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Lieutenant General
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This is why that Linette Lopez's Business Insider article is absurd. International businesses aren't going to risk being permanently be banned in China thinking they'll get what they demand. She thinks if American businesses aren't allowed to sell their products in China, they'll turn on China? How? Why does Tim Cook bother to visit China when Apple iPhone sales are continuing to decline. Shouldn't he turn into a bitch and badmouth China instead? No need to add Chinese ambassadors to pollute white luxury brands. Google took a tougher stance against China than anyone else hoping other companies would follow. Google today is shutting up like a bitch. Google's mistake thinking they were bigger than China to make demands is why all businesses are scared to offend China today. And this is all happening because of US government policies. Americans haven't changed. Back when it was Japanese cars, American unions thought the US could demand no Japanese cars be sold in the US while American cars could be sold in Japan unrestricted. That was forty years ago.


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Anyone follow chess? India apparently won it's first Chess Olympiad which is funny considering the way Jai Hinds talk, you would expect India to have won it as many times as Russia. Armenia with like 3m people won it twice.

It's probably not that important in the grand scale of things. The important thing is the world chess championship between Ding Liren of China and Gukesh of India in 2 months.

Hate to be a Debbie downer but Ding is not in good form while Gukesh is. But like last time, maybe Ding will work his magic again and shock the world. Or he's just hiding all his prep. If that happens, it's gonna be a 9/11 moment for Jai Hinds who are almost certain Gukesh will win.
Is Chess is even worth following nowadays? Magnus Carlsen is a beast. Ding Liren or Gukesh will never beat that guy. Ding earned his title because Carlsen simply doesn't give shit and decline to defend.
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Lieutenant General
Registered Member
picture is consistent with my perception in German economic development since inception of "EU". Angela Merkel and her predecessors provided Germans with unprecedented prosperity. Similar to history of Chinese dynasties, it only takes one or two spoilers to ruin the empire ......
Angela Merkel was already the start of the decline. She put Germany into a state of paralysis while other economies like the US and China pulled ahead.

This comes across like you are admitting to their poor socioeconomic situation and preemptively blaming their supposed moral and cultural inferiority for it.

Gypsies aren't some kind of ubermensch caring all of Europe. All the same they are a group of ethnically-defined undesirables used as disposable migrant labor throughout Europe. It's easy when those countries neglect to take census data of them, conveniently hiding labor data, human trafficking, and mortality rates in the community.

They get exploited by illegal non contract jobs, and being outside the formal labour market they are effectively without access to social rights and pathways to permanent residence. In Romania they're the cheap construction and mining labor. They're estimated to be the largest European ethnic group yet they live in ghettos/favela type shantytowns.
Construction and mining labor... lol. Often they are begging on the street. The ones which do work regular jobs you will likely find in sales, trading, or something like that. A lot of them are merchants of some sort. Gypsies doing heavy labor. Nice joke.

Calling them an European ethnic group is also kind of interesting since they originally came from India and migrated to Europe centuries ago. They have admixed and converted to Roman Catholicism in that time. But a lot of them never quite adjusted. The main reason because they often don't bother sending their children to school to get educated unless they are forced to. Do you expect people with poor literacy and maths knowledge to get well paid jobs?

Don't believe the EU or anyone else looking to make their own chips is about avoiding China. It's all about not trusting the US to sell their chips to them without conditions. The EU is doomed to fail unless they can get to sell to China but time is running out for that because when China starts making equivalent or better chips, the whole West will be crashing.
The EU sure has a strange way of doing this. By sending most of their state funding to companies like Intel or TSMC so they can have chip fabs in the EU. So much for getting an "independent" supply.


Junior Member
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The EU sure has a strange way of doing this. By sending most of their state funding to companies like Intel or TSMC so they can have chip fabs in the EU. So much for getting an "independent" supply.
EU knew for long time that they cannot compete. What they want is protect Western hegemony and US is seen as "Western". They are happy being the second fodder as long as their master is on the top. That's how they guarantee some of their benefits.


Lieutenant General
Registered Member
EU knew for long time that they cannot compete. What they want is protect Western hegemony and US is seen as "Western". They are happy being the second fodder as long as their master is on the top. That's how they guarantee some of their benefits.
It is just pathetic. For example someone mentioned VW and Horizon Robotics. One their main businesses in the EU is making cars for export. So how come they do not have their own self-driving chips?

Instead of funding that, the EU spend bazillions several years back supposedly to try to make a synthetic emulation of the human brain. That is how retarded they are.


Lieutenant General
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Translation... US companies are going bankrupt not being able to sell to China.

All this fake bravado bull just to cover-up this basic fact. Yes the US is hurting because their companies can't make money from China. What happened to decoupling with China? That's what decoupling means where all sides disengage and have nothing to do with one another. The irony is that was too much for the West and that's why they changed it from decoupling to de-risking. They wanted China to keep buying from them what they were willing to sell but they didn't want China making money from them. And what's happening instead is the situation is reversed where China isn't buying from them while they're still dependent on cheap products from China because any alternative would cost them more to their fragile debt-ridden economies.

What are US businesses going to do to China if China doesn't give them free reign to sell anything without restriction that the US hasn't already done? Fund mercenary operations to sabotage China? Maybe because the US government now having the backing of US business will more likely start a war with China. The only thing that prevents the US from going to war with China is the fear China will fight back and Americans will die and they can't take casualties like everyone else can. In my previous post in the this thread I mention how US famers think they just have to wait a little bit longer before China submits and starts buying their agricultural goods. Why wait? The US is suppose to have all this clandestine power in their hands. Why not unleash it now? Because they can't for the fear of a greater loss they can't sacrifice for.

Nice goldmine you got there, would be a shame if something were to happen to it if my companies can’t profit from it.

America has always been a mafia state, only difference is that before it followed the gangster rules and so could be worked with. Now it’s going out of its way to become the hate fuelled unreasonable, irrational old thug who cannot be reasoned with and who forces the reluctant hero to destroy them by leaving the hero no other option other than surrender and death.


Senior Member
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Is Chess is even worth following nowadays? Magnus Carlsen is a beast. Ding Liren or Gukesh will never beat that guy. Ding earned his title because Carlsen simply doesn't give shit and decline to defend.

How is Magnus Carlsen a beast if he is hiding from competition?


Senior Member
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Back when it was Japanese cars, American unions thought the US could demand no Japanese cars be sold in the US while American cars could be sold in Japan unrestricted. That was forty years ago.
Going a bit off topic.. when Japanese cars entered the American market, the fear was of foreign competition. But America still had a decent chance to compete with it's domestic cars. In today's case though with Chinese EV's, American manufacturers don't have anything at all to really compete. Tesla doesn't count because it's on the luxury-end, not something the average consumer can afford. An $11,000 BYD Seagull is more accessible than any petrol/diesel car in America, forget EV.

It looks like to me that the US is waiting for it's domestic manufacturers to come up with something similar to have even somewhat of a level playing field. But that "coming up" just isn't happening.


Junior Member
Registered Member
How is Magnus Carlsen a beast if he is hiding from competition?
He is not hiding from competition. He is just bored as hell due to being the world champion for 10 years and because Ding and other competitors sucks. Magnus just beat Ding 3-0 in last June. Ding is world champion in name only.