrainian resistance is finally crumbling and the Russians are about to make significant gains.

I don’t think Russia is in any mood for half measures or a compromised victory after all the blood and treasure it has already spent to get this far in Ukraine. China will also be just fine with Russia continuing to focus western attention in Europe and bleeding NATO of arms and money. This is why I think China will support Russia in targeting French troops if they go into Ukraine in whatever guise or capacity. Especially if the Russians learnt their lesson and consulted with China first before making a big move.

Also, it’s worth nothing that it’s not just Russia and America that have big elections this year. If Russia can show the Americans up as unreliable security guarantors, it may sway the election in a renegade province that is central to China’s interests.

If Russia has China’s support, it has to be stupid to not bomb the living daylights out of the French as soon as they can after they entry Ukraine.