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A potato

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It take 18 years to breed, raise and train an adult soldier.

It takes 18 hours to manufacture a weapon during wartime to end his life just like that. A well placed drone can probably end 20 in just one go. And they won't even realize they are dead.

Thats how advanced and scary war has become. A human life can be so easily ended just like that.
Unless anti drone technologies as well as Electronic Warfare assets are nearby.

(Anti Drone guns existed for quite some time)


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Foreign investment fleeting from the PRC.

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Tim Apple is just pretending to play nice so that it raises Apple's profile and sales in China

In reality though, Apple doesn't introduce more Chinese suppliers so it's contribution to the Chinese economy is minimal. Contrast them with Huawei and it's huge Chinese supply chain, and there is no comparison at all between them

The choice for Apple is very clear. It either increases the value share of its Chinese components to its devices or it gets the boot.


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Tim Apple is just pretending to play nice so that it raises Apple's profile and sales in China

In reality though, Apple doesn't introduce more Chinese suppliers so it's contribution to the Chinese economy is minimal. Contrast them with Huawei and it's huge Chinese supply chain, and there is no comparison at all between them

The choice for Apple is very clear. It either increases the value share of its Chinese components to its devices or it gets the boot.

It is getting the boot for sure with US also banning tiktok, preventing Chinese phones from launching in the US and most likely Chinese cars too. But China will do it slowly, making sure milk every drop of money it can get out of Apple before they kick it out.


Registered Member
You go and grow your population.
I go and click the spam button on mass production of ai-enabled drones to autonomously target and eliminate them

While on your way, also pick up a sword and a shield. Medieval tactics require medieval equipment after all
I want the share of Chinese people amongst homo sapiens to rise from one in five to one in three. If the world population rises to 9 billion, I want 3 billion of them to be Chinese, be it Han, Hui, Manchu or Uighur, I care not, so long as the world becomes China.
If the indian subcontinent must be rendered into a mass agri enclave of wild forests and padi fields to grow rice and crops, I care not how it’s done so long as it’s done, and I’d prefer non Indian hands to be cultivating said rice, because I don’t want faeces or human remains in my rice, thank you very much.

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Tim Cook is gay like everyone else in the Anglo elite establishment, but he has the bright idea to film his date with a handsome Chinese man to save Apples failing business in China. if he was smart he’d have done a Boeing and removed the problems back in DC.


Registered Member
The Russians wouldn’t care all that much if the French secretly sent 2k more cannon fodder for them to chew through. They almost certainly eliminated more than that number of Polish and Romanians ‘volunteers’ in Ukraine already.

What France is trying to do here is to have its cake and eat it too. Where they want to go in officially to score PR points and cow the Russians into not attacking whole swaths of Ukraine due to the presence of French troops somewhere in the region, but also keep the exact location of its troops in Ukraine a secret to avoid the Russians purposefully targeting them and slaughtering them wholesale.

I think none of the top powers would actually care enough to get overly concerned if that was the case. As such a stupid arrangement would give both the Russians and the Americans more than enough plausible deniability. The Russians can kill them all and shrug when the French complain saying they thought they were hitting the AFU. And the Americans can easily weasel out of Article 5 without looking like they are weaselling out.

What will get the big boys talking is if the French grows a pair and officially announce that they are going into Ukraine and specifically pinpoint where they will be going. As that would strip away the plausible deniability and make any attack on the French troops an undeniably deliberate act by the Russians. The Americans would still be able to weasel out of Article 5, but the optics of them doing so will be far worse.

But in terms of diplomatic movements, I would expect China and Russia to be talking and meeting and the French and Americans to do the same. I am not sure just how much value either camp sees in meeting each other.

The French going in is actually secondary to how they go in and how that is communicated. Until there is more clarity on that, I don’t expect much major moves from any of the other major powers.
I think the French Army will go to the Ukraine's Belarus borders so that the Ukrainian Army stationed there can be freed up to be deployed towards the Russian front.

In such case, there should be minimal to zero contact between Russian and French forces


Registered Member
I think the French Army will go to the Ukraine's Belarus borders so that the Ukrainian Army stationed there can be freed up to be deployed towards the Russian front.

In such case, there should be minimal to zero contact between Russian and French forces
Doesn’t really change anything except that it might take a little longer to find and blow them up. We still end up getting French fries at the end of the day anyhow


Registered Member
I think the French Army will go to the Ukraine's Belarus borders so that the Ukrainian Army stationed there can be freed up to be deployed towards the Russian front.

In such case, there should be minimal to zero contact between Russian and French forces
Wasn't the rumors that the French Army will go to Odessa? I think the Russians want to capture Odessa before agreeing to a ceasefire.


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I think the French Army will go to the Ukraine's Belarus borders so that the Ukrainian Army stationed there can be freed up to be deployed towards the Russian front.

In such case, there should be minimal to zero contact between Russian and French forces
Ahaha I wouldn't be surprised if this was the actual plan as it is in line with how the west actually treats Ukraine.

They want to look tough on Russia but at the same time make sure its Ukrainians not them actually dying. After all French lives are worth something and people will be pissed when they come back in bodybags. Ukrainians? Not so much.


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Zelensky’s security chief insults senior Chinese diplomat​

Aleksey Danilov, the secretary of Ukraine’s National Security and Defense Council, has insulted a senior Chinese diplomat during a live interview by playing on the similarity between his name and a Ukrainian swear word.

Danilov rebuked Beijing’s special representative on Eurasian affairs, Li Hui, on national TV on Wednesday after the diplomat visited Kiev earlier this month. According to Politico’s sources, he “amplified” a message that his government may boycott international talks on the Ukraine conflict, which Kiev wants to convene without Russia in Switzerland.

During the interview, the Ukrainian official angrily declared that it is up to his nation to decide its fate, and not “some Hui, or whatever his name is.”One of the co-hosts smirked and covered her mouth with her hand, reacting to the play on words.

In Ukrainian and Russian, the name resembles a swear word for male genitalia.
In Ukrainian and Russian, the name resembles a swear word for male genitalia.