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Apartheid army helps illegal settlers destroy Palestinian orchards

The most extreme of these settlers are the Hilltop Youth, founded by Meir Ettinger.
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Ettinger is the grandson of the American Jewish terrorist Meir Kahane.
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Kahane was convicted of terrorism in both Israel and USA. However, the organization he founded - the Jewish Defense League (JDL) - still operates in North America and France, and has been implicated in terrorism.
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Looks like YouTube immediately banned this TRT documentary on Israeli settlers. Only thing remaining now are the reviews and trailers.

Warning: Graphic



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Pakistan has tons of these schools. I went to one. Actually, this is the only choice for most middle/upper income class folk because the government schools are totally shit. I'm guessing it's similar to this Chinese private school. By the time you graduate, you are a Westerner who looks down on the locals. Should one at this time choose not to migrate to the West, they form a bubble within the local society just for themselves; kind of like a social apartheid, where everyone outside the bubble is inferior. Clever way to imbue Western culture into and enslave the local society. In Pakistan, these schools are often funded by foreign governments, especially the British and American. K-12 indoctrination, teaching students why West is the best and why you are inferior.
That is totally wrong. I have both of my kids through these private schools, and their curriculum sucks compare to the China one. "The 6 year old sucks in math" is really true because all international schools sucks in math compare to China's schools. However, the nice thing is there are tutoring companies like XueErSi that offers high end classes. (Pretty much banned a few years, but it is now back, also government is starting to support these classes this year) My kids learn math, computer science, chemistry, physics from XueErSi to compensate their private school education which is only good for English.

I always question UN's HDI, because a large part of it is "Mean years of schooling and expected years of schooling", and because of China's 9 years compulsory education, China lost a lot of points. However, I don't understand why UN don't understand that what is important is how much students learned, not how many years they spend in school. Chinese in China's schools learned more in 9 years than most western countries' students learned in 12 or 13 years. Just compare China's 9th grade student's math skills to adults in US or UK or Canada, and you will see.


Competition in shipbuilding industry is already over. With AI applications being developed and deployed in shipbuilding production processes and associated steeling making processes, on apply-to-apple comparison, I don't see one single significant factor that would give SK+JP+US any comparative advantage in shipbuilding industry. More technologically advanced with lower costs throughout the entire industrial ecosystem ......

I feel more generous today: how about SK+JP+US+EU vs China shipbuilding on this subject?

Would you add Philippine ? ;)


Lieutenant General

Don't believe the EU or anyone else looking to make their own chips is about avoiding China. It's all about not trusting the US to sell their chips to them without conditions. The EU is doomed to fail unless they can get to sell to China but time is running out for that because when China starts making equivalent or better chips, the whole West will be crashing.

"Hot mic" my ass! It was intentional. And what Biden said... "Big deal!" The only value was the idea that it was something serious he said under the guise it was not meant to be public therefore it must a blow to China somehow. The Quad all together can do nothing to China except to have meetings to say they're doing something. That shows you how weak and feckless they are. The US is too use to dealing with countries that are export dependent on them so they can dictate terms. With China they only concentrate on how they can deny China from selling to Americans. These days selling to Chinese is more important and profitable which they want to avoid mentioning all together. That's why the article from black racist Linette Lopez from the Business Insider I posted previously. She's trying to spin the reality how China doesn't need the US as some affront to US businesses that they're a bunch of James Bond villains where they're going to do something against China if China doesn't submit. It would be easier to use this "power" on their own politicians and buy them off to stop them from antagonizing China where the Chinese people are shutting them out which is harder to turn around than if it were the government. Behold the power of the Chinese consumer. Mightier than the American one when they can do nothing but throw empty threats. What they want... they're going to have violate someone's human rights in order to get it.


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That is totally wrong. I have both of my kids through these private schools, and their curriculum sucks compare to the China one. "The 6 year old sucks in math" is really true because all international schools sucks in math compare to China's schools. However, the nice thing is there are tutoring companies like XueErSi that offers high end classes. (Pretty much banned a few years, but it is now back, also government is starting to support these classes this year) My kids learn math, computer science, chemistry, physics from XueErSi to compensate their private school education which is only good for English.

I always question UN's HDI, because a large part of it is "Mean years of schooling and expected years of schooling", and because of China's 9 years compulsory education, China lost a lot of points. However, I don't understand why UN don't understand that what is important is how much students learned, not how many years they spend in school. Chinese in China's schools learned more in 9 years than most western countries' students learned in 12 or 13 years. Just compare China's 9th grade student's math skills to adults in US or UK or Canada, and you will see.
Your response is totally irrelevant to what I wrote. You are talking academics. I am talking cultural indoctrination.


Somebody posted here TikTok deleted Sputnik account. Apparently, they also deleted the RT accounts.
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Anyone follow chess? India apparently won it's first Chess Olympiad which is funny considering the way Jai Hinds talk, you would expect India to have won it as many times as Russia. Armenia with like 3m people won it twice.

It's probably not that important in the grand scale of things. The important thing is the world chess championship between Ding Liren of China and Gukesh of India in 2 months.

Hate to be a Debbie downer but Ding is not in good form while Gukesh is. But like last time, maybe Ding will work his magic again and shock the world. Or he's just hiding all his prep. If that happens, it's gonna be a 9/11 moment for Jai Hinds who are almost certain Gukesh will win.


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Your response is totally irrelevant to what I wrote. You are talking academics. I am talking cultural indoctrination.

Somebody posted here TikTok deleted Sputnik account. Apparently, they also deleted the RT accounts.
"Actually, this is the only choice for most middle/upper income class folk because the government schools are totally shit. "
Responding to this line. The situation between Pakistan and China is very different.


Registered Member
Anyone follow chess? India apparently won it's first Chess Olympiad which is funny considering the way Jai Hinds talk, you would expect India to have won it as many times as Russia. Armenia with like 3m people won it twice.

It's probably not that important in the grand scale of things. The important thing is the world chess championship between Ding Liren of China and Gukesh of India in 2 months.

Hate to be a Debbie downer but Ding is not in good form while Gukesh is. But like last time, maybe Ding will work his magic again and shock the world. Or he's just hiding all his prep. If that happens, it's gonna be a 9/11 moment for Jai Hinds who are almost certain Gukesh will win.
Wake me up when India makes an EUV machine... playing Chess as a metric is just falling into Anglo medevil frame


Junior Member
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Apartheid army helps illegal settlers destroy Palestinian orchards

The most extreme of these settlers are the Hilltop Youth, founded by Meir Ettinger.
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Ettinger is the grandson of the American Jewish terrorist Meir Kahane.
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Kahane was convicted of terrorism in both Israel and USA. However, the organization he founded - the Jewish Defense League (JDL) - still operates in North America and France, and has been implicated in terrorism.
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Thanks for remembering to share.