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Wealth gap in India is the highest it has ever been in decades.
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India’s richest 1% of the population earned 22% of the country’s income and held 40% of its wealth during the last financial year, a new
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published this week has suggested. These levels are “historically high” for India and even above those of developed economies such as the US, the paper notes.
If you can beat the legendary wealth gap in the US, then the wealth concentration in your country is truly epic.

The research paper, co-authored by economists Kumar Bharti, Lucas Chancel, Thomas Piketty, and Anmol Somanchi, claims that wealth in India, the fastest-growing large economy globally, is largely concentrated among the richest 1% of the population, whom they refer to as India’s modern bourgeoisie. They claim that the wealth distribution in the country is now more unequal than during British colonial rule.
So the white colonial masters had given Indians better wealth distribution than the rich Indians of today? Wow that is so sick.

In 2023, a report on poverty by the government advisory body NITI Aayog said the country had
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out of poverty in the previous five years
. According to a UNDP report published last year, multidimensional poverty fell from 25 to 15% between 2015-16 and 2019-21.
Lies. I wonder how NITI Aayog defines "poverty" in its report. The ground realities just don't add up. Poverty is everywhere. The slums are still there. People in the cities are returning to the farmlands to survive.

So India desires to accelerate it's economic growth at all costs to enrich its rich even more. Even resorting to cooking the numbers, and underreporting inconvenient truths. It's a grotesquely top-heavy economy by design. All for the top 1%, and screw the rest. It's so bad, that it makes the colonial era looked better by comparison.

China deliberately slowed it's economic growth to rebalance it's economy. It tries hard to rebalance wealth distribution across the population. Even when it hurts some of China's economic numbers. When China says it's lifting people out of poverty, it is doing it for real.

That is why when India calls itself the "voice of the Global South", it only received applause from the Western nations. When China shares the success story of its poverty alleviation program, countries from the Global South are lining up to learn how to do it.


Lieutenant General
I thought Bhutan was the happiest country in the world. Yes they include factors that put Western countries on top. In other words it’s just Western propaganda.

Why is it that Scandinavian countries are always on top. They seem to me hold a lot racial animosity. It’s not like there’s no other races around for them not to think about it so they’re happy all the time. They seem to without a filter tell you what think about your country especially their frustrations.

I was told once why do I waste so much time bothering with China so much. This coming from someone who was Chinese who gets mad at everything that seems to be a racial slight towards her. She thinks it’s a waste of time thinking about things that have nothing to do with me. So can you imagine the kind of anger and frustration that builds up from Scandinavians and Westerners over how the world is not doing what they want…?

The West being happy is a bunch of bull.

A potato

Junior Member
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I thought Bhutan was the happiest country in the world. Yes they include factors that put Western countries on top. In other words it’s just Western propaganda.

Why is it that Scandinavian countries are always on top. They seem to me hold a lot racial animosity. It’s not like there’s no other races around for them not to think about it so they’re happy all the time. They seem to without a filter tell you what think about your country especially their frustrations.

I was told once why do I waste so much time bothering with China so much. This coming from someone who was Chinese who gets mad at everything that seems to be a racial slight towards her. She thinks it’s a waste of time thinking about things that have nothing to do with me. So can you imagine the kind of anger and frustration that builds up from Scandinavians and Westerners over how the world is not doing what they want…?

The West being happy is a bunch of bull.
Bhutans happiness is utter bullshit. It's a joke even in Nepal so we shouldn't take it seriously like Bhutan is pretty much Himilayan North Korea (Their king is like a god)
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So Bhutan being the, "happiness country in the world" was bullshit from the start.


Lieutenant General
Wealth gap in India is the highest it has ever been in decades.
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If you can beat the legendary wealth gap in the US, then the wealth concentration in your country is truly epic.

So the white colonial masters had given Indians better wealth distribution than the rich Indians of today? Wow that is so sick.

Lies. I wonder how NITI Aayog defines "poverty" in its report. The ground realities just don't add up. Poverty is everywhere. The slums are still there. People in the cities are returning to the farmlands to survive.

So India desires to accelerate it's economic growth at all costs to enrich its rich even more. Even resorting to cooking the numbers, and underreporting inconvenient truths. It's a grotesquely top-heavy economy by design. All for the top 1%, and screw the rest. It's so bad, that it makes the colonial era looked better by comparison.

China deliberately slowed it's economic growth to rebalance it's economy. It tries hard to rebalance wealth distribution across the population. Even when it hurts some of China's economic numbers. When China says it's lifting people out of poverty, it is doing it for real.

That is why when India calls itself the "voice of the Global South", it only received applause from the Western nations. When China shares the success story of its poverty alleviation program, countries from the Global South are lining up to learn how to do it.
India use to brag they had more billionaires than China but China had more millionaires. If India had more billionaires, they should also have more millionaires. That’s an indicator that all the wealth in India is going to the few.


Easy. Fentanyl
Is the suicide rate of each country tallied in the "happiness list"?

The differences between TiTok, google, other American social media, and Microsoft etc:
"Tiktok is an American owned company registered in America with all of its data in America in the Oracle cloud, well known to be under the scrutiny of the CIA, with a management team composed of former officials of the FBI, CIA and State Department, and is 100% abiding by American laws, with not one single "Ban TikTok" Congressional hearing testimony saying TikTok had broken any laws under which they operate, just like all other American companies.

Twitter on the other hand, along with Google, are NOT registered to do business in China. It is entirely untrue that the Chinese government has banned Twitter or Google from doing so if they wish. They choose not to. It's that simple.

While other Magnificent 7 tech companies like Microsoft and Apple are gladly registered to do business in China and are freely available

Surprise surprise, the "Uyghur genocide" accusation was part of Trump regime's CIA influence campaign.

CIA Further Discredits ‘Uyghur Genocide’ by Admitting Covert Influence Campaign​

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Chinese should think twice before they come to the US, even on a business trip.

LMAO. a NATO funded Dutch government group conducted a survey of 312 people in a country of 280 million to come up with this rxtarded result. Meanwhile China is building HSR in Indonesia and the population loves it.
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Senior Member
Registered Member
Interesting connection by RT about Israel's invasion of Gaza.

Blowing up the Nord Stream makes a little more sense now: it favors Israel.

Israel has been sabotaging every energy project in it's region, from Lebanon to Syria to Gaza. Quoting an Israeli source: Israel [soon] for the first time in history will become a major energy supplier to Europe (i.e. after it completely steals Gaza's huge energy reserves).
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Senior Member
Registered Member
Not sure how the USA can be that high on the happiness list, heck how did the uk end up there
Drugs, alcohol, endless entertainment help to cope with the realities of life by numbing the pain. The source of the pain, the problem, remains, but it's physical and psychological effects are curbed. Thus you get a content or happy population despite it being ridden with psychological disorders of all sorts.

We all know how prevalent drugs and alcohol are in the US (and it's not the only country with it), but sports and entertainment - games of all sorts, carnivals, theme parks, events, concerts, casinos, etc are extremely well developed in the US and deeply embedded into the psychosocial fabric of society and culture. All of these numb the faculties of the mind.