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Junior Member
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India has the scammers's mindset-"please give us all manufacturing technology,advanced military technology .unlimited immigration to western (especially English speaking )countries ,P5 seat etc FIRST and......THEN we 'll take on China-superpower that we are.Fricking joke and now as geopolitical tensions rise in MEand west caught up in a NATO/Russia war quagmire-India's irrelevance is even more apparent-even Trudeau is deporting/returning so called int'l students-90% of which are from india-basically scam immigrants.
The most amazing thing is their entitlement and complete lack of ability to understand why people don't just give stuff to them for free. Even Jews at least go, I have the money so deal with it. Indians don't even have that.

Again must be that brahmin mentality. Not even the Muslim rulers or Brits could stop it.


Registered Member
The most amazing thing is their entitlement and complete lack of ability to understand why people don't just give stuff to them for free. Even Jews at least go, I have the money so deal with it. Indians don't even have that.

Again must be that brahmin mentality. Not even the Muslim rulers or Brits could stop it.
From my experience, the typical Jai Hind indian fancies himself a brahmin or something close to it, and if not they justify their crimes, their rapes, their robberies, their cheating etc with the 'get out of jail free card' of "i'll pay them back next life". THe jai hind brahmin therefore believes he is entitled to all because of some supposed good he did in his previous life, since he is now reincarnated as a brahmin, or higher caste compared to what was before.


Senior Member
Registered Member
Not enough for Europeans to already have a gypsy underclass doing all their menial labor and construction work for pittances but now Poles and others also want a Ukrainian refugee underclass to exploit.

Is there no country in the west that hasn't been built on slavery or pseudoslavery or casteism?