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It is getting the boot for sure with US also banning tiktok, preventing Chinese phones from launching in the US and most likely Chinese cars too. But China will do it slowly, making sure milk every drop of money it can get out of Apple before they kick it out.

The US is now saying apple is a monopoly in an anti-trust case. Very soon they will introduce Huawei smartphones in the US to give the US consumers more choices.


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That said, India is not to be underestimated, because it does have a major advantage over China - demographics. While it is not likely that Indian demographics will translate to much of a productivity advantage, it *is* rather helpful in increasing India's global power, since India is great at exporting its population and gaining influence via its diaspora. Just think about all the Indian CEOs, politicians, etc. in the West. No, they're never going to "take over" Western society; but they could become a significant lobbying group, which could become a serious diplomatic problem for China.
why use word never when they are one generation away from having significant influence. Indian population are not protesting like those in Ireland. India major advantage is its integration into Gulf Arabs economic system and its balancing role. Just take a look at Arabian business real estate. Germany with all that Global South and Turkish decent population has such low birth rate. i am sure this country is of interest.

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in Germany has fallen in the past two years. This is the result of a current study. The Federal Institute for Population Research said it fell from 1.57 children per woman in 2021 to around 1.36 in autumn 2023. This means that the so-called fertility level is lower than it has been since 2009. The scientists see a connection between the rate and the various global crises.


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It doesn’t really matter where the French troops go, what matters is how they go there.

If the French sneak in, the Russians will probably not make a huge deal of it and just bomb them extra hard.

If the French go in officially and declare exactly where they are going, then it’s game on. The Russians would be forced to either call Macron’s bluff and bomb the French openly and knowingly and risk triggering Article 5, or not bomb them and allow the French to set an unacceptable precedent where NATO troops can go into Ukraine and create safe zones where the Russians fear to bomb, never mind tread.

I think this latter is a red line for Russia, because as soon as that happens, NATO troops will pop up all over Ukraine and basically freeze the conflict and set the new boarders. Just as it looks like Ukrainian resistance is finally crumbling and the Russians are about to make significant gains.

I don’t think Russia is in any mood for half measures or a compromised victory after all the blood and treasure it has already spent to get this far in Ukraine. China will also be just fine with Russia continuing to focus western attention in Europe and bleeding NATO of arms and money. This is why I think China will support Russia in targeting French troops if they go into Ukraine in whatever guise or capacity. Especially if the Russians learnt their lesson and consulted with China first before making a big move.

Also, it’s worth nothing that it’s not just Russia and America that have big elections this year. If Russia can show the Americans up as unreliable security guarantors, it may sway the election in a renegade province that is central to China’s interests.

If Russia has China’s support, it has to be stupid to not bomb the living daylights out of the French as soon as they can after they entry Ukraine.
Well, LEO TOLSTOY'S descendant does not seem to mind based on this interview from one of France's media.

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2024 World Happiness report
Look at who is at #31 on the list
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i wont put too much stock on this data. They put Kuwait higher than UAE and Saudi. it can be Kuwait are not much educated so less expectations but there certain things like most powerful passport. This only happen when there is active engagement of society to build relations with outside world not just 80 years old king distributing social support.
Even this Finland is suspect. if Finland are so happiest according to this ranking for so many years than why there PISA score has declined or birth rate collapse. both can be attributed to families no longer caring.

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